Benjamin Yatas Captain Application (UK)

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Jan 16, 2023
Benjamin Yatas Captain Application (UK)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:455896781

Discord name: laserdust

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since May 2022

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: Greenwich Mean Time

Character name(s): F – Benjamin Yatas, CI – ‘Advisory’

Civilian name: Kan “Reaper” Yantas

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- IA Agent- Nu7 Command Sergeant
- SCP-096
- SCP-22415
- CI-Beta

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- Yes, 2 warnings for FailRP and Job abuse

Why are you applying for Security Captain?

- I am applying for Security Captain, as I am interested in expanding my role inside of the security department by joining the GSD leadership team, I would like to help new people to the department and be and overall superb role model. Overall i want to join the GSD team because i am also intrested in trying new things

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

- I am suitable for Security Captain as I have played in the server for a while now and I understand the rules a lot more, I am mature and I have an understanding for rules, I have experience in combat as I was an nu7 CSG, and have played on GSD a lot. I also believe I have good communication skills and I am dedicated to a lot of activity.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

The responsibilities of a Security Captain are:

- Hosting Licence Lectures which are Heavy weapons and SRU(Riot)

- Assigning orders/request to lower members apart of the Security Team E.G (Assigning a person to go and guard airlock, watchtower and escort researchers ETC)

- Organising/Preforming sweeps on D-block

- Calling out and activating a code 2 when necessary

- Following the CoS+ when necessary in keeping it structured

- Enforce the rules/guidelines of GSD

- Assign D-Class work as apart of the work program

- Following the Legal Codex

- Being Friendly and an overall role model

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Employee DATA BASE:


- records



'Advisory' - Restricted

Benjamin Yatas - Clean

Kan "Reaper" Yantas - NOT FOUND


- Benjamin Yatas



File printed

FILE NAME - Employee Record - Benjamin Yatas

Name – Benjamin Yatas

Age – 32

Preferred Job type – Combat/Medical Prison Guard

Report of Employee: Benjamin Yatas

Benjamin Yatas, Age 32, Grew up in the United Kingdom, Worked through his school with excellent grades. After school Benjamin Yatas decided to work as a security guard in some prisons in the UK to strengthen his career choice and to expand his duties into a Maximum-Security Prison, Benjamin Yatas gained a job at the UK’s most Secure Prison when he was 30. Benjamin Yatas worked in the institution for 2 years, when he got a phone call from a mysterious group telling him that they had an outstanding opportunity for him to work as a security cadet in Canada. Benjamin Yatas agreed to this opportunity and moved to Canada right away after resigning from his job. Benjamin Yatas Now works as a Security Officer and is hoping to get higher in the ranks.

GSD logo.png


Thank you for showing interest in the position of GSD Captain, after careful consideration we have decided that you are ready to take on the challenges that the role of Captain has to offer. I’m happy to announce that your application has been ACCEPTED.

An interview is required before you are officially a member of Gensec leadership so please contact me on discord to arrange a date and time: dontorro

Kind regards
Chief of Security Cary “Raven”​
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