Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): boobasher5k
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: 7 months
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Barack "The Shield". Gensec CPT, Nu7 SPC
Chaos name (include your rank): Barack 'Tempest' Evile, DELCOM
Civilian name: Civ Barack
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17025587
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
RDA - A long time ago so I don't remember
Minor Glitch Abuse - Did a sit glitch once
Naming Conventions - Didn't realise I couldn't be called Barack Obama
Hitbox Abuse - Combat jumping habit from other games, long since got rid of it for gmod
^ These were all when I just began, I haven't been warned in months.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
No but I have played plenty of Sandbox so I know how to use building tools.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes, plenty of servers in the past.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
I can be on for at least 2 hours per day, generally am on much longer than that anyway.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
It looks not only fun to be, but fun to do. I have had great interactions with Game Masters outside and inside of events (I'm looking at you Huff, still terrified to this day) and I'd love to make fun RP across the server especially during the later hours where nothing is really going on (No CI, no SCP breaches in hours, etc.)
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I have a lot of experience in Gensec and CI, and have been in all MTF regiments besides A1. I also have VoiceMod installed and can use it in Gmod. Furthermore, I am pretty extensive in SCP lore so all of these factors combined makes me ideal for a Gamemaster position.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
A Broken Bot
The Church Of the Broken God has captured multiple pieces of SCP-2040 on the surface and are attempting to harvest its infinite power source for their own in order to help create weapons to destroy all flesh. E-11 and Nu7 must capture SCP-2040 from the COTBG, and bring all parts back to base for potential reconstruction.
If Researchers and technicians manage to put him together, perhaps they can learn something from this simple looking machine...
The Reluctant Dimension Hopper has appeared in 939's containment chamber and is frozen in fear. Foundation employees must rescue the man from 939's room, and question him on his abilities and how he got to where he is. 507 turned out to have a small artifact with him from a few dimensions ago which yields supernatural physical properties. It seems to be lighter than a feather and tougher than Kevlar, perhaps this interesting turn of events can be used to benefit the Foundation.
Compound R
New CI research has discovered a chemical form of Rage itself, and worst of all, they have turned into liquid form. This chemical not only makes the victim boiling with hate, but numbs their feelings of pain too. Compound R is what they call it, and they just released it into D block shower systems. D class get affected and start hammering at walls, some even start to slowly break the doors in the Dblock line. Can Gensec and MTF put down these waves of irate inmates and stop the source of the contamination before it is too late?
(All D class in the event will be given extra HP, knives and fists. Specific ones who can break down doors could be GMs who are playing as SCPs that have trouble breaking down doors (e.g. 008 who needs 5 hits to break a door), but disguied as a D class.)
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
White Forest Bunker
The Foundation have decided to build a new Site at White Forest, Site-95.
On the inside, D-class are forced to dig out areas of rock. Their cells are small but the security barriers are also weak, giving a constant challenge to Site Security to manage them. All the SCPs remain on site 65, however, 323 has followed to the new area and stalks the forests for prey.
Little do they know, the forest itself lives. An ancient deity, known to command mother nature itself, has been awoken. The trees rumble, branches begin moving, vineleaves start crawling, local animals twist and contort impossibly and form horrors which launch themselves at the foundation walls. The Foundation must stop the constant hordes of nightmare creatures from the woods, and break into the heart of the deity contained within a maze of bushes, branches and bramble. They must destroy this heart with explosives and fire, and burn the deity of nature before it reclaims the land which was once hers.
List an example mission for each of the following:
Kiss the Cook
Reports from D-block have shown multiple poisonings and some deaths within the D class and a few Gensec. It appears one of the on-site chefs has been poisoning the food he is handing out to D-block. Food starts coming through pneumatic shoots across the whole site, the source unknown. People are being poisoned across the site by food and the only trace that is left is a note left in D-block kitchens, a riddle leading to the location of the next note. O-1 must solve these riddles and find the final note, which will lead to the location of the Chef - what they do with him, and perhaps, what they can gain from him (perhaps, poisoned food to send to CI), is completely up to them from there on.
Perhaps as a result of a really good nights sleep, O5-1 is feeling delightful today, almost in a festive mood. Very out of character for the stone cold personality which he is. He is going around the foundation giving thanks and rewards to all personnel members, whether they be MTF or Chefs. He's even giving out items, reccomending people for promotions and small sums of money. There's just something slightly off about him though... His smile feels forced, his tone of voice, almost as if he is reading off a script - but subtle enough that you cannot accuse him outright. To the shock of A1, O5-1 would like to enter D-block and do the same thing. And worst of all, he has plans to give a visit to the Chaos Insurgency too, perhaps to forgive them of past troubles. A-1 need to trace their steps back and find out what made O5-1 act this way, they may even need to hack into his office or break the door down. Anything to give a reason to stop O5-1 before he either gets captured, or worse, killed.
