ban appeal in a way

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Active member
Feb 26, 2023
in-game name: bobby
Your SteamID:76561198999117620/
Your steam community link:idk what that is
Date of ban: tue
What is your exact ban reason nitrp
Who banned you: RedSpeeds
Ban length? 3 day
What server were you banned on?: SCP-RP UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here
What will you do to stop this from happening again ok i cant stop what i did i was at bow pont [you can ask what that is]
Prior to this, have you ever been warned 1 23 idk but
Why should you be unbanned i did leve the sit i my game die on me i try my best to add the admin but he did acept and i was ban 2 what i did. would of led to my ban if i didnt do what he said i was at bow pont [you can ask wtf that is if you need to know]
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule i didnt break eney.
Why do you want to rejoin this server because it not a shit one and it was a dum way to get band and it was a miss unda standing.
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Active member
Feb 26, 2023
if you need to know what hapind just ask ok 1 more thing i need to add the admin who ban me gag me and said use chat i ask he use to speek
or im baning you i not trying to get him in truber but why would he need to gag and say use chat its just a bit odd but 1 more thing admin
shoud know i crash a lot not all admin but sum because im not going to leve a sit if i had to it sorry if this has miss spelling it 2am for so ya
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Senior Administrator
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Jun 6, 2022
Hi, @bobyyy

Could you try elaborate to me exactly what happened, as I'm being told by the Staff Member who issued the ban that he had observed you teaming with D-Class as a Foundation Researcher. (Cuffing a D-Class, bringing him to SCP-7722's CC then giving him a TE-5 in order for the D-Class to succesfully breach SCP-7722)​


Active member
Feb 26, 2023
Hi, @bobyyy

Could you try elaborate to me exactly what happened, as I'm being told by the Staff Member who issued the ban that he had observed you teaming with D-Class as a Foundation Researcher. (Cuffing a D-Class, bringing him to SCP-7722's CC then giving him a TE-5 in order for the D-Class to succesfully breach SCP-7722)​
ok this is what hapind i was going with some to do a test i wasnt doing it he said i could come the test was for the new scp green but it wen to 7722 some how the dclass wen in to 7722 and didnt get killd and the over left and i couldint just leve the dclass so i got cuths because the was no one with they just left i opin the door and 7722 said dont move or you be shot he ask me to get a hacking thing for the dclass i said can you do that he say if i have a gun to you you do what i say i said you need to lisin or its not rp then he ask why could it not be the same with a bow i said ok then he some how keept the door opin had the bow to me i got the hacker thing dclass got it and the rest you should know i would of sai this to the admin but like i said i had my internet cut out and wen it was back on i was ban sorry if i miss said some thing i just rushing it ok

im going to say one more time i was not the one doing the test i was with some and i was over seening it i dont know how it wne to 7722 it just hapind


Active member
Feb 26, 2023
if you need to know some of what i said just ask
the 3 day ban are up but i want to still get it lift or at lest what to say what hapind and see if i was in the wong or not
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Senior Administrator
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Jun 6, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi, @bobyyy

I'm sorry, but this ban appeal has been denied. The reasoning for this is after having spoken to Licht regarding your prior behavior to getting this ban, even though you hadn't been warned for it before you had been spotted/seen doing the exact same thing which led up to your ban.

Kind Regards, Luft.​
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