Biggy 'Cheese' Timmyy's Resignation Appeal

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Jan 3, 2023
Name: Biggy 'Cheese' Timmyy
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:613015691
Previous Rank: Senior Moderator
Date of resignation?: Around half a year ago (cant find a date so this is a very rough estimate)
Why did you resign?: I resigned due to being burned out of staff as well as moving on to do other things.
Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: no
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: The only times I have been warned, which is a few for things like FailRP or RDM is when tiny mistakes happen and I accept the warn for it, however this will not happen again.
Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?: The reason I want to rejoin the staff team is due to me wanting to become a moderator once again, take tickets and help out the community and make the game enjoyable for everyone.
-/+ Neutral

  • + They were very active during their previous tenure on the staff team.

  • + To my recollection, were always polite and amicable in every interaction I have had with them.

  • -/+ However, I have some doubts about your ability as a member of staff - My only interactions with you in this capacity were of 096 pic sits, and every single time I called such a sit when you were on, even if there were other staff of higher rank on the server, you would take the sit and then promptly tell me that you couldn't do anything about it. This to me felt like you were farming for staff reqs, rather than allowing the requisite staff rank to appropriately resolve the situation, which runs contrary to your stated goal of taking tickets and making the game enjoyable for everyone.

    Maybe this is just my personal experience and it doesn't necessarily reflect on your other activity as a staff member, however that particularly stood out to me and leads me to question whether you would be appropriate to return to the staff team at this time. Do you have any further commentary on this?
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SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
even if there were other staff of higher rank on the server, you would take the sit and then promptly tell me that you couldn't do anything about it
Do remember that if he is the only one available, he will have to take the sit. If he then asks in the chat and gets no response or the higher ranks say they are unavailable to help, there's not much he can do. I'm not saying this is what was happening, but there is a very high chance it could have as it is pretty common.
Sadly we can't just make higher ranking staff available at an instant and have to admit there's nothing we can do in the moment and that another sit will have to be called later. :(


SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
-/+ support
Every experience I had with you as staff was positive, and you always handled things well.
You are really fun and pleasent to interact with both on an OOC and IC level.
You would be an amazing staff member to have back.

The -support part is purely concern for your activity. I saw you maybe only once before you put this appeal in, but have seen you even less since you put the appeal up. I personally feel like you need to get your activity back up to something reasonable before considering coming back to staff.
Do remember that if he is the only one available, he will have to take the sit. If he then asks in the chat and gets no response or the higher ranks say they are unavailable to help, there's not much he can do. I'm not saying this is what was happening, but there is a very high chance it could have as it is pretty common.
Sadly we can't just make higher ranking staff available at an instant and have to admit there's nothing we can do in the moment and that another sit will have to be called later. :(
I mean where there were other staff of appropriate rank but weren't available at that time, I would have rather waited for them to be available, than have the ticket dismissed entirely - Either way in that situation, I'm still left waiting, which I get that some mind that, but I don't; And I also get that one of staff's major directives is to not have tickets outstanding for long periods of time - But you can see how that in this situation, that one of those outcomes of waiting is just simply objectively more favourable than the other.

Most notably, I distinctly recall multiple instances wherein not only were there multiple other staff on of higher rank, but in the ticket I had also explicitly stated that I need an HMod or higher - And despite that, they still took the ticket and told me that they were unable to do anything about it, without, to my recollection, mentioning anything about the availability of other staff, just only saying that they specifically could not resolve the problem.
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Jan 3, 2023
-/+ Neutral

  • + They were very active during their previous tenure on the staff team.

  • + To my recollection, were always polite and amicable in every interaction I have had with them.

  • -/+ However, I have some doubts about your ability as a member of staff - My only interactions with you in this capacity were of 096 pic sits, and every single time I called such a sit when you were on, even if there were other staff of higher rank on the server, you would take the sit and then promptly tell me that you couldn't do anything about it. This to me felt like you were farming for staff reqs, rather than allowing the requisite staff rank to appropriately resolve the situation, which runs contrary to your stated goal of taking tickets and making the game enjoyable for everyone.

