Ban appeal (US)

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May 31, 2022
Your in-game name: Gremlin gerbil (I dont completly remember)
Your SteamID: 7541983758236578943625
Your steam community link: Date of ban: Janurary 21st
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Minor glitching [C] Stacked bans [X] Ban evasion [A] (bobby)
Who banned you: Dr. John. Canoon
Ban length?:
Original ban I dont remember but it was close to around 2-6 weeks current ban is (36 Weeks)
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): I was banned on USA server
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): What will you do to stop this from happening again: Im going to start actually reading the rules because a lot of my prior bans were me not reading the rules and being to lazy to actually read the rules. The reason I got a 36 week ban is for (Ban Evasion) I know what I did was against the rules now but I wanted to show my brother the game before I got unbanned so he would play with me. I wont do this again because I know joining on an alt is against the rules.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?
Yes I have, thats why I was banned for (36 weeks)
Why should you be unbanned: I honestly didnt think I was breaking the rules and I was just being stupid for ban evading. I beleive I should be unbanned because my ban time went up a lot because of a bad mistake I made and it bumped my ban from 4 days to 252 days.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I dont want to repeat this situation So Im gonna read all the rules and try my best to not break anymore rules if I get unbanned.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: Because this is a server I used to play a lot and I find the server fun. I also have been banned a lot on this server I can see this getting rejected for that reason but I Wanted to attempt to get back into the server over summer.
May 31, 2022

Thank you for taking the time to make a ban appeal. Just so that I can recall the specific incident correctly, could you please provide which minor glitch it was that you were banned for. There were unfortunately several that were dealt with on that date.

Hello the minor glitching was me breaking out as 079 while not breached but you banned me for ban evasion
-Thanks for the response
Jul 23, 2022

That does remind me of that incident, thank you for that.

Yes, I remember that the incident was brought to me by a staff member who advised me of the incident. When I spoke to higher staff, they advised that it was a known glitch and to punish you for minor glitching.

At the time of the incident, it was your third incident of minor glitching, making it a class C. Class C Minor Glitching normally attracts a one week ban. However, when I conducted checks on your administrative history, you had a significant history of recent bans, including Class E stacked bans. In consultation with other staff, a decision was decided to impose a Class X stacked bans in relation to the incident.

That brought your ban originally to 26-27 weeks if i recall correctly.

Evidently, you also got caught by Bobby ban evading, which resulted in an additional 8 week ban.

A more senior staff member will review the incident, as it involves two admins and provide a response shortly.

Take care.


MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
Heya @A Person,

As stated above, I extended your ban after confronting you for ban evasion. I understand that you wanted to show the server off, but evading your ban isn’t the right way to do so. Good luck with your appeal.

May 31, 2022
Kind of an edit:
- if what canoon said Was true I was wrong about the 2-6 week ban,I dont beleive it was 27 weeks but thats checkable and I could be wrong.
- I understand how I got banned again but how does It add up to 36 weeks? 27 + 8 = 35
- Also does ban evasion reset your ban with 8 weeks added? because canoon said it was 8 weeks added but it weeks on top of original ban
(These are actual questions im a little confused)
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Appeal Accepted

Hi @A Person,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After reviewing your appeal, I will be partially accepting your appeal. It does appear that you were banned for the incorrect amount of time, however the offenses were still committed. Looking at your history as well, Canoon was correct in banning you for 27 weeks. Considering the amount of time that was added and served, I will be reducing your ban to 15 weeks.​
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