Big Dave's Demotion Appeal

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'Big Dave'

Steam ID:

Previous Rank (convert if required):

Who demoted you?:
Superadmin Marco, with the consultation of his Server Leadership Team at the time.

Date of demotion?:
I don't remember the exact date, but I believe it was before the 7th of June.

What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

What is the case against you?:

I'd like to start off by stating that everything here is from memory, and if I have missed out any infractions - it is purely by coincidence and by accident, not malice.

General Infractions

My first infraction in Staff was a result of me abusing my Staff powers to teleport various friends of mine to what we had built in CI base at the time, a "Femboy Hypnosis Machine". I teleported a few players I knew and a few Staff Members there and forced them to sit in the chair and be "Converted." While this was meant as a joke, I see now at the time it was unprofessional and a clear abuse of the privileges given to me as a Staff Member. I shouldn't have used my powers to elevate myself or take other players agency from them by teleporting them randomly.

Another infraction in Staff was gained because of my again, abuse of Staff powers with my friends. I had built a dupe of a small "invis box" and was placing it around a few players that were my friends. Again, while my intentions were to troll my friends and they had fun, it is no excuse. I shouldn't have been abusing my Staff powers to troll and minge around and should not have elevated myself to think I'm above other users by trapping them in invis boxes.

There was also another scenario that involved myself, where I was demoted from Senior Moderator to Moderator, for acting unreasonably an E-11 Member. The story was, that my Major (Jason M) was kidnapped by Alpha-1 Members for something that in character I had no knowledge of. Out of confusion and stupidity, I decided the best course of action was to shoot the A-1 Members killing them both. I stood around after the event expecting repercussions for my actions, but none came. A few days after, a tribunal IC was made, and I was stripped of all of my character positions. (Security Captain, E-11) and was demoted OOCly in Staff with it counting as a Major infraction. I was removed from all MTFs for two weeks, and blacklisted (Unblacklisted after speaking to Marco which I thanked him for) from Omega-1 and Epsilon-11.

A minor infraction while I was moderator I was given, was for having a dupe placed in D-Block called "big Daves office". This was another stupid mistake and joke I made using Staff powers, which was unprofessional and broke the roleplay of several server members. I apologise deeply for this.

The Major Infraction and final reason for Demotion

It is no secret that the leadership of the Chaos Insurgency and Server Leadership were not on the best of terms at the time. Some mistakes were made on both sides, and looking back on it now, I majorly over reacted to the events and I knew it was for the betterment of the server in the long term.

The CI Leadership and myself made the silly decision of creating a second Discord Server, where we aired our grievances privately. We made some awful comments that were unprofessional and stupid in hindsight.

We came to the decision that, to try and force Server Leadership to bring the cooldown back. Which the logic was, that CI being as strong as it was at the time - we were major providers of content for the server, and we felt neglected. That we would all go on a 3 day strike, threatening our lower down command of temporary demotions if they played on the server. This decision was made in a stupid haste of the moment, but I take full responsibility for it. I've taken actions to try and prove myself to be improving on the server since this. And I can say with full honesty and sincerity, that if I was given more than 24 hours to consider the entire ordeal, I would have rescinded the command. But that is not to try and lessen guilt, it was extremely stupid of us to this as it harmed the server. Luckily we were stopped early by Travis, who I have since spoken to and agreed with him that what he did was a good thing.

I was fully removed from Staff for this, and many others were demoted.

Is this true?:

Everything I have written above this is factual. Anything missed out is either a mistake, or shortened for brevity.

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?:

As mentioned, I had been demoted from SMOD to MOD.

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:

I have received a few warnings. 2 for RDM, 1 for Fail RP, and a recent one on the 26th june for Fear RP. Which was an accident I took responsibility for.

What is your side of the story?:

My side of the story is pretty transparent. I play this game to have fun, and I always tried to include other players in it. Fair enough, some may describe me as mingey or trollish. But I never tried to harm others in it. I never used my Staff Powers to give myself a combat advantage against other players, I used it comedic or silly ways. Which was unprofessional of me to do so. It was all an effort to just continue being silly and fun, and make others laugh. It backfired really. I never had any ill intent for any of the players I involved in these dumb and quirky schemes I pulled.

As a regular Staff Member, in sits - I always treated players fairly, gave others a chance to speak, prioritised player enjoyment and fairness over everything and was massively active nearly every week unless I couldn't for an IRL reason. I wanted to and still want to contribute to the long term success of the server and acclimate the playerbase, both old and new players to the server by being a friendly face. I still am a friendly face.

