Ban Appeal SCP RP

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New Member
Mar 3, 2022
Your in-game name: Paul Kellermann

Your SteamID: 76561198824304912

Your steam community link:

Date of ban: 03.03.2022

What is your exact ban reason: LTAP + minor glitching

Who banned you: n/A

Ban length?: 2 days

Link a copy of the in-game rules here

What will you do to stop this from happening again: There was no way to stop it because I am not responsible if my PC crashes

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Mostly warned for microphone spamming and one time banned for racism, which was a misunderstanding because it was a meme but whatever

Why should you be unbanned: I dropped some chocolates at the window as a chef cook and I accidentally sat on them. I stood up and landed on the catwalk. The guard asked me why I was abusing. I answered I wasn't abusing because I did not know that would happen. I was never warned about this before. Suddenly my PC crashed. I asked an admin for the /fps command to reduce fps-drops, just saying. The thing is, there was no admin there yet, which means that I was not interrogated already. After I crashed I tried to get on so fast I could but got banned already like in 3 minutes after my incident. LTAP doesn't fit here because I was gone for actual 3 minutes. How do I suppose to avoid a crash? The staff could at least talk to me and give me more time to return. Also, there is no evidence I committed an offense. Then why am I banned for glitching tho? I don't want to have this misunderstanding in my profile log.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I really like this server and I don't want any conflicts. Never rdm'ed so far

Why do you want to rejoin this server?: To have fun with the community


Pan Police

Well-known Member
Oct 5, 2021
Hello Orbit,
So I banned you due to the timings of when the sit was taken and when you left and had waited 10+ mins for your return, I was shown a video of you alt + e abusing in the kitchen as a chef to which you had done it multiple times when told by another player that it wasn't allowed after they had said this you did continue to do it to which they made a report and showed me a video of you doing this multiple times.


New Member
Mar 3, 2022
Hello Orbit,
So I banned you due to the timings of when the sit was taken and when you left and had waited 10+ mins for your return, I was shown a video of you alt + e abusing in the kitchen as a chef to which you had done it multiple times when told by another player that it wasn't allowed after they had said this you did continue to do it to which they made a report and showed me a video of you doing this multiple times.
I am okay if you warn me for glitching but the LTAP is not right in my eyes. As I said, I tried so fast I could to join and there are many things to download, which takes over 5 minutes for me. 30 minutes to return seems fair to me. We could talk peacefully and solve the problem together. I want to offer a deal. You warn me for abusing but please remove the LTAP ban because this was not my intention.



Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
Content Team
Dec 24, 2020
Appeal Accepted

Hi @Orbit ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

I have been informed by Pan after talking with you, he would like for your ban to be lifted. For some advice, If you think your game will take a while to reload, you may always dm the Moderator on discord and inform them, that way they know your game has had an issue.​
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