The "reason" for the Overseer's happiness are traces of 999 found in his room. And when revealed, they are within his shirt, constantly making him feel happy and causing him to get himself in dangerous situations.
5 Stars
Reports from Pinewood show a crazy group of American tourists have stolen a foundation LAV and have gone on a joyride through the town. Local rangers are attempting to stop it in their squad cars but are unable to because, well, it's a tank. Nu7 sees this danger and are tasked with helping stop the tank through negotiations through the inbuilt radio and attempting to stop it with their Humvees without outright destroying it - possibly harming the rangers and the local village. Turns out these gun lovin' cowboys may figure out how to use the tank's cannon soon, and if this does happen, then you best hope it's not pointed at you.
One Hungry Cannibal
SCP-082 "Fernand the Cannibal" has broken out of Site-19 and has been on the run ever since. Reports from Pinewood describe a giant man devouring local citizens, and it is up to E-11 to contain Fernand and bring him in for temporary holding until agents from Site-19 arrive to bring him back. Special containment procedures must be kept for 082, and if he doesn't get a regular supply of D class, he might just get angry.
Why didn't we think of this?!
MC&D have decided to donate a rather interesting piece of kit to CI as thanks for their many past business interactions. A fully functioning drone, similar to one you would get as a christmas present. But of course, it's anomalous. It only functions with direct verbal commands through an inbuilt radio frequency communication line. CI can order this drone to do whatever they please. The drone can be observed through it's cameras using a Personnel Tablet, and thus it is up to CI what they can do with the small kit. Lets see if they can sneak it through the foundation and gather some intel before guards get wise and shoot it down.
Foundation Staff
D-Block Boxing Championships
Ethics committee has decided to allow a facility sponsored D class boxing tournament with a small cash prize and Level 1 roaming Clearance (with accompaniment of a guard) around the facility for the day to the winner. A boxing ring will be set up in Dblock, Gensec and other members of foundation staff can place official bets on a D class - with the Total Level of the D class deciding the winning ratios. D class will be given fists and HP to box, the winner will continue to fight opponents (his HP being reset each time) until he has either been defeated by a superior fighter, or has beaten everyone.
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: 7 months
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Barack "The Shield". Gensec CPT, Nu7 SPC
Chaos name (include your rank): Barack 'Tempest' Evile, DELCOM
Civilian name: Civ Barack
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17025587
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
RDA - A long time ago so I don't remember
Minor Glitch Abuse - Did a sit glitch once
Naming Conventions - Didn't realise I couldn't be called Barack Obama
Hitbox Abuse - Combat jumping habit from other games, long since got rid of it for gmod
^ These were all when I just began, I haven't been warned in months.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
No but I have played plenty of Sandbox so I know how to use building tools.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes, plenty of servers in the past.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
I can be on for at least 2 hours per day, generally am on much longer than that anyway.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
It looks not only fun to be, but fun to do. I have had great interactions with Game Masters outside and inside of events (I'm looking at you Huff, still terrified to this day) and I'd love to make fun RP across the server especially during the later hours where nothing is really going on (No CI, no SCP breaches in hours, etc.)
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I have a lot of experience in Gensec and CI, and have been in all MTF regiments besides A1. I also have VoiceMod installed and can use it in Gmod. Furthermore, I am pretty extensive in SCP lore so all of these factors combined makes me ideal for a Gamemaster position.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
A Broken Bot
The Church Of the Broken God has captured multiple pieces of SCP-2040 on the surface and are attempting to harvest its infinite power source for their own in order to help create weapons to destroy all flesh. E-11 and Nu7 must capture SCP-2040 from the COTBG, and bring all parts back to base for potential reconstruction.
If Researchers and technicians manage to put him together, perhaps they can learn something from this simple looking machine...
The Reluctant Dimension Hopper has appeared in 939's containment chamber and is frozen in fear. Foundation employees must rescue the man from 939's room, and question him on his abilities and how he got to where he is. 507 turned out to have a small artifact with him from a few dimensions ago which yields supernatural physical properties. It seems to be lighter than a feather and tougher than Kevlar, perhaps this interesting turn of events can be used to benefit the Foundation.
Compound R
New CI research has discovered a chemical form of Rage itself, and worst of all, they have turned into liquid form. This chemical not only makes the victim boiling with hate, but numbs their feelings of pain too. Compound R is what they call it, and they just released it into D block shower systems. D class get affected and start hammering at walls, some even start to slowly break the doors in the Dblock line. Can Gensec and MTF put down these waves of irate inmates and stop the source of the contamination before it is too late?
