Bob Gustav Smith's GM Application [UK]

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): mateialex123 (currently "DemoHams")
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: About 2 years, and i have 38 days of playtime.
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Romania
Time zone: GMT+2
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Bob "Gustav" Smith
Chaos name (include your rank): CI-A Bob "Gustav" Smith [TEU-PFC]
Civilian name: Bob Gustav Smith
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:244659030
Discord ID (name#0000): sammysammer
Do you have a mic?: Yes but i almost never use it.
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Staff Application : Denied
I am unable to find my application for 096 whitelist but it was Denied

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

The only warn i have gotten in 2 months and the only one that is active is for VDM, and I have around ~50 warns (it would be a pain to get all the reasons) and 4 bans for hitbox abuse, RDM in a sit, minor glitching and severe toxicity + stacked bans.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:

In Garry's Mod no but i was the owner of 2 roblox SCP-related factions, and high rank in a couple other factions, as these roles i often hosted events (sometimes trainings sometimes more roleplay) and generally managed the community by reading applications and such.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:

Yes, i've been playing the "After The Flash" series for quite some time i don't know exactly but i'd say i've taken it seriously for about a year and a half. I also regularly play DnD with friends.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:

I already play SCP-RP a lot so i can be on for 4 hours a day give or take, more on weekends.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:

First of all, i have been playing on SCP-RP for a very long time and i have 2 reasons:
1. There's not that many events that try to include the general public. Events shouldn't just be pure serious RP where 80% of it is talking between CL4s, having anybody be able to participate to some degree with a little restrictions (Maybe no Class D or CL1s.) is a much better option, because the O5 and GOI high command already have a whole lot on their plate. I rarely see any civilian or class D events, primarily for the reason that those roles are mostly inhabitated by newer players, but i think the event characters should be chosen from a pool of more experienced players on those jobs for less complaining.
2. Fun. I think being a game master would be enjoyable since i have some time to kill.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

In my 2 years of playing with over a month of playtime, i think i've figured out preety much everything on the server. I have seen every room possible, gotten max level requirements for everything. At different times i've been in E11, Nu7, CI (Currently), GOC (Currently), had every license, had IA and EFD whitelist, played before GOC, the chemistry update and the HCZ update. I think that because of my variety of skills and knowledge i have acquired over the time i am suitable for the role of game master. I would be able to help the server by being an active GM and being open to criticism and suggestions.


Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

- UH OH! ? 2 chaos insurgency deep covers seem to have acquired highly explosive materials and strapped them to a researcher! This event would have 4 stages :
1. (Optional) If the DCs and specific researcher agree, i'd have actual DCs go inside the facility, kidnap a researcher and do some RP where they tell him the instructions and /me the bomb vest. The researcher would have to have a pac for this. However, there is a technical problem, they were meant to be able to see through the camera attached and remotely detonate the bomb, however the system malfunctions and instead there is a timer set for 10 minutes.
2. The researcher goes into some sort of crowded area, core sector, or just to some random higher rank and ask for help. Upon inspection, the person would roll 100 for several things :
>1 = Always gets found out, the device has somewhere between 5 and 20 minutes before it goes off and the researcher goes boom along with whoever is around. There is a note attached with instructions on how to disarm the bomb : *insert complicated riddle here* There are 3 wires attached, one leading to the timer which is red, one leading to the explosive which is orange, and one leading to the failsafe system. If the vest is taken off at any point, it will automatically detonate.
>20 = It is discovered that the timer is set for 10 minutes.
> 75 = It seems that the timer can be increased by 5 minutes, this would require an expert in defusing explosives however. (Nu7 Breacher)
> 90 = By reverse engineering the malfunctioned camera system, the location and disguise of the 2 CI DCs is exposed.
Role Benefits :
Enginner + 10 on roll
Tech Expert + 15 on roll
MTF A1 / O1 / Nu7 Specialist +30 on roll
! The explosive can only be examined once, the role benefits are apparent before examination so the proper personnel may be called !
If the bomb is defused by either brute force, attempting to carefully cut the wires or by solving the riddle, the department, MTF, or person who did it would recieve some sort of boost, for example if Nu7 did it, they would obtain some sort of explosive item IC to use.