The whole Drama and ordeal with CI was just a dumb move made in haste that I regret massively because I feel its sewn an even bigger rift between me and a few other nominal members of the community. Which I would love to reach out and speak to.

Why should you return / what will you change?:

If I am given the opportunity to return, I will change my behaviour and attitude to what it should have always been, treating my Staff Powers as a means to an end when it comes to satisfying the needs of the playerbase, and not a tool to be exploited for jokes and laughs. I'll treat my position with an even greater respect than I did before, and always think of my actions before I take them.

I feel when handling regular sits, complaints and other Staff Members I was fair and easy to deal with. Of course there was an cropping up of an issue every now and then, but I always made the best effort to resolve it for the user in question.

I can be a serious person, when I need to be. And I want to restore peoples faith in me on this server and the playerbase. If this is denied, I will accept that too. And continue to play regardless. I love this server and the potential it has. I'd like to get back in the saddle and assist that future. If I am granted that opportunity.


Dave was demoted, and kicked out of the staff team all for reasons that I agree with. His behavior as a CI in that incident was something that severely harmed the server.

However, as written by Dave, He has shown determination to change, and has proven it several times. Whilst he was a controversial figure, it was no argument that Dave was a useful staff member, and someone who knew the rules well. This demotion appeal has been incredibly well written, and after talks with Dave again after his demotion it is clear that his mistakes are something he regrets, and has learned from. Everyone makes mistakes, and learning from them is a key part of growing as a person, and one of the biggest things we as a staff team rely on.

I wholeheartedly believe Dave should be given another chance, perhaps with a watchful eye over him.
Aug 20, 2021

Dave received punishment, which went harsher and harsher, until he had made the final blow when the Discord server was created. He is one of the friendlier type of personnel in the Server, yet he can have some "Mingy" themed scenarios.

Dave has been honest in the application, and what I have understood in this Community, is that honesty goes a long way. Dave appears to want to come back, due to him still actively playing on the server and chatting with people he knows and remembers.
Everyone has made mistakes, which no-one can argue about, but that is how everyone learns.
Dave should be given a second chance, with a very close eye kept on him.

(P.S: Kw1ll mostly said everything, so I am sorry if this looks like a copy-paste)
Feb 15, 2022
We have had many conversations revolving around the topic of roleplaying. I heavily recall you expressing that this is the only server you ever intended to roleplay on. We also joined Omega-1 at the same time working together as enlisted and eventually as Officers together.

Personally, I believe in second chances. But I think you already got this after your demotion to Moderator. Which leads you onto your third chance. However, this is an online community to have fun and experience serious roleplay. I do not see a problem with you returning to the staff team provided you redo all staff training.

Best of luck with your demotion appeal; please have a great day.
+ Support

First, as a person involved in his demotion, I want to address my genuine opinion on this matter. Based on what he has stated, it is true that he committed many bad things, which reached the point that I had to make a complaint against him. However, he reached out to me, and we had a serious conversation. I consider myself living proof of his improvement, given that we had a lot of interactions after his demotion. I understand that what he did was unprofessional and immature toward players and staff members, but he has improved his behaviors and regretted committing those things. I do not see any problem if he is back on the staff team. Nevertheless, I believe he will be supervised for a long time.

Secondly, Dave, if you are reading this, I want you to know that I am glad you are improving yourself; man, I can not wait to see you as a staff member again.

DkTnt (Yi-Fu)

Well-known Member
Jun 7, 2022
+ Support
Big dave is a fuckin G, while he may do some silly things nothing he has ever done to my knowledge was with intent to ruin other players experiences. He adds a good spirit to the community and is continuing to play and be semi active even though he has lost his staff privileges, showing his true dedication and enjoyment of the server. A life without Big Dave is not a life worth living.

Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
Big Dave was an amazing member of staff and was a great person to be around and yes he may have done some stuff but he has changed for the better since he has become more serious. He definitely deserves another chance

Deleted member 55

Hi Dave,

First I'd like to apologise for the long wait.

From what I can see, you're a person who tries to make the best version of yourself to the best of your ability, and you are improving, however.

All those attempts of improving stacked up to a long Trello card consisting of many warnings, 6 to be exact. One of those warnings involved a demotion to Moderator by me to give you another chance.

The warnings that were issued weren't usual rule breaks but spawning entire dupes in the middle of D-Block as an example, or a "femboy hypnosis" machine. This isn't really fitting for a serious roleplay server.

As much as I like you as a person, and you're a great guy to be around. We do not deem you fit to join our staff team at this given time, and I say we because I have discussed this demotion appeal with SL to avoid any "Server Leadership biased" complaints being thrown around again.

You may post another demotion appeal in a month.
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