ban for not holding my weapon out

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May 22, 2022
Your in-game name: Martian dunkin

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:638030015

Your steam community link: https:/

Date of ban:8/28/22

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): "ntirp"

Who banned you: gypsy

Ban length?: 3 days

What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

What will you do to stop this from happening again: following orders so i wont get banned for it

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?: yes

Why should you be unbanned: so I was walking around minding my business unarmed as NU-7 then ethics member "mr z" comes up to me and says "let me see id" so I said why and he said someone used 914 but there was 0 ci on and that would of been taken care of so he said I need to "hold my gun out" but I keep walking without my gun out so then "mr z" arrested me but gets rdmed by a gensec trying to save me but instead of him calling a admin on that gensec who rdm him he called a sit on me for "not following his orders" this admin "gypsy" really believed him and bans me for "ntirp" when I could of got thrown into prison and suffered consequences this was at 4am so I got banned for "not holding my gun out"

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: i think I should "hold my gun out"

Why do you want to rejoin this server?: I play on it 24/7
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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
at this point they need to carefully handpick important roles with priority this is ridicules
factual information staff member steve dutch had a bit of a power trip once and banned me for failrp while he claimed i breached scps as a gensec he said he had a clip when i made a complaint against him he said he remembered nothing from the failrp ban and there was no clip but later he tried to get me banned when i was a dclass who escaped onto the surface cause steve dutch did not follow what he was supposed to be doing and was instead goofing off to cover for what he did he claimed i metagamed after disproving his claim i asked him why he banned me for failrp without evidence and he claimed he showed a clip to a head mod which is contradictory to his reply on my complaint on the forums

Jeb Threep

Active member
Jul 11, 2022
Fled for extended periods refusing to show ID, chased by O-1. Refused to show ID and fled a second time, chased by O-1. Was told four different times to have his primary weapon out and on safety and refused to comply each time, even when the import was explained as we rely on the Nu-7 to be ready to combat any threat, especially surface people breaching. We'd been having a lot of raids and many CGITV, even a few gunfights with rangers that night. A simple explanation as to why he should have his gun out and a request to keep it out was never once honored. Never saw his weapon once. Encountered twice by the intersection heading to the HCZ checkpoint and twice outside medbay. The fourth time in the span of 1.5 hours is in this clip. The second clip showcases his attitude. Jail is at my discretion. Failure to follow orders completely after several times violates our server rule:
2.1 Respect the chain of command - Follow the chain of command, (see section 3). You must follow your orders unless they are breaking specific server rules.

Like any case of FailRP, I waited until the event had occurred multiple times before reporting it. Apparently, due to his "four pages of warnings" he would have received a significantly longer stacked-ban due to multiple cases of FailRP and Gypsy pulled his punch to knock it down to a three day to be nice. Just like I was being nice by not arresting him. In the video you can see the O-1 "Punisher" stating that the person in question has been doing that "for a very long time." The fifth time, I proceeded with an arrest. I didn't want to resort to that because the Nu-7 are so important to our protection: the same reason I asked him to pull his gun out and explained it thoroughly all those times. I decided to make it a report when, at the 0:24 mark of the second clip, he asks someone to shoot me....and then a GenSec did so. FailRP right there, in and of itself. Two counts visible in as many clips.

And as to your inflammatory comment, you've made it painfully obvious that we need to more carefully select who we allow into Nu-7. It isn't a branch for people with a checkered E-11 past, such as you, its a place that deserves the sort of folks that take their responsibilities seriously. Let me take a moment to post the relevant sections of the Code Of Conduct that I read to you twice that night:

[2.1] Professional Standards
All personnel must act in a professional capacity whilst on site. Their individual duties must be taken seriously at all times.

[2.2] Performance Standards
All on-site personnel must carry out their respective duties to the best of their ability.

And the two I didn't want to list off in order to keep the peace in hopes you'd honor my requests:

[2.6] Malicious Behaviour
Foundation personnel must never engage in behaviour intended to harm or hinder other personnel. Malicious behaviour is defined as: “Behaviour that is unacceptable and clearly intended to harm, inconvenience or otherwise disrupt others”.

[3.2] Chain of Command
Personnel must follow both site-wide and departmental chains of command at all times. In the event of being given conflicting orders, the site-wide chain of command takes priority over departmental orders. The site-wide chain of command is as follows:
The Ethics Committee: The highest authority on site. They should only be contacted when Site Administration is unable to deal with the situation. The Ethics Committee manages the Site with ethical violations. The Ethics Committee also directly manages the Department of Internal Affairs.

I hope my grounds for having talked to you each time you have not had your weapon out have been well-established now. Be nice if you had any evidence to add.

