- Jun 10, 2023
- 240
- 1
- 52
- 61
Before leaving a -Support or a neutral support it would be much appreciated if you leave a reasoning this would allow me to improve in the future when I go again for Ethics Member if I get denied
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:598890130
Discord name: Instant_fox3
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Close to 2 years
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: USA CST
Character name(s): Foundation: Apollo CI: Mercenary
Civilian name: Mr. Lambert
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- DEA Special and Field Agent, MTF O-1 LT (was CPT), MTF E-11 LT, CI-G, 4x Ethics Committee Assistant, Combat Medic, All Licenses, Both 096 and 22415 WL's
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have received a total of 4 warns in my time playing this server. 2x FailRP warns for going inside the Foundation as a Gun Dealer and avoiding nuke via Chess Table, A Name Con and a LTARP for a reason. I cant remember all of these warns were around a year ago and Expired.
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
- I am applying for the Role of Ethics Committee Member. When I started this server I really liked O-1 and made me strive to the position. I originally had no plans for Site Command but after some time I really wanted to become a Site Command member. I also hope with being a Ethics Member I can make some changes that would improve different Departments. Another reason is that I want a break from constant Combative RP since I main Combative roles more than Non Combative roles. And I noticed that some departments lack in RP and since this is a RP server I wish for that to change. Another thing I would like to change is the view that people have on Ethics something that I noticed is that people view ethics as lesser than the O5 I would like to change that so people respect them.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
- I believe I am fit for the role of Ethics Member for the following reasons:
I would say I am active on SCP RP on average I spend 2-4 hours a day on the server on a week day. And I usually play longer during the weekend. I have never been inactive when it comes to Vtime and when I am on the server I go AFK for minimal amounts of time as possible
For being a Ex. E-11 LT, DEA Special Agent and a CI Gamma and being a Current O-1 LT I believe that I hold a good sense of Leadership. During my time as a CO in Omega-1 I have made a total amount of 20 orders for Omega-1 and during moments that are in need of leadership I will most likely tell people what to do for an example if me and fellow O-1 are escorting and I notice a place where it would be more beneficial for an O-1 to stand I will point it out. Another example is during wargames if I feel that theres a weakness in the opposing teams defense I will tell them to advance or push up. This is an important quality for an Ethics Member due to them being one of the top leaders it is required that they can lead foundation staff
Something that I learned within Omega-1 and Epsilion-11 is that Professionalism is #1 because it Impacts yourself and the regiment/Department you represent when I'm on O-1 I make sure to keep my operatives maintaining their Professionalism on site. From my knowledge I have never been corrected on my behavior/professionalism this shows that I can be trusted with a high position this is important for an ECM due to them representing EC if you minge on ECM people will take EC without seriousness and would think EC are filled with people that shouldn't be trusted with a SC role I also have minimal warns which proves that I am not a rulebreaker nor a minge
I've held multiple CL4 roles that include O-1 CO, E-11 CO, DEA Special agent and Ethics Committee Assistant meaning that I believe that I am Experienced enough for the Role of Ethics Member. I have also worked along side numerous Ethics Members and Chairman's (From what I have counted 14 ECM's/ECC's) in the past year of being a Omega-1 Member with that experience I have observed and learned stuff that would be beneficial for being a Committee Member. Experience is a important quality for an ECM due to Ethics members being the 2nd highest IC role next to Overseers you need someone who has played the server and been apart of EC for a extended amount of time
I am active within the discord which means I can quickly respond to a question or concern if someone pings/DM's me. When I am called upon by a member of the foundation I most likely will respond. When I am ingame I am extremely active and only go AFK when personal problems come up or I need a break for a quick minute. I have learned that Ethics Members are quite busy sometimes on site whenever that's dealing with a Ethics question or signing research documentation and a constant AFK ECM is no good for the site.
As a Current Ethics Committee Assistant and a Current Omega-1 Commissioned Officer I have fairly good knowledge of the Code of Ethics. This is important as an Ethics Member due to one of the ECM's main priority's is to maintain and enforce the CoE and a ECM that doesn't shouldn't have the responsibility or role as an Ethics Member
I believe I am a approachable person I treat people with respect and dignity I am also friendly with others and rarely get mad/frustrated I can also easily get along with people this is important for an ethics member due to them being a public member of the foundation and constantly talking with other members on site.
