Amanda Brown's Ethics Assistant Application (USA)

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Well-known Member
May 29, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:152212085
Discord name: blahaj_enjoyer123
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 3 Months
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: MDT
Character name(s): Amanda "Dionysus" Brown
Civilian name: Dr. Brown
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes, and I have access to Teamspeak and Discord.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Executive Researcher (~1.5 Months)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-I have one FearRP warning, for not complying with a DC who had a gun pointed at me.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
As a candidate for the Ethics Assistant position, I believe I am the best fit for this role due to my strong alignment with the core values and principles that underpin ethical decision-making and my exceptional set of skills that directly contribute to the success of this position.
During my time as an Executive researcher I've gained invaluable experience on many topics including a comprehensive understanding of the Code of Ethics and the Legal Codex, I've gained excellent communication skills and have no issue keeping professional during my time on site. As well I have great judgment and know what to do when hard decisions and have no issue making the necessary sacrifices to make sure the sites goals and secrecy are kept discrete. I have spent many of my hours on Executive dealing with conflict resolutions and maintaining the research departments reputation by dealing with less then productive research staff. I continue to help maintain the sites secrecy and often help IA and DEA with certain information breaches that need to be dealt with and am not afraid of making certain sacrifices to keep those secrets behind closed doors.
As well during my time as Executive Researcher I was the head of SCP 939 research and conducted many test on 939 including a large scale study on 939's amnestic properties and it's usefulness for many situations that site members may experience. But when I'm not conducting tests I spend my time helping, assisting and mentoring researchers, In fact one of the researchers I've been helping a lot recently became an Executive as well and has done an amazing job during they're time on it. I feel with my skillset I believe I can help assist the goals of the foundation and keep the site safe.

In conclusion, my comprehensive understanding of The Code of Ethics and all Site Rules, strong communication skills, sound judgment, impartiality, conflict resolution abilities, and commitment to continuous improvement and experience in Executive Researcher make me the best candidate for the Ethics Assistant role.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
Ethics Committee Assistants play a crucial role in upholding ethical standards and completing tasks given by the ethics committee
Conflict Resolution: When ethical disputes or conflicts arise between Foundation staff, Ethics Committee Assistants step in as mediators to facilitate discussions and find amicable resolutions. They maintain a neutral stance and ensure that all parties involved are heard and treated fairly.

Enforcement of the Legal Codex and Code of Ethics: Foundation staff are required to follow the legal codex to maintain order and fairness. If an ECA observes violations, they must handle them professionally, ensuring the person who broke the code of ethics understands their mistake and guiding them in the right direction
Maintaining Confidentiality: In situations where sensitive information is involved, such as during conflict resolution or disciplinary actions, Ethics Committee Assistants must maintain strict confidentiality to protect the privacy of the individuals involved.
Educational Initiatives: Ethics Committee Assistants may organize educational initiatives to raise awareness about ethical considerations within the RP community. This can include workshops, guides, or discussions focused on ethical decision-making and responsible conduct.

Transparency and Communication: Ethics Committee Assistants ensure transparent communication with Foundation staff regarding ethical issues, enforcement actions, and any updates to ethical guidelines. Clear communication helps build trust within the Site.
while observing facility staff on the Site in a low profile way. Ethics assistants will also help coordinate the site if no site command or administration members are on site. During a code 5, ECAs are allowed to authorize the use of AA to help MTF keep the site in a safe state.
In summary, Ethics Committee Assistants in RP communities carry the responsibility of maintaining ethical standards, resolving conflicts, promoting inclusivity, and upholding the positive spirit of the community. By fulfilling these duties, they contribute to a thriving and harmonious RP environment that enriches the experiences of all members involved.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Once known as Nuliaq, a name long-forgotten due to the dark memories of her past, Amanda Brown's journey began in the frigid landscapes of northern Nunavut, where she was born into a tribe of Inuit aboriginal peoples. Her people lived a peaceful life, closely connected to the land and its spirits, until the day the unimaginable occurred.

The tribe's existence was forever altered when the enigmatic SCP-2085, known as "The Black Rabbit Company," arrived in their midst. This anomalous entity was a spectral, shadowy figure, accompanied by an eerie entourage of ghostly rabbits. The entity had a peculiar fascination with the people of the tribe, often observing them from the periphery, creating an unsettling presence that cast a haunting shadow upon their once-idyllic lives.

As a child, Amanda was filled with curiosity and wonder about the strange occurrences surrounding SCP-2085, but as time passed, a dark cloud of terror began to engulf her tribe. The Black Rabbit Company brought misfortune and sorrow, causing great suffering to her people. This anguish culminated in a devastating event that shattered Amanda's life forever.

In the wake of the tragedy, Amanda was taken from her tribe and transported far away to a residential school in Ontario, Canada. Stripped of her cultural identity and given the name Amanda Brown, she faced a harsh and hostile environment. Despite her intelligence and academic excellence, Amanda was subject to discrimination, scorn, and humiliation due to her appearance and heritage.

The relentless torment weighed heavily on Amanda, plunging her into a deep depression. In her darkest moments, she sought solace in studying the anomaly that had caused so much pain – SCP-2085. Unbeknownst to her, this entity had somehow imprinted a fragment of its eerie presence onto her, intertwining its essence with her very being.

Driven by a mixture of curiosity, revenge, and a desire to understand her own transformation, Amanda's fascination with the anomalous grew. She delved deep into the lore surrounding SCP-2085 and other anomalies, uncovering secrets that few could comprehend.

It was during this time of self-discovery that the SCP Foundation took notice of her unique perspective and knowledge. Recognizing her potential, they recruited her as a researcher. Though Amanda had been shattered by her past, the SCP Foundation saw a glimmer of resilience in her. They provided her with a new sense of purpose and identity, welcoming her as a valued member of their organization.

In the halls of the Foundation, Amanda, now known as Researcher Nuliaq once more, uses her intimate knowledge of SCP-2085 and her own anomalous connection to assist in understanding and containing other anomalies. Her journey, marked by pain and loss, has molded her into a person of unwavering determination and unyielding curiosity, guiding her in her quest for the truth behind the enigmatic SCPs and the mysteries of her own past.


Active member
May 14, 2023
A solid Executive Researcher, and if they put the same effort into ECA that they did in Exec, you'll have nothing to worry about.
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