Blacklist Amnesty - Galigier Richmen [R&D-NCO] | 'Jester' Kissper

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Mar 14, 2022
Your in-game name: Galigier Richmen [R&D-NCO] | 'Jester' Kissper

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55854535

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist: 05/09/24

Who blacklisted you (if known): AntiCheat

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: (tl;dr: I was blacklisted for not knowing I still owned a cheat from over a year ago.) So last time I told you what happened, NL said it was unrealistic, but that's what happened. I'm going to try my best to tell you exactly what happened.

I started replaying SCPRP after a long hiatus. I was in the mood to role-play again, but I had deleted Gmod last time I played. (I had forgotten I had removed it from my PC last time I had played.) After some time, I'd say 2 months of playing, I had realized that my drive was on the wrong drive. I'm talking about a drive that was over a decade old, so I moved it over to my modern NVMe. Due to me swapping my game to my modern NVMe, I thought everything was good until the dreadful day that would put my entire account into limbo. I was panicked, full of anxiety, so I went and made an appeal as I didn't know what happened. Once I put in my appeal, I went through everything trying to find what had caused this, and then I found it. It was a public cheat I had used a long time ago with friends on a random server. We can talk all day that no matter what, I should not have had cheats to begin with, which I can agree with. That's why I didn't put up a fuss about being blacklisted.

You are asking why my Gmod was on the decade-old drive to begin with. Simple answer: A year ago, I had played on a Gmod server that allowed alting, which I wanted to take advantage of, so I had bought another Gmod account for my main Steam account. I had 2 Gmod instances that required their own environment, so I setup a open environment to have 2 Gmods open at the same time using Sandboxie. (aka it was like getting double the output for mats or money printers, etc.)

List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: Free proton if anything but did not use here.

List any alt accounts: My Main Account:
My Alt Account: (Main Gmod account)

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: I have been Banned once back in 2022 for Racism one mic spam offense back then. Before i was blacklisted i had a metagame warn and a failrp warn.(To the best of my knowledge)

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I made sure to remove anything that looked like a cheat and installed a clean Gmod, hopefully eliminating anything related to it.

Why should you be unblacklisted: I love this server. I had great moments on here. I want to play CI and E-11 again, as it's enjoyable at times, and the community is normally great. I feel like I help in roleplaying situations, and simply, it's a great server. Once again I have to say that I had no intent to cheat, and I didn't even know I was cheating until it was too late.
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