Ban Appeal [US]

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Comrade Emu

New Member
Aug 5, 2023
Your in-game name: [DRA] Gustav "Dougal" Leitner
Your SteamID: 76561199072223167
Your steam community link: Can't get it
Date of ban: 5/8/23
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): FailRP | LTAP
Who banned you: Frederick \" Fanboy\"
Ban length?: 21 hours 25 minutes
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): Can't get it
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I don't even know why I was banned, my game crashed and I couldn't get back into the server.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?: No
Why should you be unbanned: Because I don't know why I was banned and I've never had any warn or ban history.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I didn't LTAP, my game crashed, I tried for 10 minutes to get back in the server.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
Because I really enjoy playing on the server, I reckon I've spent over 100 hours on the server at this point, and I've met some good friends on there.
Hey Gustav, Welcome to the forums.

The reason I called you up into a sit was because a Thaumatologist reported you for teaming with d class. He shared evidence with me via discord, and it showed you letting the D class Brute murder the thaumatologist, and then saying, and I quote "Haha you got him, let's escape now". I did check the tab menu to see that you were an actual combat medic. When I pulled you to a sit, you were holding forward, which is usually a key that someone crashed, and you shortly left the game. Obviously, I couldn't tell if you were faking it or not, so I waited. After you leave, there is a 10 minute wait timer to see if you reconnect just in case you crashed. You did not rejoin within the 10 minutes, so I waited longer, for about 18 ish minutes. You still did not rejoin so I banned you for LTAP and FailRP. Hopefully, you can understand why I banned you here.

From, Fanboy.
Sep 22, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hello, Gustav

After reviewing the ban appeal and the provided statement by "Fanboy," it is evident that Comrade Emu, also known as [DRA] Gustav "Dougal" Leitner, was involved in a situation where they were accused of teaming with a D-Class member to commit a rule violation, followed by a disconnection from the server.

While it is acknowledged that Comrade Emu claims their game crashed, which resulted in their inability to reconnect immediately, the evidence presented indicates that "Fanboy" granted you a significant amount of time to return to the server before applying the ban for Leave To Avoid Punishment (LTAP) and FailRP. The standard wait time for a suspected crash is typically around 10 minutes, which is a reasonable period to allow players to resolve technical issues and re-join the game.

In this case, "Fanboy" provided Comrade Emu with an extended period of approximately 18 minutes to potentially reconnect, well beyond the standard wait time. Despite this generous allowance, Comrade Emu failed to re-join the server, leading to the ban being applied.

Given these circumstances, I find that the ban was warranted based on Comrade Emu's failure to return to the server within the reasonable time frame provided. As such, I will deny the appeal at this time.

While I understand that technical issues can occur and affect gameplay, it is the player's responsibility to promptly address such problems and communicate issues to server moderators to avoid disruptions to the server and potential confusion among the staff.

Best regards,
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