- SCP 662 "Mr Deeds" ?. An MC&D sales agent approaches the foundation with an offer they can't refuse. He is in posession of SCP - 682 and is willing to exchange it for something of equal value (Money or some other inanimate SCP). SCP 662 is a small silver bell that when rung summons a butler with a posh british accent, who is willing and able to perform almost any task given to him. Whoever is in posession of SCP 662 which will be represented by an unequipable and gravity gun-able prop, which when interracted with summons the event character of Mr Deeds. In the lore Mr Deeds can deny requests so if anything is deemed absurd like "activating the alpha warhead" would be denied, but he would be able to provide the user with almost any item in the game, or perform any uncomplicated task. To prevent this from being abused SCP 662 would be held under tight security preferably. After about 2 hours of the item being in play, a specially selected rogue MC&D agent (event character) with beefy stats would be sent in through the nearest vent to retrieve the bell, and after successfully doing so, will dissapear as soon as line of sight is broken with him, he doesn't have to completely exit the facility. This is so that the event doesn't go on for a very long time. If somehow the bell is not retrieved because 662 is guarded ridiculously well, SA would order for it to be transported to the surface, as it's containment will be moved to a different site (rare scenario). There may be some interesting RP if somehow CI or UNGOC obtain the bell.

- The Kingpin has arrived. A Class D known for causing lots of trouble has been transported to D block, he has arrived along with two of his thugs. The Kingpin would be a slightly larger and cooler looking Class D with a health buff. Him along with his two goons would attempt to start a revolution in D block, by kidnapping foundation staff. The CI have heard about this and are trying to communicate with them to stage an escape. The Class D would be modeled citizens so that they are able to use O-Comms. CI would be able to communicate with them by having a DC get a radio item inside of D block, which would grant all of the event characters permission to use a secured line between them and CI. It is fully within the chaos insurgencies interest to get the kingpin to the surface, as he would be a very valuable asset to them. However, the gangsters and other Class D wouldn't be fully at peace, the thugs would be shoving the others around, stealing their lunch money and taking their sweets.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Unidentified Flying Object has been detected in the pinewood area...

This event would be split into 2 parts, happening over a day each, 2 days apart.

PART 1 : First Contact :alien:
Map Change : Map of the inside of the UFO.

(Event Announcement) Good morning Canada and you are watching today's section of myths, legends and oddities. We have recently been informed by a journalist in the pinewood town of Saskatchewan about some strange activities. He claims that he's seen some sort of extraterestrial saucer flying around that is clearly not from this planet, and he has even provided us with high-quality photos. After thorough analysis from our experts we have concluded that there is a very small probability that these photos have been faked. This theory is backed up by real cases of missing people in pinewood from unknown sources. Could this just be a hoax or are there truly visitors from beyond the stars interested in us? Find out more in tommorow's episode where we will have a team of reporters interviewing the people of pinewood for their opinion.

Because of the high levels of anomalous activities on earth, actual aliens have noticed us, and want to know more. In the first part of this event there will be a pac UFO flying around pinewood, which would retaliate with laser fire if shot at but will make a quick escape if possible. Every now and then, it would abduct a person, foundation, CI, GOC or a normal civilian and bring them in to the alien ship. The aliens have technology beyond our understanding and have some sort of immobilisation field that renders the human unable to equip weapons. In the ship, they would start interrogating the human, asking them questions about anomalies, and such. The reason they know english is that they have landed on earth before in 1800s England, but they have deemed earth so unappealing and barbaric that they quickly left, only retrieving books, dictionaries and drawings which they were able to deciphre the english language with.

