Accepted bidding rules

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

add a rule that forces you to pay once you bid for pc/er and win the bid.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

not sure

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

no false bids or situations where the bid is over but winner doesnt have the money (happened to me )

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

not sure
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

it will allow fair bids and security to er/pc not to get scammed or someething like that
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If you make a bid you have to pay anyways, you can't really scam ER/PC by refusing to pay. Elsewhere it's kind of the responsibility for the ER/PC to make sure they give themselves sufficient time to go and collect the money before the start of war.
i dont understand what er/pc can do when they go to bid winner and response is "we dont have the money" . that should not be happening
I know what you talking about, but in my Defense, I had NATO people telling me to bid on ER, saying they would pay, the idea was, everyone that wanted bid, would need pay their part, for the ER to me, so I could pay y'all, what happened was I got 100k from 1 person, and no one else stood up, I also didn't like what happened, and I also feel lied to by my own faction, if everyone that was wanting to bid, gave the money, we would have enough to pay you, but nobody decided do it


Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 17, 2021
United Kingdom
Suggestion Accepted

Hi @Vladislav , Your suggestion has been accepted.

While we cannot force players to pay, especially those who do not have enough, we will look at clarifying whether falsifying bids to stop the enemy from getting the hire is legal or not.

Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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