Alpha rest Game master Application [uk]

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Which server are you applying for? (UK/USA): uk

Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): louis sutherland

For how long have you played on CG MRP: 3 years running up to 4 years

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: United Kingdom

NATO name (regiment and rank): Alpha rest SSGT 17thAL

NWO name (regiment and rank): Alpha rest SGT 1stAL

Civilian name: Alpha rest

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:579975155

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes, due to mistakes and lack of knowledge in rules, but this was in 2021 and learned from the experience.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: I have not, but I have helped in many events and been a helper many times building regiments bunks and taking part in important roles in events.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yes, I have played in dedicated roleplay servers and even different games, including GTA.

How many hours can you be on every day?: When I'm not busy at all, I would be on all day.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: I would love to become a Gamemaster on MRP. Over the past three years, I have developed a deep appreciation for the game and the community that surrounds it. One of the things that I love about this server is the opportunity to work with the community and create an enjoyable experience for all players.

As a Gamemaster, I would be able to take my passion for the game to the next level and contribute to the server in a more significant way. I want to use my experience and knowledge of the game to create exciting and engaging events for the community. Additionally, I would be able to help ensure that all players are following the rules and that everyone is having a fair and enjoyable experience.

I am an active member of the community and have learned from my mistakes over the years. I believe that this experience has given me a unique perspective that would be valuable as a Gamemaster. I am dedicated to working with the community and helping to make the server an even better place for all players.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

Please List 3 small event ideas (which would involve at least one side of the server):

Base Assault: NATO and NWO teams are given a mission to assault each other's base and eliminate all the enemy players. The team that eliminates all enemy players and controls the base for a certain amount of time wins the game. This event can be made more challenging by adding AI-controlled turrets, traps, and other obstacles.

Search and Destroy: The NATO and NWO teams are given a mission to locate and destroy enemy equipment, such as tanks, artillery, or communication systems. The team that successfully destroys all the enemy equipment and returns to their base wins the game. This event can be made more interesting by adding AI-controlled enemy patrols and obstacles.

Sniper Duel: The NATO and NWO teams are given a mission to locate and eliminate the enemy sniper team. The team that eliminates all the enemy snipers and returns to their base wins the game. This event can be made more challenging by adding AI-controlled enemy patrols and

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
Battle for Stockholm: The NATO and NWO factions launch a massive invasion of Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden. The players are divided into teams, and each team is given a specific objective, such as capturing key landmarks, destroying enemy infrastructure, or rescuing civilians. The battle takes place in a custom-designed map of Stockholm, which accurately represents its real-life geography and landmarks.
The teams can use a variety of strategies, such as launching surprise attacks, setting up ambushes, and using advanced technology and weapons. The battles can take place on the streets, in buildings, and even underground, with players able to use tanks, planes, drones, and other vehicles to gain an advantage.

To make the event more immersive, the server can also simulate the effects of the war on the environment, such as changing weather patterns, radiation, and resource shortages. The players can also earn rewards and achievements based on their performance, such as medals, ranks, and special weapons.

Overall, this event can provide a unique and immersive experience for players, as they engage in a massive, intense, and realistic battle for Stockholm, set 20 years ahead of time. The custom-designed map can accurately represent the city, with iconic landmarks and buildings such as the Royal Palace, the Stockholm City Hall, and the Stockholm Globe Arena being included.

List an example mission for each pair of regiments:
RMP / AOR:In the Battle for Stockholm event, the RMP/AOR regiment can have the critical role of maintaining order and security within the city. They can be responsible for protecting civilians, securing key infrastructure, and ensuring that the conflict does not spill over into non-combat areas.

Specifically, the RMP/AOR regiment will:

Set up roadblocks and checkpoints to prevent unauthorized access to restricted areas
Coordinate with other regiments to provide backup and support as needed
Evacuate civilians from the conflict zone and transport them to safe areas
Provide medical assistance to injured civilians and soldiers
Investigate incidents of looting, vandalism, and other crimes that may occur during the conflict.
Overall, the RMP/AOR regiment can play a critical role in ensuring that the Battle for Stockholm is conducted in a controlled and safe manner, with minimal impact on the civilian population.
main obj listed obj in jaf and swb obj

SAS / STS:In the context of the Battle for Stockholm event, the SAS/STS regiment can be a part of the invading NATO and NWO factions, tasked with conducting special operations against enemy targets. Their roles and objectives can include:

Conducting reconnaissance missions to gather intelligence on enemy positions and movements.
Conducting raids on key enemy installations, such as communication centers, supply depots, and weapon caches.
Providing close air support to ground forces, using advanced technology and weapons to take out enemy targets from a distance.
Carrying out targeted assassinations of high-value enemy personnel.
Overall, the SAS/STS regiment can be a valuable asset to the invading factions, using their advanced training and equipment to gain an edge over the enemy.

IVG / ISAF:n the context of the Battle for Stockholm event, the IVG/ISAF regiment can be a part of the defending Swedish Armed Forces, tasked with defending key areas of Stockholm against the invading NATO and NWO factions.

Their roles and objectives include:

Holding strategic positions such as government buildings, bridges, and other key infrastructure, and preventing the enemy from gaining access.
Conducting counter-attacks against enemy forces that have penetrated into Swedish territory, to push them back and reclaim lost ground.
Providing cover and support for other regiments, such as the RMP/AOR and JAF/SWB, as they carry out their tasks.
Conducting raids and ambushes against enemy supply lines and communication centers, to disrupt their operations.
Overall, the IVG/ISAF regiment can play a critical role in defending Stockholm against the invading factions, using their training and equipment to hold the line against the enemy's advance.
the main obj of this regiments is to retreave a defencive location in middle of an building with 2 main entrences in order to destroy a comms tower giveing the nhc nucular codes to shoot the nwo stock piles for supplies when changeing back

JAF / SWB:In the context of the Battle for Stockholm event, the JAF/SWB regiment can be a part of the defending Swedish Armed Forces, tasked with providing air support to ground forces and conducting air operations against enemy targets.