The event character team would consist of 5 people :
1. Captain, armed with some sort of pistol (Hailstorm with pac over it to make it look more alien-like), he commands the entire team of aliens on their earthly operations.
2. Engineer, he posesses a freeze ray (freeze admin command with a pac, rarely used so it isn't OP) he manages all of the ship's systems, and acts as the medic of the team with tools capable of rapid regeneration.
3 and 4 are operators, which don't have any special abilities, but are armed more heavily and have more armor.

Part 2 : Crash Landing :alien:
Map Change : Crashed alien ship.

The aliens have meddled around on earth enough, and have miscalculated their fuel. They must make an emergency landing in the area of pinewood and attempt to recover resources that they would be able to power the ship with.
There are 2 ways they can fix the ship :
- Obtain the necessary materials from Foundation / GOC / CI through negotiations or murder.
- Power on the emergency escape pod that only the Captain may escape with, leaving everybody else behind.

A UFO model along with some fire and smoke particles would be placed down somewhere in a more remote area of the surface. In this event all of the factions would be trying to handle the situation differently, Foundation try to capture and find out everything about them, GOC would try to destroy the aliens, in fear of there being potential for them to report back to their home planet about the newly discovered potential of earth, and CI try to get their technology to use for their own goals.

List an example mission for each of the following:

O-1: An odd heist :
The employee of the month signs have gone missing, in their place is a note that reads : "Hugs and kisses, -K. J". It seems that the signs have been stolen, by reviewing the camera footage it's discovered that the signs just start moving on their own? Or are they being taken by someone invisible... A thief with a taste for rarities has used samples of SCP-966 to take them! O1 and IA must work together on finding out who this burglar is, and punish him. There are several clues that can be used to discover the thief that have been left behind : The note, signed by a mysterious individual, knowledge of the fact that they used skin samples of SCP-966, and footsteps leading into core sector. By someone following the footsteps they would be discovered to lead into the research hall chemistry sector. With a little bit of deduction, O1 would find out that the thief is most likely some sort of researcher CL2 or above that has recently done a test on SCP-966. By looking through the recently submitted test documents they can find a test log on SCP-966. The researcher's name has been crossed out, but it can still be made out that the first letters are K and J. The security personnel escorting the test would be an event character that is going to be on the server until the case is given up on, or ends. By talking to the Gensec Officer, it is discovered that the person who conducted the test is Senior Researcher Kevin James, bingo! Kevin can be found by simply asking around in comms or ID checking senior researchers. The two missing employee of the month sings can be discovered hidden very well tucked behind the CL4 chemical storage fridge in the research hall.

A-1: You've got mail : A regular cardboard box seems to have appeared on floor 3, A1 are hesitant to open it, but it seems to open itself... Upon examination, the cardboard box springs open, and a well-dressed man jumps out. It is seemingly impossible that a man could have fit inside, and investigating the inside of the box shows no signs of it being bigger on the inside. The strange person adresses himself as "The Businessman" and comes with an offer to A1 and the O5. If they bring him some sort of valuable item from their facility, like a rare item, anomalous object or even a highly valued person, The Businessman will reward them with unimaginable power. There are a variety of possible rewards depending on how "valuable" the item given is seen : If he is given a keycard of levels 3 or 4, ammounts of money from 1000$ to 8000$, a rifle, LMG, a Class D or any CL1 / 2 foundation personnel he will give back either an SCP 500 pill, an armor battery worth 200 armor (simply set armor to the person chosen) or a PKM. If he is given a level 5 keycard, ammounts of money from 8000$ to 20,000$, a CL3 or CL4 foundation employee or any laser weapon he will give back either an ancient sword (some sort of sword weapon), or a CI level 4 or 5 keycard. If he is given any ammount of money over 20,000$, level 5 foundation personnel or assistants, the salesman would be absolutely delighted, in exchange, he will give a big buff to the entirety of A1 in the form of better weapons and extremely buffed HP. Personnel would be able to be sacrificed by simply having them jump into the cardboard box and dissapear. This salesman seems to be highly anomalous, as he seems to be aware of every single detail of the foundation, and thus poses a huge possibility for information breaching, as he will pleasantly answer any question he is asked. On top of this, his suit is made out of extremely resistant anomalous material, seemingly completely bulletproof. Once 3 trades or 1 trade of the highest tier have been made, the salesman jumps back into the cardboard box, which seems to fold in on itself and dissapear. The personnel sacrificed during the event would be held in some sort of limbo and will be released once the event ends, essentially acting as a death (Not complete character death obviously)

