Barry "Legate" O'Cociner's Full-Time Department Director of Internal Affairs Application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
6 days, with roughly 80 hours of Gameplay
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Central Standard Time
Character name(s):
Barry "Legate" O'Cociner
Civilian name:
Barry O'Cociner
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Internal Affairs Ambassador, Department Director of Internal Affairs (TEMPORARY)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?
First off, I'm applying because of how much fun I have being a part of the Foundation's HR Department. I have spent 65-70 hours of my 80 total hours as a member of Internal Affairs and have enjoyed every aspect of it. I have made many good friendships with my Agents, Ambassadors, and previous Directors, along with many other Facility members. I have been put under temporary control of the Department because the previous Director was promoted and I instantly fell in love with the Role when I received it until a new Director was officially put into office. I really do look forward to my career in IA, regardless of what position I hold.
What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
I have not played the game for very long, but what I lack in experience, I make up for in dedication. I'm lucky(and partially unlucky) to have a fixative mid set, and when I find something I truly enjoy doing, I'm always willing to go 250% in any aspect. Before I approve or deny any documents, I read every page thoroughly to make sure the information is accurate and precise before deciding what score it will receive. I consistently make sure my agents, and myself, spend the proper amount of time investigating a case, regardless of the severity, to assure no information is looked past, and to assure the defendant gets the most fair and just punishment. Bonding with my department is very important to me, and spending time with fellow Agents should be an extremely high priority. I have made outlets and friendships with faculty throughout the entire facility, ranging from [REDACTED], to Department Directors, to GenSec Cadets. Currently, I am the beneficiary of many large research projects concerning safety and ethics control within the facility. On top of all of this, the thing I'm most proud of is my ability to treat people correctly inside and outside of the Roleplay experience. I make sure everyone knows my name, and I concentrate most on being known for the right reasons. Some call it excessive; obsessive, even. But me? I prefer the term "commitment".
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
As Director, it is of utmost importance to keep the members of your department professional, ethical, and efficient, while also allowing them to enjoy their job. First, you have to focus on teaching the correct way to do the duty of your role, regardless of your department. For Internal Affairs, we have to teach the Agents how to properly deal with a case, and be as thorough, precise, and just as possible, while also being quick and direct. As Director, you should only personally deal with the larger cases, and allow yourself to trust your agents to be able to take care of less severe cases without your supervision. Directors also review documents and determine the quality of the report before allowing it to pass to Scripnet. It is imperative that the Director, or Ambassador, read the entirety of the document before their decision. The Director of Internal Affairs has many crucial rolls within their own department, as well as many other departments within Site-65. The Internal Affairs Department, as a whole, should backup and assist their neighbor, The Department of Intelligence, with any case they can, and also take over their duty's if there are no On-Site Intelligence Agents. Internal Affairs assists GenSec with appropriately dealing with insubordinate or unreasonable security staff, and also help by gathering information on D-Block with the help of trustworthy D-Class Informants. The Research Division also relies on Internal Affairs to help incarcerate and punish unethical researchers conducting unethical tests or experiments. The Ethics Committee entrusts Internal Affairs to enforce their codes and rules, and to discipline any who break said codes and rules. Overall, the position of Director of the Internal Affairs Department plays a dominant role within Site-65, and should only be granted to those who have a strong grasp on the Code of Ethics and Conduct, and who exercise their duties with maximum effort and efficiency.
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Barry is an Irish immigrant who climbed the ranks of the CIA, and became a well known detective. Barry was met by mysterious men looking for Agents to perform highly classified tasks. Barry accepted his invitation, and started as a GenSec Cadet and shortly became an Officer and received his RRT license. After he became more experienced, he got the title of Agent, and started his mission to stop unethical behavior in the Foundation. Barry will be involved with as much as he will be allowed to and will continue taking cases and pursuing those who do the Foundation harm. Barry was promoted to Ambassador and continued to work on his reports until he was summoned by The Ethics Committee. As he arrived, the complimented the work he had done and offered him temporary control of the Internal Affairs Department. Barry accepted and has used his new role to go even farther beyond the call of duty. His work, effort, and knowledge have all increased tenfold, but so has his enjoyment. Barry participated in Heavy Weapons Training, along with many GenSec members, and scored higher on the test than any other attendee. Now, Barry eagerly awaits the fate of the Internal Affairs Department, as he enjoys every second he spends in his comfy director's chair. Bary Meme.jpg

Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
I just reread this application and realized your a temporary IA director.

Just give this man the position already, he can do it just fine. +Support. No explainations needed.
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Active member
May 6, 2022

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Ethics Committee Verdict

REGARDING: Barry O'Cociner's Director of Internal Affairs

Thank you for showing interest in the
position of Director of Internal Affairs, the committee is in agreeance that you are suited to be a Department Director.
Congratulations on your new found position.
- Mr.Reed "47"
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