Ban Appeal

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Mar 30, 2023
Your in-game name: Sprucer "RECEPTIONIST"

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:68641183

Your steam community link:
Date of ban: Thursday April 20 19:15:15 2023

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): RDM

Who banned you: "Fanboy"

Ban length?: 3 days || A couple of hours remaining

What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

What will you do to stop this from happening again:

• I will strongly abide by rules from now on.

• I will study all rules as much as needed, check out other rule sources, and go over as many things in #change-logs channel as much as possible.

• I will not try to otherwise not do RP properly, and will improve my sessions, and try to enhance others'.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?

I have had a couple RDM warns, thus this ban. Said warns are still active, a little over a week remaining until not active. Other than that a meta and failrp warn, plus two another individual ones. Other than this, no bans at all.

Why should you be unbanned:

I do not wish for this ban to be removed as it is active at the moment. I can not today either way. What i want is for this ban to be removed from my record, once served. This is my reasoning for it;

• I have tremendous activity in the months i have played, racking many hours everyday, RPing with many factions every day, and interacting with dozens of people.

• I think i am a good addition to SCP-RP CN. I have my own faction on the surface, and i believe i have somewhat of a reputation, to be a good and interesting RPer, as well as player.

• I abide by rules, except for this mistake, and have been for almost 3 weeks. (My 350~ h of gameplay come from a small time frame, relatively speaking.) And i will ensure from now on i do things as per rules entirely.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?:

Like i previously mentioned, as i already have been doing, i will study and try to memorize the rules to the best of my abilities, including going over #change-logs as much as i can, and check out any other rule source available.

Additionally, i have no intent of breaking any rules, in any caliber, from verbal warning to ban. I will ensure to RP as best i can, and make things as fun and entertaining for everyone interacting with me, ALWAYS within the bounds of rules.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:

There is a couple of reasons but, i love this server. I love the rp mechanics, the location, the faction interactions, the custom factions, the community, and i could go on forever. As much as i have hundreds of suggestions waiting to be typed out, i adore the way this server works and how its different parts are intricately made to function together.

Also, It is a home to me. The friends i have made here are some of the best i have. I have played for a long amount of time, and it is just the beggining for me on here. I have aspirations set out for myself as well. For as long as i play, I plan on carrying them out as far as i can, which is plenty of time, considering i want to keep going strong for as long as the server does.

Thanks you all sm for reading, be safe!

PS: I have made a couple of changes in edits to this post. This message is here to notify i have made the last of said edits, being this one, the final version of this appeal. I am detailing this so as to make managing the appeal easier.
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Hey Sprucer, I hope this clears things up for you.

I got a report from an IA agent of RDM and NLR from you, and when I asked him for a clip, the clip showed you randomly killing the doctor for no apparent reason. When I checked your warnings, I saw that you had 5 active RDM warnings at the time. I could see that you had full intention of killing both of them. Even if you were fooling around with your friends, killing for no reason is still RDM.

Mar 30, 2023
Hey Sprucer, I hope this clears things up for you.

I got a report from an IA agent of RDM and NLR from you, and when I asked him for a clip, the clip showed you randomly killing the doctor for no apparent reason. When I checked your warnings, I saw that you had 5 active RDM warnings at the time. I could see that you had full intention of killing both of them. Even if you were fooling around with your friends, killing for no reason is still RDM.

I edited this reply (this same one) because i read it myself and it definetely looks rude. Sorry about that, i wrote it without thinking about it. Consider this as my actual response;

Thanks for the clarifications, i am aware of all of the info you stated, as it currently stands. My intention is not to get it appealed, rather removed from my record, but i see it may have seemed otherwise. Thanks for taking the time to reply!

Please do reach me if i need clarifying anything else to you, regarding this, or here on the appeal if it is needed. ALSO, AND I BELIEVE THIS TO BE IMPORTANT, i did not have intention to kill the agent, only the doctor. As can be seen in the clip, i went for the doctor ONLY.

Otherwise i did NOT make any other attempt, without apparent justification. (changed this from saying without apparent RDM, because it would not be genuine) I do not wish to come off as rude, please do not take it like that, and thanks again.

I also take full responsibility for any adverse reaction to my previous response, and accept it as such.

last major/relevant edit to this reply made
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MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi @sprucerrr,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

As you had withdrawn your other appeal, and I understand while you may have not had the intention to, we do not remove bans or warnings from records when found rightful. This is to keep record of punishments and keep players accountable.

Bobby Clint.​
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