Nu-7: Operation Blue Eagle : Site command have contacted Nu7 about a powerful reality bender in D block, and they have a very ambitious plan for him. Nu7 must work together with gensec in order to conduct a search and extract the reality bender from D block. After extraction, the reality bender would be brainwashed into forgetting his entire past, and turning into an Nu7 special agent. He will be trained extensively on how to use his powers for the benefit of Nu7 and against the CI. After about ~1.5 hours of this, the Class F amnestics would start having a very dangerous reaction to the reality bender's body, and he will self combust and disintegrate. There would be a couple rules in place so that the situation doesn't get too out of hand and becomes unfair for CI : The Nu7 Special Agent cannot participate in raids, enter vehicles or use sniper rifles. The reality bender would simply have a modified version of an Nu7 model and the basic low energy reality bending swep of the thaumatologists.

E-11: A Weissnacht Event : This event would happen somewhere around christmas. It's that time of the year, and SCP 4666, the horrid Yule Man is out to roam once again. SCP 4666 is a freakish, tall monster with resemblance to an old man of european descent, and he is stalking the people of pinewood. E-11 is being dispatched to the surface to attempt containment of The Yule Man, or at least recover some evidence of what's still left. SCP 4666 would be an event character with either some sort of model or pac resembling the appearence of 4666 described. The Yule Man has 3 stages : First, he would act as a spectator (invisible) looking for a target that is in an enclosed room and preferably alone or in a small group. Once a target has been found, it would play sounds like footsteps, banging on doors or scratching. In the second phase, the Yule Man would appear outside of the target's residence (base or house) awaiting for them to leave. Once the target leaves, 4666 would start stalking them by appearing in the distance behind trees, and dissapearing shortly after he is noticed. When the target has reached this phase, an attack is almost guaranteed. In the third phase, when the target re-enters their home, as soon as they are alone the Yule Man would strike, viciously attacking the target. If they somehow survive by escape or any other means, the Yule Man would simply dissapear and the target would never be picked again. E11 are able to contain the anomaly by catching it 2 times, once in the second phase and once in the third. If enough damage is inflicted, the Yule Man is incapacitated.

CI: Control The Masses : A very important canadian politician has arrived in pinewood to give a speech to the citizens of pinewood, this is the perfect opportunity for some dubious little plan... The politician will arrive in an armoured vehicle with 2 bodyguards who are armed with pistols, tasked to protect the VIP from any threats that might arise. The chaos insurgency is planning to kidnap the politician and brainwash him into telling the public that the PDF (declassified name for CI) has pinewood's interests at heart, and the rest of the GOIs in pinewood, mostly The Foundation, should not be trusted and are an active threat to the town's safety. The event can end in either a civilian victory, where the politician gives his entire speech and leaves pinewood safely, or a CI victory where he is kidnapped and brainwashed using Class F. UNGOC, The Foundation and rangers would attempt to protect him.

UNGOC: The Fist of God : The Horizon Initiative is an organisation composed of the 3 Abrahamic religions : Islam, Judaism and Christianity. THI see UNGOC as a direct threat to them, using their unholy technologies to destroy all anomalies, whether they may be created for good, or for evil. The specialised squadron "Will of Archangel Michael" has been sent to pinewood to assess the situation, and determine what the UNGOC's level of power is in the region. The squadron will attempt to conduct their operations in stealth, kidnapping members of the GOC or Foundation and interrogating them on all the information they need. Once they have gathered enough information (Most basic entry-level information for GOC) they make a proposal : Hand over all of your unorthodox equipment (2nd gen equipment), or feel the wrath of the all-mighty. The Initiative also seem to be heavily interested in SCP-7722, and they may be appeased if given documentation on him. THI would primarily be hostile to GOC and neutral to CI and F throughout the event. If the GOC refuses, they will collect their gear forcefuly.