-Plans for the future:
From my time as an O-1 CO and E-11 CO I have learned that MTFs don't get a lot of RP and I hope I will be able to increase the amount of RP MTFs can get. By doing something like a gamemaster request or by doing RP that will benefit the task forces. Another thing I noticed is that I haven't seen a lot of GOC-Foundation interactions I would like to be able to improve relations with GOC with stuff like diplomacy or other sorts of means. I myself haven't done any major impacts for the foundation, but I hope with being an ECM I would be able to make RP better and more frequent.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
- Authing KOS past Airlock, Authing AA
- Activation of the Facility's Nuclear Warhead in a Large scale Containment Breach
- Ordering Ethics Committee Assistants
- Help/assist O-1 Officers order Omega-1 around
- Auditing different departments
- Authing/Running Tribunals when needed
- Tribunaling a member of Overwatch Command when needed
- Helping/Supervising different Departments
- Signing D-Class Work Permits
- Authorizing SCP-008 Sampling/Tests
- Overseeing the Internal Security Department
- Approving Tests/Crosstests that require the Ethics Committee/Site Command such as a Class 5 SCP to a Class 5 SCP Crosstest
- Doing Diplomatic matters with the GOI's of the Foundation
- Discussing Changes/Additions to the Code of Ethics
- Creating/Improving RP around the Facility
- Discussing Issues with Site Admin/Other Members of Site Command
- Making sure All Departments remain Ethical
- Overseeing Site Administration
- Advise changes that may benefit a department
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Assisting the Committee with choosing The Director of Internal Affairs
- Assisting the Chairman with choosing A New Ethics Committee Member
- Appointing a new Omega-1 Commander
- Choosing Ethics Assistants/Coordinators
- Handling certain demotion appeals
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Alfred Guy was a member of the U.S. Marines after achieving the Rank of 1st Sergeant then applied for a Federal Agent position at the United States Secret Service then after time he was assigned on the PPD (Presidential Protective Division) after some time he was scouted by Site-65 and accepted the position of General Security officer he made his way up to sergeant until a tryout for Mobile Task Force Epsilion-11 he passed the tryout and made it to PVT of E-11 and then E-11 LT he then was scouted by the Mobile Task Force called Omega-1 he passed the tryout and he strived in O-1 to become a Lieutenant of the Regiment
Access Granted
Please Pick which Folder you would like to access
Input: Ethics.Committee
Greetings! I am Cairo.ai please stay still for Retina Scan and Fingerprint scan or else Mobile Task Force Omega-1 "Laws Left Hand" will be deployed to your location
Hello Chairman! Which File would you like to access
Input: The Omega-1 File Please and thank you
You got it
Accessed the Omega-1 Folder
Input: Please open the Alfred "Apollo" Guy Folder
Name: Omega-1 "Laws Left Hand" Lieutenant Alfred "Apollo" Guy
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Martial Status: Widowed
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Occupations: United States Marine Corps 1st Sergeant, United States Secret Service Special Agent, Presidential Protective Division
Public Status: Deceased (Executed)
Input: Open Audio Logs please
Which Voice Log would you like to see?
Input: The Ethics Member one please
Playing log...
Chairman: Hello Alfred!
Apollo: Hello Chairman sir
Chairman: please have a seat
A Chair could be heard rolling across the floor
Chairman: for some Privacy I'm also going to close these shutters
Metal Shutters can be heard swiftly and softly rolling down
Apollo: I thought I'd wear a shirt today
Chairman: I appreciate that but... wear one tomorrow okay?
Chairman: Because tomorrow is going to be your first day
Chairman: that's if you would like to work here as a Ethics Committee Member? Would you like that Alfred?
Apollo: Yes sir
Chairman: I guess I revealed it already after very tough deliberation we have accepted you application Mr. Guy
Chairman: Welcome to the Committee
Chairman: Due to Alfred Guy believed to be deceased we will have to change your name
Alfred: Thank you and yes that would make since have any ideas?
Chairman: How about... Alfred Graves
Alfred: I like it
Chairman: very well, I will get all of the things sorted now you and get some rest tomorrow is going to be a big day for you
Alfred: Certainly good day
Chairman: you too
End of Recording...
Input: Cario please open the Apollo file again
Yes sir
Input: Change his position to Ethics Committee Member and elevate his clearance from Top Secret level 4 to Thaumiel Level 5
On it...
Command Complete!
Input: shred all previous records of Alfred Guy and create new ones with the name Alfred Graves
Done and Done!
Name: Committee Member Alfred Graves
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Martial Status: Widowed
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Previous Occupations: United States Marine Corps 1st Sergeant, United States Secret Service Special Agent, Presidential Protective Division
Input: send a Email to Mr. Graves telling him about his new personal quarters and tell the tailor about his new suits
You got it
Would you also like me to email RASIA about the new keycards
Input: yes please 1x Level 4 Top Secret Keycard and Level 5 Thaumiel Keycard
Done anything else today sir?
