Ban evasion

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Well-known Member
Aug 8, 2022
Your in-game name: john northan
Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:544593580
Your steam community link:
Date of ban:2/10/24
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): ban evasion
Who banned you: Idk
Ban length?: 8 weeks
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the URL):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: yes
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? nope
Why should you be unbanned: When I was playing Darkrp on my other account I looked at the history tab and joined the USA server not realising I wasn't on my account for this server. While I was playing I got into an argument with a higher ranking and got killed for it, after that happened I left the server then joined on my main. Without realizing I was banned for a offense on that I account I joined on my main and a SR admin told me I was already banned. I explained the story to him and I was promptly banned. I don't expect to be fully unbanned but I could take the time I was originally banned for, the admin told me it was FearRP and Leaving during RP.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: It was a genuine mistake and I didn't realize I was banned on that account until the admin told me. I will be happier to wait out my original ban.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
Because its very fun and I made a genuine mistake.


Staff of the Year
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SCP-RP Staff
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Group Moderator
Aug 29, 2022
Your moms bed
hi @puppy so what i told you in the sit was you got flagged for having an account banned. which was going to unbanned later today. As for our policy for ban evasion is low tolerance for it as we have too many people doing it and do only rare exeptions. A you did admit to me about you doing it i had to issue out the punishment.
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