Foundation Staff: The Obsidian Knife : SCP 034 is being transported to the site, and is to be placed in the LCZ anomalous objects storage. SCP 034 (not to be confused with the SCP one number higher) is an obsidian primitive knife. When used to cut someone else's flesh, the next person to touch the piece of cut off flesh completely takes on the appearence and charasteristics of the person who was cut, but this does however run out after a certain time. Researchers with escort from E11 would be allowed to run tests on SCP 034, and could be used by Class D for a quick sneaky disguise. This would work by having a GM (Me) spectating all of the interractions with SCP 034 and changing the models of the users. In order to make this managable and have an IC reason, the disguise takes a couple seconds to take effect.

Events replaced in edits since application post : UNGOC, CI.
Events expanded upon in edits since application post : E11, A1, O1, "Kingpin", "UH OH!"
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Insurgent oreo

Active member
Sep 29, 2022
+ Support

+ Good Ideas
+ Stopped minging
+ Long play time
+ Nice and Friendly generally
+ Good application


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
Hello Smith,

While i respect your intention to build up your reputation as a player, the position of GM is not ideal for this.
The position of GM is one with many privileges , which carry a massive risk of abuse.
even TGMs have much higher ULX powers than staff up to the rank of senior mod, being able to do things like giving weapons from the get go.

I would think it best to try to build trust first by holding an IC position for an appreciable sum of time, which would eventually result in you being trusted with positions like GM.

Same applies in regards to warnings and bans, while i understand that getting warned is to a point inevitable and that we all make mistakes, the best way to demonstrate improvement is to go long spans of time without any, your Most recent ban having been on the 26th of august, which is about 57 Days ago, which in my eyes may be too recent, though im not that concerned.

Looking at the Application itself,

Small Events
"Uh Oh!"
- Bomb defusal type events have precedent on the server, and i actually like the idea of the people planting the bomb still being inside and being "caught" incase of failure, but i think the method of how the bomb is "defused" is somewhat unengaging and not ideal.
Just one single /roll deciding the entire event would lead to it being over near instantly, and the players would likely feel unengaged by this.
A simple event with a workable idea, which could be improved on, not bad at all.

"SCP-662" - Mister Deeds is, or atleast was for a long time, a very commonly ran Event-SCP, with generally chaotic effects, the framing device of SCP-662 being sold by MC&D is fine, though you could also have just had it be in foundation hands already, and for the extraction simply have it relocated to a different site. As of right now, incase the MC&D "collector" is killed, there is no recourse in your event plan, which could be ammended.

"The Kingpin" - A D-block uprising event, what i would like to hear from you is HOW CI would cooperate with the Kingpin, and how a meaningful escape plan could be done. Would CI openly raid dblock and try to exfil as many bodies as they can? Would they sabotage the power? would they do some third thing, maybe dig a tunnel? I think this idea could be expanded on.

Also, what are the limits of the kingpin? which guns and how many does he smuggle in? are the smugglers actual event characters that need to be detained to stop the flow of weapons?

With Dblock uprising events, its important to keep in mind that they disrupt the core gameplay loop of the server, and thus need to be kept contained to avoid starving research of dclass, and gensec of escorts.

Something you could do, if you wished to reformat this into something less disruptive and more intrigue based, is that you could have the kingpin sell normal contraband like in real prisons, and to have mundane comforts like food and the such smuggled in by his Corrupt Gensec friends.

"Map Change"
While you are not alone in making this mistake, this is not a map change event, a map change event includes changing the map the server runs on away from the Site-65 map to a different one, E.G. gm_construct.

Aside from this, i think your submission is simply not "big" enough to fit as a map change, which would need to significantly involve all factions on the server for 1-3 hours.

