Ban Appeal

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Well-known Member
Aug 18, 2023
Your in-game name: Simeon "Nightwatch" Hopper

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:77140763

Your steam community link:

Date of ban: Tuesday Jan 23 2024 20:36:48

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): NITRP/Minor Glitching/FailRP

Who banned you: Lunar

Ban length?: 7 Days

What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will make sure that i adhere to the rules despite what the game lets me do and will make sure that it does not affect the experience of other people which can diminish their experience.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Warned once for Metagaming

Why should you be unbanned: This was my first time playing as SCP-079, and i was not aware of a bug that would let me outside the containment cell area when spawning, despite this I should have taken the initiative to not breach or interact with others in the manner that i did, and i regret doing these things that affected the other SCPs and the Containment Units. I also did not intend to avoid any punishment and was frustrated at the time, but it does not excuse any actions i took. I do not want to break the rules of the server and I want to continue playing on the server.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I will take greater care to look over the rules of the server, and be more wary of the actions i take when interacting with others.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?: I enjoy playing and interacting with others, and appreciate the unique interactions with SCPs and the different classes, as well as breach events that are interesting to participate in.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Jun 7, 2022
Appeal Accepted

Hi Nightwatch.

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

There is a bug with a certain SCP that lets you get out of it's containment without getting shoved back in by the containment blocker. I am uncertain what happened to cause the NITRP portion, but FailRP and Minor glitching usually only add up to a day or two of ban, maximum. A minor offense like this is fine to unban you for, so long as you understand that doing it again will result in a more severe punishment.​
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