Blacklist Amnesty - Dave Harper

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New Member
Dec 25, 2024

Your in-game name: Dave Harper

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:159345928

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist: 22-25/12/24

Who blacklisted you (if known): Unknown

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: No idea

List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: I have a vpn installed but i have never had it enabled when playing on the server.

List any alt accounts: None

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: No

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I have no idea which rules I broke if any at all, so I am unable to answer this.

Why should you be unblacklisted: A Star Wars intro message started appearing yesterday (25/12/24) when I try to play telling me that I am blacklisted before I am kicked with a 'You are blacklisted' message. I do not know why I am blacklisted or who blacklisted me. The last day I played on the sever before this was 22/12/24. An admin had not interacted with me before this happened. I am still in the Discord and Teamspeak, where my username is also Antonius625.


New Member
Dec 25, 2024
Here are some screenshots of what appears on my screen before I am kicked.


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  • Screenshot (543).png
    Screenshot (543).png
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