Blacklist Amnesty - Bubby (Psych)

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Well-known Member
Jan 14, 2024
Your in-game name: Bubby (Psych)

Your SteamID: 76561198276254072

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist: 17/6/24

Who blacklisted you (if known): Yeke

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: I had been cheating using a bhop cheat to get around base faster, and i had lied when i was confronted and asked about it.

List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: None

List any alt accounts: None

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: Never

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I have uninstalled The cheat software a long time ago, it was meant to be more of a QOL thing but now seeing how much i miss actually being able to play i completely regret my decision to do what i did , and think that it was a very stupid reason to cheat.

Why should you be unblacklisted: I spent a lot of time making friends, documents and a lot of rp experiences. i really miss playing a lot and i've realized my error and will do whatever i can to rectify it. If given another chance i will not even consider cheating in any way, even if its something "small" like bhopping. i have full intentions of making sure i follow the rules and dont mess up like i had in the past. I'm sorry to yeke personally for lying even though he was just trying to help me out, and I'm sorry to anyone else that may have been affected by me cheating. If given another chance i will not make that same mistake.
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