Ban Appeal

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Active member
Jul 24, 2022
Your in-game name: Ketone
Your SteamID: 76561197966424771
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: 9/6/22
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): "FailRp [E]-Omar"
Who banned you: Omar
Ban length?: 3 days
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Not Cuff people with guns out AT ALL
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Yes
Why should you be unbanned: I didn't realize you couldn't cuff people if they had their guns out, I thought they had to have their guns aimed at you or shot at you for you to stop (Fear Rp). I wasn't being aimed at, the person who reported me says otherwise but what I saw was him just standing their at the airlock. I was a D-Class so I had a reason to cuff them, self-defence. I want to escape (Freedom is a basic human instinct). Last time I was going to be warned for combat cuffing I explained the situation about what happened, because of this I didn't get warned for combat cuffing but was warned for treason rp because I went into floor 3 (Not knowing what it is) and they shot me for going in, no warnings to leave or nothing so I ran away but couldn't get out of the elevator so I was forced to protect myself and cuffed both of them (guns not aimed). Because of this, I thought that I could cuff people even with their gun out as long as its not aimed at me or shot at me.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: Read the rules, ask questions.. In my opinion the rules are very VERY vauge
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: I like the server, its a fun server and most other servers are pretty bad in my opinion. It also has a actual good map unlike most.

Omar D Chad

Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022
Hello @Ketone
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
I took a ticket against you for cuffing 2 gensec while their guns were aimed at you, I saw the clip when you went directly inside and start cuffing them while their guns were up, after you cuffed them you said "this is not combat situation ", in the sit you said the reason : " a staff told u that you can cuff people if their guns weren't on you & if their was no combat situation " , I asked SL about the "Combat cuffing" and its goes by FailRP & you had alots of failRP warnings, an admin helped me with the warnings and decided to give you FailRP [E], After checking the punishment guide of course.


Kind regards

Note: sorry if its bad reply, doing it from my phone.


Active member
Jul 24, 2022
Hi Omar, now looking at the clip I understand my ban. So thank you, I didn't realize that he was aiming at me when I cuffed him, probably because he started aiming while I was cuffing him or in the action of cuffing him. So I understand the reason for the ban, just next time please show me the clip before you ban or warn me because I was pissed, I though he wasn't aiming at me?. Thank you for showing me that, have a good day.
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