"Apollo's" Ethics Committee Assistant Application

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Jun 10, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:598890130

Discord name: Instant_Fox3

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since about June


In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: USA CST

Character name(s): "Apollo", Alfred Guy Sr.

Civilian name: Mr. Lambert

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:
-Yes, But it unfortunately broke

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI-A[held] , MTF E-11 LT[held], Both IA and DEA, DEA Sr. Agent[Current], 096[Current], CI-B[Current],O-1 CPL[Current],ECA[Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-4 warns total, LTARP pressing F2 on surface whilst in Combat,2 FailRP,Avoiding nuke with the chess board,going in the foundation as a Gun Dealer and a Naming Con

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- I used to main IA a ton before I got into E-11 and I sometimes go on it from time to time and I have knowledge of the CoE and CoC And I'm committed to the role and I also have Leadership experience from being a E-11 LT and DEA Sr. Agent and my NCO role in Omega-1 and I respect everyone despite if their rude and I always try to maintain professionalism which is one of the most important things about being a assistant and I have made numerous arrests as a IA agent I also know what a sampling document needs for approval and I'm active. Also have held ECA not that long ago. And O-1 deals with CoE violations

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- Give orders to O-1 when no ECM+ is on-Site
-Evaluate different departments/MTF
-Authorizing AA when no Site Advisor+ is on site
-Authorizing KOS past airlock when No Site Advisor+ is On-Site
-Authorizing D-Block Sweeps
-Enforce the CoC,CoE,FLC
-Signing Research Doc and other documentation
-Fulfil orders given to them by the Ethics Committee
-Manage the site when SA and SC are not available
-Give out D Class Work Permits
-Maintain professionalism

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Alfred Guy was born in Wisconsin, U.S.A and enlisted into the military at 17. he served until he was a Sergeant Major. He became a Military Police officer after he resigned experiencing multiple situations with Combat and arrests Due to his performance he was scouted by the S.C.P Foundation "MMMHMMHMH" Alfred Muffled "Hey quiet down" A man in a Suit and Tie said. The man ungagged Alfred and grabbed the bag off his head "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" Alfred screamed "Shh" the man said "Where am I?" You're in Canada in a underground facility "CANADA!" Alfred yelled "We were observed you for a Long time Alfred Guy" "How do you know my name?" Alfred said "none of that matters currently the only thing you should be concerned about is this offer" the man said "what offer" Alfred said "this offer will change your life for the better this facility has creatures varying from a small blob of slime that makes anyone feel better to a dangerous giant Lizard that hates all of humanity" the man said "you will be placed at a mid tiered General Security Officer due to your Military experience and performance" the man said "What happens if I deny your offer" You will be injected with Amnestics and be brought back to your home in the United States" the man said "Amnestics? the hell is that?" Alfred exclaimed "Don't worry about it" the man said "Fine I'll take you up on your offer " Alfred said "Delightful I'll keep in touch but for now we would have to move yo-" the man was interrupted by a announcement "THE SITE IS EXPERIENCING MULTIPLE KETER AND EUCLID LEVEL CONTAINMENT BREACHES FULL-SITE LOCKDOWN INITIATED" "MOVE HIM NOW" he said "SCRAMBLE E-11 AND SCU IMMEDIATELY" before Alfred can speak he was gagged and had a bag placed over his head. after the containment breach he was informed about his new position and worked his way up to become a IA Agent he made numerous arrests he then worked is way up to a PVT in Epsilon 11 "The Nine-Tailed Fox" then to a LT in the regiment then a O-1 operative dragged him to a room. "Hello?" "Hello Mr. Guy" "Hello Mr. Ethics sir" "we were wondering if you'd be interested in a new opportunity" "and what would that be Sir?" "we would like to offer you a chance at becoming a Ethics Committee Assistant" "Really?" "Yep" "Sure I'll take the position" "Very Well, we will be in touch"
Last edited:
Aug 8, 2022
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A message has been received from the Site-65 Ethics Committee

To: "Apollo"

Hello. We appreciate you taking the time to apply for the position of Ethics Committee Assistant. After careful consideration, we believe that your skills, experience, and qualifications make you suitable for this position. Congratulations and we look forward to working with you.

Please contact me (via discord @bogitos) with any further questions or concerns regarding your new position.

-From Ethics Vice Chairman "Peasant"

Application Accepted
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