Your in-game name: Lee "Caboose" Contrereas
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:650652206
Your steam community link:
Date of blacklist: 2/24/2025
Who blacklisted you (if known): Auburn
To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: Exploiting
List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: None
List any alt accounts: None
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: Was warned a couple times but all was expired before blacklisted.
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will no longer use cheating software on ANY server in garry's mod that may edit my game files.
Why should you be unblacklisted: First off, I would like to restate what happened.
Before joining the server, I was looking for something to do when a YouTube video about exploiting Garry's Mod appeared in my recommendations. Intrigued, I decided to check it out. This led me to a popular cheating website with various Garry's Mod cheats. One of the threads offered a downloadable DLL file. I joined a DarkRP server (not Civil Networks) and injected the DLL using a popular injection tool. I spent about 20 minutes experimenting with the ESP feature, without harming or killing anyone. I was simply curious about what the cheats could do. Afterward, I exited Garry's Mod, deleted the DLL file and injector, and removed them from my recycle bin.
Later, I decided to play on Civil Networks SCP-RP. I started as a civilian to scavenge and then switched to Foundation to explore the surface. At that point, I was pulled into a TeamSpeak with Auburn and Jacub, who informed me that they detected something in my game files. They first asked if I had been using any cheats recently, and I lied initially—this response felt instinctive to me. When they asked again, I admitted to using cheats a few days prior, but I clarified that I never intended to cheat on Civil Networks and had deleted everything before joining the server. Most of this statement was true, but I lied about the timeline; I had used the cheats just an hour or so before joining Civil Networks. I’m unsure why I felt compelled to lie, but I think it was due to anxiety from the possibility of being blacklisted from one of my favorite servers.
Ultimately, I was blacklisted because they could not trust me anymore, and I completely understand their decision.
I want to emphasize that even if I had been using cheats on Civil Networks (which I wasn’t), I never harmed anyone or used them against others. During the period between the cheat detection and my blacklist, I did not kill or damage any players.
Now, I would like to present my reasons for requesting an unblacklist:
1. No Harmful Impact on the Server
2. Complete Removal of Cheating Tools (to my knowledge)
3. Demonstrated Honesty at Certain Times
4. Lack of Malicious Intent
5. No Prior History of Exploiting
6. Genuine Regret
Point Number 1: Firstly, I want to highlight that during the time cheats were detected on the server, I never did anything harmful. I did not damage or kill any players. If I had been cheating, it would have been strange for me not to engage in harmful behavior.
Point Number 2: Before I rejoined the server, I completely removed all injection and DLL software from my system—at least, to my knowledge. I was unaware that any files inside my Garry's Mod folder might affect my account on Civil Networks. My understanding of Garry's Mod cheats is limited, and I do not know how they function.
Point Number 3: While I initially lied when confronted, I eventually confessed to most of the truth. I did lie about the timeline of when I used cheating software, which I now recognize was unnecessary. I was extremely nervous about potentially being banned from one of my favorite servers over a foolish mistake.
Point Number 4: My actions stemmed from curiosity rather than malicious intent. I never planned to disrupt the gameplay of others. This is evident in my behavior—I did not harm anyone during my time on the server.
Point Number 5: Having over two years of experience on the server, I have no history of cheating. This indicates that I wouldn’t suddenly resort to using cheats on this server without any prior context.
Point Number 6: I deeply regret ever cheating in Garry's Mod in the first place. I shouldn't have let my intrusive thoughts influence my actions. This was a moment of poor judgment, and I do not intend to cheat again, as I now understand that the cons far outweigh any perceived benefits.
Additionally, I am more than willing to share medal clips of my gameplay on the server for review. You can see that I am not using Aimbot, ESP, or any other cheating software. If you need any further information, please feel free to ask or check my medal profile.