Edit: Forgot that I told him once in PW when he was just standing around again with no gun out.
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May 22, 2022
Fled for extended periods refusing to show ID, chased by O-1. Refused to show ID and fled a second time, chased by O-1. Was told four different times to have his primary weapon out and on safety and refused to comply each time, even when the import was explained as we rely on the Nu-7 to be ready to combat any threat, especially surface people breaching. We'd been having a lot of raids and many CGITV, even a few gunfights with rangers that night. A simple explanation as to why he should have his gun out and a request to keep it out was never once honored. Never saw his weapon once. Encountered twice by the intersection heading to the HCZ checkpoint and twice outside medbay. The fourth time in the span of 1.5 hours is in this clip. The second clip showcases his attitude. Jail is at my discretion. Failure to follow orders completely after several times violates our server rule:
2.1 Respect the chain of command - Follow the chain of command, (see section 3). You must follow your orders unless they are breaking specific server rules.

Like any case of FailRP, I waited until the event had occurred multiple times before reporting it. Apparently, due to his "four pages of warnings" he would have received a significantly longer stacked-ban due to multiple cases of FailRP and Gypsy pulled his punch to knock it down to a three day to be nice. Just like I was being nice by not arresting him. In the video you can see the O-1 "Punisher" stating that the person in question has been doing that "for a very long time." The fourth time, I proceeded with an arrest. I didn't want to resort to that because the Nu-7 are so important to our protection: the same reason I asked him to pull his gun out and explained it thoroughly all those times. I decided to make it a report when, at the 0:24 mark of the second clip, he asks someone to shoot me....and then a GenSec did so. FailRP right there, in and of itself. Two counts visible in as many clips.

And as to your inflammatory comment, you've made it painfully obvious that we need to more carefully select who we allow into Nu-7. It isn't a branch for people with a checkered E-11 past, such as you, its a place that deserves the sort of folks that take their responsibilities seriously. Let me take a moment to post the relevant sections of the Code Of Conduct that I read to you twice that night:

[2.1] Professional Standards
All personnel must act in a professional capacity whilst on site. Their individual duties must be taken seriously at all times.

[2.2] Performance Standards
All on-site personnel must carry out their respective duties to the best of their ability.

And the two I didn't want to list off in order to keep the peace in hopes you'd honor my requests:

[2.6] Malicious Behaviour
Foundation personnel must never engage in behaviour intended to harm or hinder other personnel. Malicious behaviour is defined as: “Behaviour that is unacceptable and clearly intended to harm, inconvenience or otherwise disrupt others”.

[3.2] Chain of Command
Personnel must follow both site-wide and departmental chains of command at all times. In the event of being given conflicting orders, the site-wide chain of command takes priority over departmental orders. The site-wide chain of command is as follows:
The Ethics Committee: The highest authority on site. They should only be contacted when Site Administration is unable to deal with the situation. The Ethics Committee manages the Site with ethical violations. The Ethics Committee also directly manages the Department of Internal Affairs.

I hope my grounds for having talked to you each time you have not had your weapon out have been well-established now. Be nice if you had any evidence to add.

i did not know just me not following orders will get me a ban instead of arrest "he is not following orders at 4am please ban him"
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May 26, 2022
Hi Martian,

As the staff member involved i would like to explain what happened from my side.
The Ban was not because you had your weapon out. It was due to the fact that as a member of a MTF regiment you were blatantly refusing to follow the chain of command and impacting the ability of others around you to RP and go about their business. When a senior member of the foundation gives you a lawful order it its Fail RP to deny the order and talk back.
The fleeing and eluding, manor in which you acted within the sit when i was trying to speak to you, and your history on the server formed the judgement I made that at that point in time you had no intention to reasonably participate in the active RP of the server.

- Gypsy
May 22, 2022
Hi Martian,
As the staff member involved i would like to explain what happened from my side.
The Ban was not because you had your weapon out. It was due to the fact that as a member of a MTF regiment you were blatantly refusing to follow the chain of command and impacting the ability of others around you to RP and go about their business. When a senior member of the foundation gives you a lawful order it its Fail RP to deny the order and talk back.
The fleeing and eluding, manor in which you acted within the sit when i was trying to speak to you, and your history on the server formed the judgement I made that at that point in time you had no intention to reasonably participate in the active RP of the server.

- Gypsy
so, you're telling me it's not jail time for not listening to an ethics member but it's an admin issue? how does that make sense

Jeb Threep

Active member
Jul 11, 2022
Its about repetition and the fact that it went on for almost two hours. And the rules don't state that we have an "after-hours" policy. When you come on and refuse to RP, security personnel that are doing everything they are supposed to are diverted to you time and again. In essence, you steal time and attention from others so you can have a place to chat out of character. I recommend downloading a chat program instead of wasting everyone's time on a roleplay server so you have a safe place to just chat. RolePlay servers aren't the spot for such activities unless you are willing to actually RolePlay.

And, if you're going to talk exceedingly poorly of people on our community Discord, could you bother giving them all the facts? You are encouraging others to follow the same path that led you to getting banned.


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