Blacklist Amnesty - Draven

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Aug 7, 2022

Your in-game name: Draven

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:610943425

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist: 28/05/2023

Who blacklisted you (if known): Luft

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: Doxxing Threats / Ban Evasion

As explained in my previous blacklist appeal, everything started from the first ever punishment I received which I'm almost certain it was an RDM or Toxicity rulebreak, I was never satisfied with the outcome of that sit that led me to my first punishment so instead of going with it the right way which realistically I couldn't because I had no evidence of the sit or how it was handled, I started being more reckless to the point where Cardinal took a sit against me in which, all the time during the entire sit, he'd make me less when he shouldn't have, he was just another player with admin perms to help or assist but in that specific instance, he made me feel less, told me to not speak over him, making me feel like no matter what I said, I'd just get hit with some ego or just weird superiority complex when in all honesty, I was trying to be as respectful as possible, because although I was acting up after my first punishment, I knew deep inside what I did was wrong.

Long short, the sit ended in me being banned for asking him if he ever heard of a website called Doxbin, and counting the attitude and the heat of the moment, it was very well understood as a doxxing threat, i never went out of my way to find anybody's information, never directly threatened to dox anyone or even let the heat of the moment make my words turn into actions.

List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: Never tried to change my IP

List any alt accounts:

I can't recall if there's any more than that one since it's always been my main one since I had Steam many many years ago

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: Warnings for Toxicity and RDM, nothing more than that, can't recall the order in which they were applied.

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Avoid saying stuff that will not end up well for me at all, as said before, I can't promise to be perfect or avoid getting in trouble because things will always happen to me or even to the most "exemplary" player, nobody's safe from messing up by accident, but I can promise to not make any more instigating or toxic comments, I'll retake my original purpose since I joined and liked the server to just focus on researching, playing D-Class and doing my own, this time, more aware and more mature since it's been a while, taking my experience in other communities I've had post my ban in here in consideration so I don't get in trouble again.

Why should you be unblacklisted: I'm always congruent with my changes, once past a specific situation, I try to never let it repeat (bad situations), I wanna get the second chance I never got and I can't be more remorseful of my actions but to simply write an appeal for the second time apologizing for what I said and did, because sure, maybe the staff was just that way, maybe it was a Vendetta, but at the end of the day I was at disadvantage due to my already previous attitude issues, but I never had bad intentions with anyone, I'd play this server for hours and hours, for what purpose? To get banned? No.

I bought VIP because I enjoyed the server and wanted more features that came with it, I actually wrote documents and tried to RP around, I enjoy the server, I'm a "changed" player, I've had more experience after I got banned, in FiveM, Garry's Mod, roleplay servers mainly and I haven't gotten in trouble because I learned to stay away from them or more simple, I learned to control myself, which was the main issue that would always get me in trouble, although it isn't relevant to the case, there's not many servers like this and as in many, I mean none, not as developed or as widely immersive as this one.

Again, I apologize for my actions and words, and as I said, even if the staff was being the biggest dick in the world, that does not give me the right to throw words like that and let alone reckless actions like the RDM warnings and such, but I never thought of actually endangering any staff's information.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022

After review by Network Leadership, we do not feel it is right for you to return to the community, due to your prior toxic behaviour followed by your original blacklist reason, we do not have any faith you can rejoin the community without going back to your original ways, you have 23 infractions on your main account, of which a significant portion for toxicity related punishments.

Kind Regards
Network Leadership.
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