PAC Request Blue Jay's CI Pac Request

Tagging threads containing character bios which request approval for in-game PAC designs relating to the description of the character.
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Blue Jay

Well-known Member
Mar 14, 2023
tbh just seeing if this would get approved 1718736909582.png

Lore:This is a CI member that spys on surface kinda like Deep covers just this one stays on surface to get info and the loc's of Foundation cars Civ's and maybe UNGOC cars this person is 29 when he was a kid his family was kidnaped by the foundation so he seeked revenge on the foundation so when he was older he join the group called CI and when he learned what they did he really wanted to join because CI and his goal were kinda the same so a couple of years later this what he is now.
Mar 12, 2023
Pac Denied

Hi Blue Jay,

Thanks for taking the time to make a pac request.
I have chosen to deny your request due to the following reasons.

From what I can tell, you've covered all of your pac in one material which seems a bit uncreative. I understand wanting to make a sort of "rock disguise" pac for surface fighting but you could do much better. Not to mention just the letters "CI" plastered on the visor seem very out of place.

Your request will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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