Input: Nope
Understood have a great day sir
Input: you too Cairo
Input: Log off
--------Connection Terminated--------
Thank you for reading.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:598890130
Discord name: Instant_fox3
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Close to 2 years
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: USA CST
Character name(s): Foundation: Apollo CI: Mercenary
Civilian name: Mr. Lambert
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- DEA Special and Field Agent, MTF O-1 LT (was CPT), MTF E-11 LT, CI-G, 4x Ethics Committee Assistant, Combat Medic, All Licenses, Both 096 and 22415 WL's
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have received a total of 4 warns in my time playing this server. 2x FailRP warns for going inside the Foundation as a Gun Dealer and avoiding nuke via Chess Table, A Name Con and a LTARP for a reason. I cant remember all of these warns were around a year ago and Expired.
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
- I am applying for the Role of Ethics Committee Member. When I started this server I really liked O-1 and made me strive to the position. I originally had no plans for Site Command but after some time I really wanted to become a Site Command member. I also hope with being a Ethics Member I can make some changes that would improve different Departments. Another reason is that I want a break from constant Combative RP since I main Combative roles more than Non Combative roles. And I noticed that some departments lack in RP and since this is a RP server I wish for that to change. Another thing I would like to change is the view that people have on Ethics something that I noticed is that people view ethics as lesser than the O5 I would like to change that so people respect them.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
- I believe I am fit for the role of Ethics Member for the following reasons:
I would say I am active on SCP RP on average I spend 2-4 hours a day on the server on a week day. And I usually play longer during the weekend. I have never been inactive when it comes to Vtime and when I am on the server I go AFK for minimal amounts of time as possible
For being a Ex. E-11 LT, DEA Special Agent and a CI Gamma and being a Current O-1 LT I believe that I hold a good sense of Leadership. During my time as a CO in Omega-1 I have made a total amount of 20 orders for Omega-1 and during moments that are in need of leadership I will most likely tell people what to do for an example if me and fellow O-1 are escorting and I notice a place where it would be more beneficial for an O-1 to stand I will point it out. Another example is during wargames if I feel that theres a weakness in the opposing teams defense I will tell them to advance or push up. This is an important quality for an Ethics Member due to them being one of the top leaders it is required that they can lead foundation staff
Something that I learned within Omega-1 and Epsilion-11 is that Professionalism is #1 because it Impacts yourself and the regiment/Department you represent when I'm on O-1 I make sure to keep my operatives maintaining their Professionalism on site. From my knowledge I have never been corrected on my behavior/professionalism this shows that I can be trusted with a high position this is important for an ECM due to them representing EC if you minge on ECM people will take EC without seriousness and would think EC are filled with people that shouldn't be trusted with a SC role I also have minimal warns which proves that I am not a rulebreaker nor a minge
I've held multiple CL4 roles that include O-1 CO, E-11 CO, DEA Special agent and Ethics Committee Assistant meaning that I believe that I am Experienced enough for the Role of Ethics Member. I have also worked along side numerous Ethics Members and Chairman's (From what I have counted 14 ECM's/ECC's) in the past year of being a Omega-1 Member with that experience I have observed and learned stuff that would be beneficial for being a Committee Member. Experience is a important quality for an ECM due to Ethics members being the 2nd highest IC role next to Overseers you need someone who has played the server and been apart of EC for a extended amount of time
I am active within the discord which means I can quickly respond to a question or concern if someone pings/DM's me. When I am called upon by a member of the foundation I most likely will respond. When I am ingame I am extremely active and only go AFK when personal problems come up or I need a break for a quick minute. I have learned that Ethics Members are quite busy sometimes on site whenever that's dealing with a Ethics question or signing research documentation and a constant AFK ECM is no good for the site.
As a Current Ethics Committee Assistant and a Current Omega-1 Commissioned Officer I have fairly good knowledge of the Code of Ethics. This is important as an Ethics Member due to one of the ECM's main priority's is to maintain and enforce the CoE and a ECM that doesn't shouldn't have the responsibility or role as an Ethics Member
I believe I am a approachable person I treat people with respect and dignity I am also friendly with others and rarely get mad/frustrated I can also easily get along with people this is important for an ethics member due to them being a public member of the foundation and constantly talking with other members on site.