    Maybe this is just my personal experience and it doesn't necessarily reflect on your other activity as a staff member, however that particularly stood out to me and leads me to question whether you would be appropriate to return to the staff team at this time. Do you have any further commentary on this?
To be completely honest, yes, you have a point, if in some cases I took an SCP-096 sit when there were other staff online and seemed like I was farming reqs or something, I apologise deeply.

My intentions were not to farm requirements, I was simply only trying to help, however it was my personal mistake that I forgot that I did not know how to solve your issue, and that other staff would not respond when I asked for help or for them to simply TP and take over the ticket from there, since I remember multiple instances where I told you that I would contact staff, however there is not really much I could do at that time other than sit and wait for staff to reply.

As their were other tickets waiting and no staff taking some of them due to being busy or for other reasons, I would be required to take the other tickets instead of sitting there waiting for staff to reply, but they didn't at the time so again, the best decision I made at the time was to tell you there was nothing I could do, because there wasn't really...

However, this was quite a while ago, and I am pretty sure I found a way to answer most if not all sit types to combat this issue in the future, meaning if I am given staff, stuff like this will not reoccur again!
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To be completely honest, yes, you have a point, if in some cases I took an SCP-096 sit when there were other staff online and seemed like I was farming reqs or something, I apologise deeply.

My intentions were not to farm requirements, I was simply only trying to help, however it was my personal mistake that I forgot that I did not know how to solve your issue, and that other staff would not respond when I asked for help or for them to simply TP and take over the ticket from there, since I remember multiple instances where I told you that I would contact staff, however there is not really much I could do at that time other than sit and wait for staff to reply.

As their were other tickets waiting and no staff taking some of them due to being busy or for other reasons, I would be required to take the other tickets instead of sitting there waiting for staff to reply, but they didn't at the time so again, the best decision I made at the time was to tell you there was nothing I could do, because there wasn't really...

However, this was quite a while ago, and I am pretty sure I found a way to answer most if not all sit types to combat this issue in the future, meaning if I am given staff, stuff like this will not reoccur again!
this is satisfactory.
Jan 3, 2023
-/+ support
Every experience I had with you as staff was positive, and you always handled things well.
You are really fun and pleasent to interact with both on an OOC and IC level.
You would be an amazing staff member to have back.

The -support part is purely concern for your activity. I saw you maybe only once before you put this appeal in, but have seen you even less since you put the appeal up. I personally feel like you need to get your activity back up to something reasonable before considering coming back to staff.
Hello Kayla!

Let me just clear some parts of this review (mainly the -support parts) and address what was said in this support response (sorry for the late reply, i wasn't going to address your review however I felt I should clarify a few things),

First of all, let me thank you for inputting your opinions whether I should and should not be appealed for the staff team, as well as congratulations on climbing all the way from a Department Director of Medicine all the way up to Head Moderator!

Secondly, as for my recently poor activity regarding Civil Networks, this has sadly been the case for all of the games I am contributing to in one way or another, my physical health has been deteriorating over the past few months after my demotivation to play Garry's Mod after thousands of hours of doing so, as well as the server.

I apologise for my absence, however I would have joined back if my health had gotten better earlier, however this was not the case. Luckily, I was able to ride through it and it eventually went away and I got much better, due to this I have been motivated to do a lot more as well as join back the community due to it being super fun and exciting to both help out and play/roleplay with.

With my new found motivation, I have decided to make my appeal and re-join the community to help out because the community helped me out by introducing me into this sort of thing, as well as keeping me around, valuing me as a player and moderator as well as making Garry's Mod an enjoyable experience for me.

I can assure the Administration of the Moderation Team that I will be more active, and my activity will continue to improve as my motivation and morale does.

Thanks Again!

Sven Sky

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Feb 8, 2022

Appeal response

Hello @TheSCPAddict001 ,

Thank you for making a Resignation appeal,

After reviewing everything I noticed you have been quite inactive on the server and you have not been seen by many this month. Due to your low activity your resignation appeal will be denied. Please get your activity up if you wish to apply again for it.

You may re-appeal in 2 weeks.

Sven Sky​
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