Blacklist Amnesty

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May 28, 2022
Your in-game name:
(Also Known as)

(BOx Z. Yellowfoot)

Your SteamID:

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist:
January 20th 2023 (1/20/23)

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted?
I was involved in a Discord server in which the members talked about Ban/Blacklist-Evasion, Net-Exploitation & etc.
(Please Note: I have never Ban Evaded, Net exploited, or even hacked. All I did was talk and hang out in the discord.)

Please list any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP (incl. game streaming, e.g. GeForce Now):
Once (Proton) <- This has already been delt with.

Please list any alt accounts:

Who blacklisted you? (if known):

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

What will you do to stop this from happening again:
I will no longer further involve myself with individuals of the community who condone and or behave themselves in actions such as hacking, net-exploiting, and ban evasion. As a step of my active commitment to my promise I have already distanced myself from all individuals who are dedicated to cheating on civil networks. Currently I have not talked to any of these individuals in for over half a year. As stated previously, I have never personally par took in the act of cheating or ban evasion in any way, shape or form. To this extend please remember I was not blacklisted for doing any of the actions, I was blacklisted for activity talking to those who did. I promise to continue to keep myself distanced form these individuals.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted?
Prior to this I have been warned, kicked, banned, and blacklist. The blacklist however, was for VPN usage. Due to the blacklist, I couldn't receive the list of my previous warns, kicks, and bans.

Why should you be unblacklisted:

I have never practiced in the conduct that would normally result in an individual being blacklisted. I have even continuously worked towards distancing myself from members of the hacking community

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?:
I have shown multiple times on other civil servers during my blacklist that I am able to follow the rules befitted by the MOTD. One example of such being the release of USA Military RP, because the sever was recently created at the time I was able to play on it because the blacklist system had yet to be set up. During the short time I was able to play I broken close to zero rules *(The one rule I broke was one unstated in the MOTD, It was no snipers allowed within a set time of the severs release, Unknowingly I had accidently broken a rule by using the Mercenary marksmen class which gave me a sniper class which at the time was illegal [Please note further I had to put in effort for this WL too, because it required 10 referrals.] ) With this I hope you can find the trust to let me play on the same server I fell in love with again.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:

Honestly, I just want to give the server a second go, this time I want to see the side I didn't get to see last time. I want to join an actually branch like MTF or CI, explore further then just level jobs and maybe even try for security captain at some point. Instead of only playing D-Class this time, which is what originally got me into this mess I want to try new thing outside of d block and outside of 914. Most importantly I want to be able to play on the server my brother loves playing so much. This time I won't falter towards the dark side of the community.​
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