-Plans for the future:
From my time as an O-1 CO and E-11 CO I have learned that MTFs don't get a lot of RP and I hope I will be able to increase the amount of RP MTFs can get. By doing something like a gamemaster request or by doing RP that will benefit the task forces. Another thing I noticed is that I haven't seen a lot of GOC-Foundation interactions I would like to be able to improve relations with GOC with stuff like diplomacy or other sorts of means. I myself haven't done any major impacts for the foundation, but I hope with being an ECM I would be able to make RP better and more frequent.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
- Authing KOS past Airlock, Authing AA
- Activation of the Facility's Nuclear Warhead in a Large scale Containment Breach
- Ordering Ethics Committee Assistants
- Help/assist O-1 Officers order Omega-1 around
- Auditing different departments
- Authing/Running Tribunals when needed
- Tribunaling a member of Overwatch Command when needed
- Helping/Supervising different Departments
- Signing D-Class Work Permits
- Authorizing SCP-008 Sampling/Tests
- Overseeing the Internal Security Department
- Approving Tests/Crosstests that require the Ethics Committee/Site Command such as a Class 5 SCP to a Class 5 SCP Crosstest
- Doing Diplomatic matters with the GOI's of the Foundation
- Discussing Changes/Additions to the Code of Ethics
- Creating/Improving RP around the Facility
- Discussing Issues with Site Admin/Other Members of Site Command
- Making sure All Departments remain Ethical
- Overseeing Site Administration
- Advise changes that may benefit a department
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Assisting the Committee with choosing The Director of Internal Affairs
- Assisting the Chairman with choosing A New Ethics Committee Member
- Appointing a new Omega-1 Commander
- Choosing Ethics Assistants/Coordinators
- Handling certain demotion appeals
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Alfred Guy was a member of the U.S. Marines after achieving the Rank of 1st Sergeant then applied for a Federal Agent position at the United States Secret Service then after time he was assigned on the PPD (Presidential Protective Division) after some time he was scouted by Site-65 and accepted the position of General Security officer he made his way up to sergeant until a tryout for Mobile Task Force Epsilion-11 he passed the tryout and made it to PVT of E-11 and then E-11 LT he then was scouted by the Mobile Task Force called Omega-1 he passed the tryout and he strived in O-1 to become a Lieutenant of the Regiment
Access Granted
Please Pick which Folder you would like to access
Input: Ethics.Committee
Greetings! I am Cairo.ai please stay still for Retina Scan and Fingerprint scan or else Mobile Task Force Omega-1 "Laws Left Hand" will be deployed to your location
Hello Chairman! Which File would you like to access
Input: The Omega-1 File Please and thank you
You got it
Accessed the Omega-1 Folder
Input: Please open the Alfred "Apollo" Guy Folder
Name: Omega-1 "Laws Left Hand" Lieutenant Alfred "Apollo" Guy
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Martial Status: Widowed
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Occupations: United States Marine Corps 1st Sergeant, United States Secret Service Special Agent, Presidential Protective Division
Public Status: Deceased (Executed)
Input: Open Audio Logs please
Which Voice Log would you like to see?
Input: The Ethics Member one please
Playing log...
Chairman: Hello Alfred!
Apollo: Hello Chairman sir
Chairman: please have a seat
A Chair could be heard rolling across the floor
Chairman: for some Privacy I'm also going to close these shutters
Metal Shutters can be heard swiftly and softly rolling down
Apollo: I thought I'd wear a shirt today
Chairman: I appreciate that but... wear one tomorrow okay?
Chairman: Because tomorrow is going to be your first day
Chairman: that's if you would like to work here as a Ethics Committee Member? Would you like that Alfred?
Apollo: Yes sir
Chairman: I guess I revealed it already after very tough deliberation we have accepted you application Mr. Guy
Chairman: Welcome to the Committee
Chairman: Due to Alfred Guy believed to be deceased we will have to change your name
Alfred: Thank you and yes that would make since have any ideas?
Chairman: How about... Alfred Graves
Alfred: I like it
Chairman: very well, I will get all of the things sorted now you and get some rest tomorrow is going to be a big day for you
Alfred: Certainly good day
Chairman: you too
End of Recording...
Input: Cario please open the Apollo file again
Yes sir
Input: Change his position to Ethics Committee Member and elevate his clearance from Top Secret level 4 to Thaumiel Level 5
On it...
Command Complete!
Input: shred all previous records of Alfred Guy and create new ones with the name Alfred Graves
Done and Done!
Name: Committee Member Alfred Graves
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Martial Status: Widowed
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Previous Occupations: United States Marine Corps 1st Sergeant, United States Secret Service Special Agent, Presidential Protective Division
Input: send a Email to Mr. Graves telling him about his new personal quarters and tell the tailor about his new suits
You got it
Would you also like me to email RASIA about the new keycards
Input: yes please 1x Level 4 Top Secret Keycard and Level 5 Thaumiel Keycard
Done anything else today sir?
Input: Nope
Understood have a great day sir
Input: you too Cairo
Input: Log off
--------Connection Terminated--------
Thank you for reading.