Blacklist Amnesty - Don fent dealer

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Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 4, 2023

Your in-game name: Don fent dealer

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:455428067

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist: Wed Feb 14 05:30:08 2024

Who blacklisted you (if known): Sanction

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: I was blacklisted for cheating, but in reality, I wasn’t cheating. I had repeated issues with the anti-cheat system flagging me for cheating when I hadn’t done anything wrong. Before I got blacklisted, the anti-cheat flagged me multiple times, but I wasn’t banned. The admins seemed to brush it off and let me continue playing as usual.

After all this back and forth, I made a video of myself using RoachHook on a local server, just messing around and dancing. I sent that clip to a senior researcher to see how they’d react. To my surprise, they forwarded it to one of the admins, but it didn’t seem like anyone took immediate action.

Some time later, I was pulled into a sit, where I was told they’d been ordered to ban me for cheating. I tried explaining my side of things and asked why, but the admin simply said, “I don’t know; I was ordered to ban you.” After about 15 minutes of talking, I gave up and accepted the ban.

I even saved a clip of the conversation on Medal:

That’s all I can recall since this happened quite a while ago.

List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: N/A

List any alt accounts: N/A

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: Warned:Yes, Kicked:Yes, Banned:Yes, Blacklisted:No

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I dont really have to say anything in this part since i wasnt cheating or doing anything malicious .

Why should you be unblacklisted: Well i want to play cn Since almost all the scpRP servers are dead,I also love the researching stuff in CN(i was a senior researcher<3),I love interacting whit the d classes and prank calling people,I had a good ammount of money and also a very sexy knife and other skins.
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