Aurora Novo Ethics Assistant Application [USA]

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Active member
May 7, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:456200100
Discord name: reaperofdeath9969
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 779 hours roughly about two and a half months now
Age: 24
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Aurora Novo
Civilian name: Namoi Grey
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Currently hold an executive researcher whitelist and a UNGOC whitelist
Formerly held a MTF E-11 and MTF Nu-7 whitelist
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Failrp- Shot at someone outside my containment on TGB before being breached
Fearrp- Pulled out a weapon while being cornered
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
I believe that I would be a good canidate for Ethics Committee Assistant due to my CL4 expierance as an executive researcher. I find more often then not where there are researchers who attempt to break the Code of Ethics whenever they are performing testing and due to this I believe being in the position of being able to uphold the Code of Ethics would be a better chance for me to watch over and make sure no more ethic violations are broke. This way we can create a more safe and ethical environment in the facility and report when any ethic violations are being done.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
Some of the responsibilities of a Ethics Committee Assistant is to help conduct department reviews when it is requested to ensure that each department is following the COE, and COC, they can also approve work permits within reason to D-class who request them and within discretion. They are able to approve AA requests and KOS past airlock during Code 5's. With this they help assist those in the Ethic's committee with different tasks provided to them in order to make the ECM's jobs easier as well as provide assistance when needed to help keep an eye on those who may be violating the Code of Ethics.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Aurora Novo had been brought to the facility after the tragic death of the former Executive Researcher Athena Steele. Due to this she has been mostly in the background watching for researchers who are up and coming as well as researchers who often break the Code of Conduct or the Code of Ethics. She was born and raised in Riverside, Iowa with the fascination of the scientific development such as evolution in human beings and animals. She had gained her masters degree in the study of science, but as many do she studied law as her secondary degree and had graduated with honors. After some time she eventually found herself in a scientific research department studying how humans can eventually evolve into being able to fly. This was an independent study being formulated between the group she was working under known as the "Seraphs". Their entire goal was to create a human into an angelic type being by infusing them with bird DNA. Though after many failed attempts they had been unsuccessful. One late night working she had been alone in the lab working on a new chemical when the burner exploded behind her covering her back in burns and chemicals. After being in the hospital for a week she eventually recovered and took some time off work. Though her recovery rate was faster the expected. Not only was she healing faster she also felt sharp pains in her shoulder blades slowly revealing a pair of small wings emerging from her back. Though little to her knowledge the Foundation had infiltrated the room as soon as the incident happened after medical reports of her advanced healing had came through as well as the reports from her coworkers saying they had succeeded in creating a human with a pair of wings. She had been taken and tested on thoroughly though after a while they realized she wasn't dangerous, but only held some minor anomoulous abilities. She was able to continue her research within the Foundation from then on being able to test thoroughly on different SCP's and learning more about them.


Active member
May 11, 2024

She is a incredible role-player, she has very nice leadership and very nice to others, she is very driven in the Ethic Committee and I'd love to see her as an ECA to soon be an ECM!
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report

REGARDING: "Aurora" Ethics Committee Assistant Application.
Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Assistant, the Committee agrees that you are suited to become an Assistant, please get in contact with Ethics Member "Coral" at your earliest convenience.


Vice Chairman Mr. Pavish
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