Astro's Site Advisor Application [UK] [V3]

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Civil Gamers Expert
May 9, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:171334069
Discord name: joeyspringwell#4431
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 9 days, 5 hours and 26 minutes | 2 or 3 months actual time
Age: 13
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Foundation: Foundation: "Astro" [XD-4 Lead] | Chaos Insurgency: Boris "Geo" Borison
Civilian name: John "Aero" Johnson
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Executive Researcher
-Nu-7 LCPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
-I am a very logistical person and can execute important decisions quickly and effectively. I believe I would contribute greatly as I have - in my opinion - exquisite leadership skills and can manage teams of people effectively. I often spend time assisting with emergencies that arise within the facility. I also often spend time with Site Administration currently, and I feel like I could do more as part of the team. I am very good at managing stressful situations and can always devise a solution to problems. I am very eager to assist running the site to the highest possible quality. I believe that my full potential would be reached, should I be granted a leadership position within the site. As a Site Advisor, I would be able to positively influence the system by which Site-65 functions. I feel like the site would greatly benefit from my leadership and problem solving skills. I also have some site policies I wish to evaluate and change and I wish to ensure that all policies are fair to all staff. I want to also ensure that all personnel have a say in site affairs.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
-I am able to analyse situations and formulate solutions effectively and efficiently. I spent time with Site Administration to learn the ins and outs of the position so, should this application be accepted, I can effectively perform the duties of a Site Advisor. I have conducted an investigation on the Internal Affairs Department on behalf of Site Director Igorski and attempt to assist Site Administration whenever possible. I am good at managing groups of people and issuing commands when required. I have an in-depth understanding of how Site-65 runs and the duties of the personnel within. I believe I can improve the efficiency of the site and improve the quality of work performed. For example, I would assist in setting up a better command structure within GENSEC and ensure new recruits are correctly trained. I would observe research and report findings to the Director of Research and Executives. I would observe the Internal Affairs Department while they are performing a variety of duties to ensure all personnel are being treated fairly and, should they commit a crime, be punished accordingly with no bias. I would attempt to look over any intelligence reports that are submitted, and attempt to assign tasks based on important information gathered. I would speak to new Nu-7 and E-11 recruits personally as much as I could to ensure they fully understand their new duties. I would also speak to personnel as frequently as possible to ensure all personnel are happy with their duties and to attempt to determine any flaws in the system. As previously stated, I have exquisite problem solving skills, which I believe would be put to better use in a Site Administration position. The position has always appealed to me and I have an understanding of the underlying duties of a Site Administrator. An administration position within the site would allow me to perform more effectively, and therefore allow the site to run more effectively. I have successfully set up the Extra-Dimensional division completely from the ground up, which furthers my ability to make changes within division. I have an understanding of how all departments function. I have also made changes within my current department, for example, I set up the Extra-Dimensional Division (as previously mentioned), I have set up a Research Grants document so research staff can request money for their experiments, I also revamped the master document. I often deal with emergencies on-site. This reaches to commanding Mobile Task Forces, issuing orders to ensure safety of personnel and also ensuring protocol is followed.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
-Site Administrators are responsible for managing all personnel on site. They are responsible for making crucial decisions to ensure the safety of Site-65 and the personnel within. They must oversee operations and duties being performed within the site. Site Administration are often the final say in on-site issues and can only be overruled by the O5 Council or Ethics Committee, however this should rarely happen due to Site Administration being capable of making effective decisions. Site Administrators also must oversee the activities of departments and ensure that the department leadership teams are correctly managing the departments. They also are required to be able to deal with emergencies and are authorised to order MTF squadrons, in specific circumstances they are also permitted to issue licences to ensure the safety of personnel.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
-Jeffery "Astro" Jefferson discovered the Foundation early in his life when an anomaly manifested in his village. His parents hid him away from the Mobile Task Force that swept houses for civilians to amnesticate. The whole village was rounded up in the village centre and amnesticated. All except two children: Jeffery - and his closest friend - Boris. Unlike Boris, Jeffery was fascinated by this "Foundation" and aspired to join them. As he grew up, he became logical and analytical, and sought out the Foundation. Inevitably, he was captured by the Intelligence Department and interrogated in Site-65. After a lengthy debate, Jeffery was inducted into the Research Department, where he quickly earned the nickname "Astro" due to his interest in space. He rose through the ranks to become an Executive Researcher. One day, he had an epiphany and realised that his mind and skillset would be better suited in Site Administration. He would be excellent at dealing with breaches and raids as he often helped with them already, he thought. Site Administration definitely appealed to Jeffery due to his experience leading teams during research and emergencies. He would be involved with how emergencies are handled. He would specialise in dealing with codes and breaches, ensuring the safety of personnel and the containment of SCP subjects.
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Tommy 'Romeo' Lee

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Jan 1, 2022
Application Denied

The Council agree that you are not fit for the position. You have decided to tried to work as Site Administration whilst not even having the title then proceeding to use information out of context. We recommend that you get a CL4 Position such as Internal Affairs Ambassador to help with Site Affairs which will give you an overview of what to expect.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.​
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