Ban appeal

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Well-known Member
Nov 7, 2022
Your in-game name: I can't remember as I recently changed it a few hours before the ban.
Your SteamID: 76561198431336201
Your steam community link: Date of ban: 10/04/2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): MRDM | NITRP | Stacked Bans - Transient
Who banned you: "Finder"
Ban length?: 5 weeks
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will not pull out any vehicles without a valid RP reason, and furthermore will not shoot back at people who shoot my LAV, unless in an actual faction war.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? I have
Why should you be unbanned:
So first of all, my version of events:
I was up on surface as Combat Medic, and I pulled out an LAV. I was then told to get out of the LAV. When I didn't, they started firing at me. I then hopped in the turret seat, and returned fire. I made absolute sure to ONLY and I mean ONLY shoot at the individuals who shot at my LAV, completely avoiding spawning DEA, Nu7, and just anyone who didn't directly shoot at my LAV. They ended up getting out a matador and blowing up my LAV. The minute I got killed, I got brought to a sit. It seems odd that it was AFTER the whole situation that I got brought, not before for direct intervention. After that, I was informed that because I had committed FailRP to spawn in the tank (I shouldn't have been able to since I was a combat medic?), I would be banned for MRDM and stacked bans. I was then banned without much time to discuss it, for 5 weeks, which is just a completely false time (MRDM + NITRP + Stacked Bans A only comes out to about 2.5 weeks). I still am not too sure why this was the case. KEEP IN MIND THIS IS MY VERSION OF EVENTS, NOT 100% ACCURATE.
Why I should be unbanned:
First of all, I'd like to start by saying that the ban time is completely false, and I've already served half of the ban time, meaning that going off of the punishment guidelines that I was sent, I would already be unbanned right now if the times were accurate. The entire argument that "I committed FailRP, so my actions afterwards are suddenly RDM" doesn't make sense to me, never have I once heard of this in my over a year of experience playing on this server, and the kills were valid, I just broke some staff clarification, so I guess that means that everything I do afterwards is just now allowed (Which also goes against the "Only staff can pause RP" rule in a sense). This is not to say I was entirely in the right, I probably shouldn't have spawned in an LAV in the first place, as I believe that looking back on it, my actions may have broken FailRP and FearRP. However, I believe that a warning for each infraction or maybe even an NITRP ban would have been more appropriate. Instead, the admin let the situation go on, and then banned me for 5 weeks which is double the normal time.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I will do a full re-read of the rules and staff clarifications as there have definitely been some rules and clarifications added that I have not read (Such as the Class-D RDM clarification). I will also try to stay where I am supposed to me, I believe that I probably should not have been up on surface as a combat medic anyways.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: The server's really fun, I like to make unique RP situations that are enjoyable by everyone, and offer more exciting and interesting gameplay (For an example, I tried to do something similar to the Class-D work program a while ago). The server has a good community, and a really unique PVP aspect which you don't find in many other servers. My friends have also started to play again, so there's no better time to be on than right now for me.

Thank you for reading.
Mar 15, 2022
Hello @Almosst ,

This ban took place like you said a few weeks ago; So I only have a vague recollection on what happened.

The reason your ban was escalated was from a distinction of Cloak from a extremely lengthy record you already have on server.

And the reason I let the situation go on was I did not know it was happening till a Sit popped up on my admin overlay regarding it; as a Nu-7 made a sit while observing everything happening. I was playing UNGOC at the time and had no reasonable way to know this was occuring.

The reason your RDM/FailRP warning was escalated to MRDM was solely after reading the logs; you had killed 3 People and damaged upwards of 8, Regardless of reason they were firing on you; you had committed a rule break to make it happen. And thus meant you were killing without valid reason.

Edit: The Original ban was a little over 2 weeks instead of the current 5

Thank you, Have a lovely evening.



Well-known Member
Nov 7, 2022
Hello @Almosst ,

This ban took place like you said a few weeks ago; So I only have a vague recollection on what happened.

The reason your ban was escalated was from a distinction of Cloak from a extremely lengthy record you already have on server.

And the reason I let the situation go on was I did not know it was happening till a Sit popped up on my admin overlay regarding it; as a Nu-7 made a sit while observing everything happening. I was playing UNGOC at the time and had no reasonable way to know this was occuring.

The reason your RDM/FailRP warning was escalated to MRDM was solely after reading the logs; you had killed 3 People and damaged upwards of 8, Regardless of reason they were firing on you; you had committed a rule break to make it happen. And thus meant you were killing without valid reason.

Edit: The Original ban was a little over 2 weeks instead of the current 5

Thank you, Have a lovely evening.

Hey @Startling6, Thank you for making a reply.

You are correct, I did have a lengthy record on the server, however, most of the punishments were before this year. You also have to keep in mind that I've been playing the server for a little less than a year and a half (I started in May - June of 2020, I believe), and yes, I do agree that I've broken many rules, however, I have stopped breaking so many rules and only get the occasional warn. I believe that the only exception to that was when I got an NITRP ban a few months ago for driving a vehicle to pinewood as a Mayor requested a wall (again, trying to RP). I would like to argue that, yes, I might have broken a rule to get the weapon, however, since I had not provoked the surface staff, and they just blindly started firing at me a few seconds after, that at that point I have valid reason to kill people, even though the weapon was obtained while breaking a rule. For this reason, I believe that it would be a FailRP and NITRP punishment, NOT a MRDM punishment, as the reason that I had to shoot them seems very valid. However, I'm not a staff, I would like to just put my view out there.

As for the rule I did commit, looking at it now, I would also like to argue the possibility that I didn't break the rule (I believe it was obtaining equipment realistically). Yes, I was a combat medic, however I did have a heavy weapons and driving license, and I was a level 3 combative personnel. Sure, I was not a surface class, but I still believe that I may have not broken the rule, however that is up to staff discretion.

Have a great rest of your day, and thank you again for replying!


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Jul 23, 2022
Appeal Accepted

Hi Almost,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After reviewing the matter, I have decided to reduce your ban to time served. However, future ban appeals may not be so lucky so please take the time to read the rules before returning.​
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