Blacklist Amnesty - saturn 'yoyo'

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Well-known Member
Mar 20, 2024

Your in-game name: saturn 'yoyo'

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:517798568

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist: 9/4/24

Who blacklisted you (if known): Cloak anti-cheat

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: Using Cheats

List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: I may have used a VPN a few times but I don't know any specifics.

List any alt accounts:

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: I was warned a kicked a few times but nothing in specific that would bring up a major problem.

What will you do to stop this from happening again: As stated in my last 3 blacklist appeals I have had the software unistalled for multiple months now, and have never even clicked on any youtube videos showing any cheats on gmod like it. I have had the time of almost 3 months to think about my actions, and I have thought long and hard on my actions and the harm that it caused on the server and any players in the server. I understand that it is never apropriate to use any sort of cheating software on any of CN's servers, and that this is to make sure the server is a fair and enjoyable enviorment to all players. If I was given the chance to rejoin the server, I know that over this long period of time that I have restricted myself off of the server that when I did play on the server is was very enjoyable and I spend a lot of my free time playing. Without the time spent playing, I have had lots of time to think on my actions and I believe that I have reflected and have been made into a better person.

Why should you be unblacklisted: I should be unblacklisted because during my time on the server which I do not know the exact time, I was a contributing, good member of Civil Networks SCP-RP server, and before this I believe the only infractions I had ever recieved were small things such as I didn't know the exact rule on FearRP when I first joined the server, or accidently did a bug I didn't know existed. I was an NCO for a MTF regiment, which doesn't really show how much I love the server, but I hope that the fact that I have continued making amnesty appeals has to show some fact that I really want to rejoin the server. If I didn't want to come back and play normally, I'm not sure why I would be making all these appeals, though at the end of the day it is really up to you guys reading this, NL. I hope that NL has seen that I have been putting in actual effort on my appeals, and that you may reconsider your past decisions on this appeal. Again, I understand that I harmed the server, and I am NOT trying to make myself sound like a good person; but for the cheats I used, I only used them on d-class and I did not kill a single person. I know that using cheats is never acceptable but I know some people would just go and massrdm with cheats, while I just played a passive role. I do not believe I made a single person or entity take a single damage, and the most I did was take scrap from the dblock floor. But to continue on my last point, I know that cheating at all was bad, and that I should have never gotten the idea to cheat on the server. My mental state has changed since them and I am ready to become a reformed person in CN's community, and restart from the begining. If I were to be unblacklisted I would also like to have a fresh start since most people probably forgot me, I would love to never get a complaint from anyone, and just be a good person in general. I hope you guys as NL see how much effort I have put in, in all of my appeals, and I hope this means something towards all of you. To conclude, I know what I did was wrong, and I know I don't have the right to rejoin the server, but I believe by putting in this much effort and heart into making 4 appeals can show you guys how much I really wont ever do this again If I get the chance, and that I would NEVER do this again.
Saturn 'Yoyo'

Contact me VIA dms with any questions please if you are going to deny me, try to atleast give me a chance to defend myself:


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Hello @joeshoes1

Thankyou for taking the time to write an amnesty, however I am having a hard time trusting that you are genuinely apologetic and wont just attempt to do this again then end up in the same situation, viewing your history, you seem to be an avid cheater with even alt accounts you have and haven't linked here (Yes we know about them) and those that have VAC bans, plus generally follow the naming scheme of throwaway cheating accounts.

Furthermore, not even 2 weeks ago you attempted to evade your blacklist, I am struggling to find reasons to believe you will follow our rules or behave if given a chance, to add, you also appealed far to soon as per my colleagues last comment on your appeal.

As a result this appeal will be denied.

Any further appeals until 2025 will be denied.

Kind Regards
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