Their roles and objectives include:

Providing close air support to ground forces, using helicopters equipped with machine guns, rockets, and other weapons to take out enemy targets.
Conducting reconnaissance missions to gather intelligence on enemy positions and movements.
Conducting air strikes against enemy positions, using precision-guided munitions to take out key targets such as enemy tanks and artillery.
Conducting troop transport and supply missions, using helicopters to move soldiers and supplies to different areas of the battlefield.
Overall, the JAF/SWB regiment can be a critical asset to the defending Swedish Armed Forces, using their helicopters to provide air support and mobility to ground forces, and to take the fight to the enemy in the air.
main objective jaf and swb will have to land troops and work the way into big buildings such as sky scrappers to find the infomation of the current location of the leader of the crimson webb what will be assisted by the sas and aor in fomation will have to be taken to the palace to get unecripted what will take 10 mins of defending and returning to base

1stAL / 17thAR:In the context of the Battle for Stockholm event, the 1stAL/17thAR regiment can be a part of the invading NATO and NWO factions, tasked with conducting armored operations against defending Swedish Armed Forces.

Their roles and objectives include:

Conducting reconnaissance missions to gather intelligence on enemy positions and movements.
Providing armored support to ground forces, using tanks and other armored vehicles to take out enemy targets.
Conducting offensive operations against key enemy positions, such as government buildings, communication centers, and weapon caches.
Conducting defensive operations, such as holding strategic positions and providing cover fire for other regiments.
Overall, the 1stAL/17thAR regiment can be a key asset to the invading factions, using their armored vehicles to provide firepower and mobility to ground forces, and to take the fight to the defending Swedish Armed Forces.
main objective will consist of get infomation on the location of a prototype of poppy the regiment will acheive this by useing the old russian t108 and bmp t-72 and t-14 and t62 what 17th will use where nwo will use ther current tanks and btrs whats is geting kept in the globe arena what is damaged by bombing
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Oct 8, 2021

Lied on application about playtime, the server has not been out for 3 years.

Abused Helper permissions in the past making me believe you're untrustworthy for GM permissions.

Activity could also be better.


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021
Wait wait how tf can you have 3 to 4 years playtime when i never interacted with you.
and also i pretty much think we all need non-repeated ideas of events please.
Im leaving a +/- Neutral


MRP Patriot
Dec 25, 2020
For how long have you played on CG MRP: 3 years running up to 4 years
The UK MRP server must've been up since possibly Oct 2020 (at most, August) which means we have since had 2 years and 5 months of uptime, your timeline is inaccurate.
NATO name (regiment and rank): Alpha rest SSGT 17thAL

NWO name (regiment and rank): Alpha rest SGT 1stAL
I have a handy little sheet I made back in the day that I kept up-to-date for cross referencing applications and new trainees, and I wanted to see your progress over your past four three two years.
Doesn't look like you moved around much, which is calm. I find your name familiar from a very long time ago, but I cannot quite remember when. More than likely, during my time from 2021-22. Obviously a lot of data is probably missing from roster sheets because there was no uniform preservation of data, so I gave it a closer look.

- You had an inactivity discharge on the 11th of January, 2022 from 1stAL. Your rank wasn't preserved, so I have no clue what you were back then.
- Your true tryout date from 1stAL, though marked as 29th of December, 2022, is unknown because your tryout entry states that someone forgot to log your tryout, and so it was logged later. You were promoted from Private on the 29th of December, 2022, so I can assume you were recruited sometime that week.
- You were promoted to SGT on the 8th of January, 2023. You are still marked as active, so I imagine you're alternating NATO and NWO, probably siding with NATO more. You have not been promoted since then.

- You have a tryout entry for 17thAR on the 30th of December, 2022. Your notes say you were, at some point, 10th CPT. This is probably why I remember you.
- You have several promotions from PVT to SSGT and one demotion for inactivity since then. I see that there's a gap between these at least two times.

I've long since migrated from the UK server, so I will not be leaving an opinion. However, I would like to remark that I have a doubt over your activity. I see that you had steady activity between the last weeks of December and the first weeks of January, but your time is a mystery after that.

If this is the case, I would recommend you to spend more time consistently on the server. Good luck!
thank you for the responce and the amount of time and effort you put in to my post i love the feedback. i can show an image of my rank request from a couple years when i was in 10thSD if needed. a point you set out on my activity was that i wasnt 100% active. the reason i wasnt consistant was due to my old pc problems that effected my activity. to make sure this doesnt happen. if i get game master i will be buying a pc just for the role to make sure activety is good with the responsibility that will come with the role.

" You had an inactivity discharge on the 11th of January, 2022 from 1stAL."i dont remember that il look in to it

- You were promoted to SGT on the 8th of January, 2023. You are still marked as active, so I imagine you're alternating NATO and NWO, probably siding with NATO more. You have not been promoted since then. i main nato now but i try my best to help 1st when needed for example informing rosco on things that need to be improved when i see him
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Lied on application about playtime, the server has not been out for 3 years.

Abused Helper permissions in the past making me believe you're untrustworthy for GM permissions.

Activity could also be better.
thank you for the response i take what you said to improve
also the play time was a rough guess due at the time i wasnt in game to fully check sorry if that was misleading
Jun 9, 2021
Buzau, Romania
Application Denied

Hi @darkestleader233 ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a game master application.

There are some concerns about your use of powers when you received the Helper rank that make me unsure if you are fit for the game master team for now. Also you need to improve on the event ideas as they are mostly basic.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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