(All D class in the event will be given extra HP, knives and fists. Specific ones who can break down doors could be GMs who are playing as SCPs that have trouble breaking down doors (e.g. 008 who needs 5 hits to break a door), but disguied as a D class.)
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
White Forest Bunker
Steam Workshop::White Forest Bunker
On the inside, D-class are forced to dig out areas of rock. Their cells are small but the security barriers are also weak, giving a constant challenge to Site Security to manage them. All the SCPs remain on site 65, however, 323 has followed to the new area and stalks the forests for prey.
Little do they know, the forest itself lives. An ancient deity, known to command mother nature itself, has been awoken. The trees rumble, branches begin moving, vineleaves start crawling, local animals twist and contort impossibly and form horrors which launch themselves at the foundation walls. The Foundation must stop the constant hordes of nightmare creatures from the woods, and break into the heart of the deity contained within a maze of bushes, branches and bramble. They must destroy this heart with explosives and fire, and burn the deity of nature before it reclaims the land which was once hers.
List an example mission for each of the following:
Kiss the Cook
Reports from D-block have shown multiple poisonings and some deaths within the D class and a few Gensec. It appears one of the on-site chefs has been poisoning the food he is handing out to D-block. Food starts coming through pneumatic shoots across the whole site, the source unknown. People are being poisoned across the site by food and the only trace that is left is a note left in D-block kitchens, a riddle leading to the location of the next note. O-1 must solve these riddles and find the final note, which will lead to the location of the Chef - what they do with him, and perhaps, what they can gain from him (perhaps, poisoned food to send to CI), is completely up to them from there on.
Perhaps as a result of a really good nights sleep, O5-1 is feeling delightful today, almost in a festive mood. Very out of character for the stone cold personality which he is. He is going around the foundation giving thanks and rewards to all personnel members, whether they be MTF or Chefs. He's even giving out items, reccomending people for promotions and small sums of money. There's just something slightly off about him though... His smile feels forced, his tone of voice, almost as if he is reading off a script - but subtle enough that you cannot accuse him outright. To the shock of A1, O5-1 would like to enter D-block and do the same thing. And worst of all, he has plans to give a visit to the Chaos Insurgency too, perhaps to forgive them of past troubles. A-1 need to trace their steps back and find out what made O5-1 act this way, they may even need to hack into his office or break the door down. Anything to give a reason to stop O5-1 before he either gets captured, or worse, killed.
The "reason" for the Overseer's happiness are traces of 999 found in his room. And when revealed, they are within his shirt, constantly making him feel happy and causing him to get himself in dangerous situations.
5 Stars
Reports from Pinewood show a crazy group of American tourists have stolen a foundation LAV and have gone on a joyride through the town. Local rangers are attempting to stop it in their squad cars but are unable to because, well, it's a tank. Nu7 sees this danger and are tasked with helping stop the tank through negotiations through the inbuilt radio and attempting to stop it with their Humvees without outright destroying it - possibly harming the rangers and the local village. Turns out these gun lovin' cowboys may figure out how to use the tank's cannon soon, and if this does happen, then you best hope it's not pointed at you.
One Hungry Cannibal
SCP-082 "Fernand the Cannibal" has broken out of Site-19 and has been on the run ever since. Reports from Pinewood describe a giant man devouring local citizens, and it is up to E-11 to contain Fernand and bring him in for temporary holding until agents from Site-19 arrive to bring him back. Special containment procedures must be kept for 082, and if he doesn't get a regular supply of D class, he might just get angry.
Why didn't we think of this?!
MC&D have decided to donate a rather interesting piece of kit to CI as thanks for their many past business interactions. A fully functioning drone, similar to one you would get as a christmas present. But of course, it's anomalous. It only functions with direct verbal commands through an inbuilt radio frequency communication line. CI can order this drone to do whatever they please. The drone can be observed through it's cameras using a Personnel Tablet, and thus it is up to CI what they can do with the small kit. Lets see if they can sneak it through the foundation and gather some intel before guards get wise and shoot it down.
Foundation Staff
D-Block Boxing Championships
Ethics committee has decided to allow a facility sponsored D class boxing tournament with a small cash prize and Level 1 roaming Clearance (with accompaniment of a guard) around the facility for the day to the winner. A boxing ring will be set up in Dblock, Gensec and other members of foundation staff can place official bets on a D class - with the Total Level of the D class deciding the winning ratios. D class will be given fists and HP to box, the winner will continue to fight opponents (his HP being reset each time) until he has either been defeated by a superior fighter, or has beaten everyone.