Ban Appeal

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jun 19, 2023
Your in-game name: Jamal bartholemew
Your SteamID: 76561199224445552
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: Mon Oct 30 23:24:26 2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): NITRP
Who banned you: "Devious"
Ban length?: 1 day
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Multiple times for everything but kick

What will you do to stop this from happening again: To be honest im very confused on why i got banned considering that during the admin sit the admin said quote for quote "You know what your here for." ,and didn't speak again after that other than when telling me the ban length with no other details.

Why should you be unbanned: I don't think I did anything wrong, before this interaction the only time I can think of when i maybe did something wrong was going to the choose character menu while I was eating dinner. But if i did do anything wrong please tell me in the replies.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I will read the rules again and see if anything I did during the time before the ban could result in that ban. If I find the reason or something similar i will make sure to be more careful as to not make this happen again.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?: I like playing this server and its one of the only gmod servers I play regularly so its sucks to get banned. I also think this may of either been a miscommunication or something like it.
(Also i thought i should say that its very hard to express emotions in writing, so don't take this in a rude or mean way.)

Even if i cant get unbanned i would just simply like a explanation on why i was banned. I'm just extremely confused.
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Well-known Member
Mar 3, 2023
Hi Jamal thank you for your appeal! I want to start off by apologizing for the current situation that has happened. I also want to apologize for the lack of proper communication that ensued during the sit. From my perspective what had happened was in med bay you were running from multiple armed individuals who clearly had you under Fear RP. After they chased you for a little while and you not complying with the Fear RP rules you proceeded to pull out a gun opened fire on the people chasing you. Department Director Jason Schlatt called a sit, but you were no longer in the server. I consulted Head Moderator Ghost who then told me to give you a ban for NITRP. When I saw that you connect to the server, I brought you to a sit and issued the ban. Again, I apologize for me not giving a clearer explanation for why you were receiving a ban, but this is my side of the story.


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 9, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hi @Pablo Pablante ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

With this situation, I see this to be fully reasonable for the punishment that was given to you, although Yes the communication with him and you in the sit would not be Ideal as a staff member and I will address about this with Karl, But right now everything seems to have been fully justifiable and there will be no changes to the punishment.

This will be moved to Denied​
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