BOB Ban appeal

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New Member
Apr 16, 2023
Your in-game name: BOB
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:714112757
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: APRIL 14th 15:34
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Severe Toxicity, Stacked warnings, NITRP, Fail RP, Fear RP, LTARP, LTAP, RDM #Kira
Who banned you: Not sure
Ban length?: 1 week
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the URL):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Basically, I'm going to explain the situation. I had been playing all day, following all rules and regulations as a cadet on security. I was new to the server so did not fully understand everything. I ran through a tunnel and this guy by the name of "Jimbo stark" was accidently in my way. I couldn't get past him and this frustrated me. Instead of removing myself from the situation, i decided to RDM Jimbo and call him an ugly mug. This then lead to a sit, in which i was warned. The way Jimbo had snitched on me instead of confronting me had really frustrated me. I then decided to move on and let it go. I then carried on Roleplaying for a bit. Once again, i bumped into Jimbo stark. I then lost my temper and called him a Mug and ran away with him chasing me trying to cuff me. Jimbo then cuffed me and brought me to a room where he was going to arrest me. In this room i was very toxic to jimbo as i felt as though he was targeting me and just trying to provoke me at this point. He took over 10 minutes to arrest me and i had warned him that i needed to go in the next 60 seconds. I then left the game before i was arrested. I joined back later on only to find myself in a sit with Jimbo. The fact that he had persued this really annoyed me and i lost my temper fully and RDMd him in a sit and left the game. Throughout that time span i admit to RDM, toxicity, LTAP and Fear RP. However, I do not see how i committed FailRP as i was genuinely trying to roleplay before the situation happened. Also, regarding the "LTARP" i genuinly did warn Jimbo that i would have to leave in the next 60 secondfs and i even waited 10 minutes before i left and he still didn't jail me. Therefore I did not Leave to avoid roleplay. To stop this from happening again, whenever i feel myself in a situation where i may become frustrated, i will remove myself from the situation and not react. This will not happen again.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? I had been warned for RDM before, when i was new to the server and killed a fellow D-CLASS for no reason.
Why should you be unbanned: I really enjoy this server and have decided to start playing it over any other server. I regret my decisions and i am grateful to only have a 1 week ban, however i really want to play the server again. I have served 2 days at the current moment in time, in which I have learnt my lesson and become a better person. I apologise to Jimbo stark. This will not happen again.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: In the above ^
Why do you want to re-join this server?: In the above ^, also i know this appeal looks like a bunch of nonsense but i wish to return to the server with all my heart I'm a very dedicated player and i do wish best for everyone I promise if you unban me a situation like wont ever happened again and I support the server in any way i can thank you for reading this.

Kira Rose

Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2022
Hey Bob, I hope you are well.

So i will work through the situation in terms of per offence, FailRP due to both mixing multiple times and bhopping around the facility whilst IA is attempting to arrest you, FearRP violation due to not complying at gunpoint, LTARP as you disconnected whilst at interrigation.

LTAP as you disconnected midsit, during the sit as soon as you was dragged you shot and RDM'd Jimbo and disconnected.

You was calling Jimbo a "Pedophile" throughout the roleplay encounter as well as calling Jimbo a "Cunt" and a "Re**rd" and a "Spaz" insulting throughout, Due to the amount of insults and regards towards Jimbo i chose that severe toxicity was appropriate.

Due to the ammount of offences on your record in a single day and your behaviour throughout the entire situation it was clear to me you had no intention to roleplay, Along with stacked warnings as you had met the warning threshold in a single day.

I understand you was fustrated i hope things improve for you, But your actions where not appropriate and where a detriment to the server and hurtful towards the players hence why such a ban was issued in accordance with the punishment guidelines.

I hope this appeal goes well for you and wish you all the best.

Kind Regards
Kira Rose (She/Her)

Sven Sky

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Feb 8, 2022
Appeal Denied


Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After reading the response and your appeal, Ive decided to deny your Ban Appeal. Your behavior in those Situation are not justifiable you may be annoyed at the player but you cannot break rules or take your anger out on the Player in question. Your Ban will not be lifted to give you time to read through the rules again.

You may re-appeal in 2 weeks​
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