Ban Appeal

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Sep 8, 2023
Alberta, Canada
Your in-game name: Skinner 'Cipher'
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:560896223
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: Today (17/12/23)
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): LTAP | RDM
Who banned you: 'Poli' (STEAM_0:1:455984144)
Ban length?: 24 hours
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will try to resolve things verbally rather than physically in character and dedicate more time to waiting for staff to take sits so I can be involved in them and not be banned for LTAP.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?: I have only been warned at almost a month ago before this, it was for FailRP All my other warns have since long expired.
Why should you be unbanned: I think I should be unbanned because I am a serious & dedicated player, I put in a lot of hardwork towards creating mild to serious RP during my time on playing Foundation Characters or CI characters by not only writing lore, but also making scenarios very ambient & immersive when roleplaying. I also think I should be unbanned because I am aware of the server rules enough to be stable within the community and between Staff, I also am mature & professional in most scenarios and I am willing to take responsability for my actions at all costs to ensure I am deemed within good behiavour. I also would like to give a narrative of the scenario that had me banned, and also my reasoning on why it was unfair & falsely administered:

What happened was i had a DEA agent trashtalking me while I was ID checking an E-11 SPC. The reason why I ID checked him is because someone told me there was a fake E-11. I noticed this earlier when turning the lights back on along with an IA agent and when I exited electrical, I began ID Checking E-11 and ID checked one that was trying to recontain SCP-096 while heading to CPC. Then when I did ask for an ID, he showed it however a DEA agent was pointing his gun at me and I asked him to safety the weapon out of pure fear that he would try & kill me. When I told him this he was very toxic about the confrontation and began calling braindead and a retard. He kept on going and I decided to terminate him for heavy slander & insubordination, as he had his gun still drawn at me when talking like that.

Later on, I finished up by terminating some fake members, went on CI to scavenge (idk if this was after I cant recall) and then I got off to go to bed to eventually do something IRL once I wake up. When I did wake up, I was notified that I had been banned (from a friend) and I checked my mentions in messhall only to find out that Joshua Bond (the mod that took the sit) had pinged me to get online to deal with the sit. He knew I had just gone offline as it was almost 5 - 6AM for UK people, it was 10PM at my time and I was just tired asf. He never gave me a chance to get on since he notified me literally 10 minutes after, at that time I was still asleep.
I don't understand how it is LTAP, I believe the termination of the DEA agent was ethical, and not RDM or OOC. I don't believe it is RDM either unless I get an opinion from a staff member. As far as I'm aware, I never intended to 'RDM' him, nor did I ever do so. I simply terminated him in character for insubordination, continued slander & endangering me by not safetying his gun.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: To ensure that I don't 'break any other rules', I will try to resolve things verbally rather than physically in character and dedicate more time to waiting for staff to take sits so I can be involved in them and not be banned for LTAP. I will also read the server rules & staff rulings again to get more reference & better understanding on the rules of SCP-RP.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: Because I am actively dedicated to my whitelisted roles, and being falsely banned prevents me from doing my work and enjoying the server as a whole.
Mar 26, 2023
Hello @Skinner.

To give my side of the story it was around 6 am I hopped onto the server and I got told by Joshua Bond that he needed help banning some people as I am a SMOD and can ban longer for him. He gave me your steam ID and told me that you broke LTAP and you RDM'd. I believed him as he had no reason to lie but from our conversation in DM's on discord and listening to your side of the story I don't believe you should have been banned. I was just helping out another staff member I am sorry if this has caused issues


Well-known Member
Aug 27, 2022
Appeal Accepted

Hi, @Skinner

After reading both stories I have decided that there was no intent to LTAP,
Further Joshua Bond followed the LTAP protocol.

Due to the above, your ban will be removed.

Kind Regards, Holland​
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