"O-1" Please elaborate further on how this investigation would occur

"A-1" This idea is phrased very vaguely and seems overall a bit random and unbalanced.

"Nu-7" I think this event idea would very heavily impact CI and would need to be done carefully, with the Event Character using his powers in a very limited fashion.

"E-11" Please elaborate on which abilities the SCP would possess during the event, simply mentioning a number is not enough.

"CI" This seems somewhat unearned, "CI has a nuke and if you dont do what they want and you dont raid the unraidable base uhhh we blow it up", another issue would be that in case the UNGOC refuses to comply, you would need to effectively MRDM surface, which is simply not doable.

"UNGOC" The idea is rather generic and underdeveloped.
As an aside, though you have no way of knowing this, the FEL is largely an original creation of Houston Benton, and as such Events involving it are only ran with his permission, considering it is his. This is not something bad about your application or something that reflects negatively on you, but this is simply something to be aware of, that people´s creations are not used without asking them first.

Also, how would you want to practically do the "suppression field creation device" mechanically? The things we can practically do are significantly limited ingame and it is important to be aware of said limits.

"Foundation Staff" A Good idea which would lead to a lot of chaos and testing, though again this would be difficult to do mechanically, as the only method to meaningfully disguise is the disguise card, which would need to be given to the player, implying significant trust to not "break" the rules of the anomaly and 24/7 monitoring of the disguised individual.

Lastly, something I personally look for in GM applications is for the applicant to demonstrate a notable familiarity with the SCP Universe beyond the content obviously featured on the server.
This could take the shape of mentioning an Obscure GOI or Concept, while also demonstrating that you understand their function and place in the SCP universe, such a demonstration is absent from your application.

Juding exclusively on the quality of the Application, disregarding any issues one may have with trust and warnings (i leave those concerns to the people of Event Team) i find myself unable to confidently support your bid to join the GM Team.

Please make an effort to address the concerns i have mentioned and ideally try to create more unique and creative events, you are trying to put your best foot forward and show us why you would be a great addition to the team, please keep this in mind for any future revisions or applications you make.

I wish you the best nonetheless.
Last edited:
Hello Smith,

While i respect your intention to build up your reputation as a player, the position of GM is not ideal for this.
The position of GM is one with many privileges , which carry a massive risk of abuse.
even TGMs have much higher ULX powers than staff up to the rank of senior mod, being able to do things like giving weapons from the get go.

I would think it best to try to build trust first by holding an IC position for an appreciable sum of time, which would eventually result in you being trusted with positions like GM.

Same applies in regards to warnings and bans, while i understand that getting warned is to a point inevitable and that we all make mistakes, the best way to demonstrate improvement is to go long spans of time without any, your Most recent ban having been on the 26th of august, which is about 57 Days ago, which in my eyes may be too recent, though im not that concerned.

Looking at the Application itself,

Small Events
"Uh Oh!"
- Bomb defusal type events have precedent on the server, and i actually like the idea of the people planting the bomb still being inside and being "caught" incase of failure, but i think the method of how the bomb is "defused" is somewhat unengaging and not ideal.
Just one single /roll deciding the entire event would lead to it being over near instantly, and the players would likely feel unengaged by this.
A simple event with a workable idea, which could be improved on, not bad at all.

"SCP-662" - Mister Deeds is, or atleast was for a long time, a very commonly ran Event-SCP, with generally chaotic effects, the framing device of SCP-662 being sold by MC&D is fine, though you could also have just had it be in foundation hands already, and for the extraction simply have it relocated to a different site. As of right now, incase the MC&D "collector" is killed, there is no recourse in your event plan, which could be ammended.

"The Kingpin" - A D-block uprising event, what i would like to hear from you is HOW CI would cooperate with the Kingpin, and how a meaningful escape plan could be done. Would CI openly raid dblock and try to exfil as many bodies as they can? Would they sabotage the power? would they do some third thing, maybe dig a tunnel? I think this idea could be expanded on.

Also, what are the limits of the kingpin? which guns and how many does he smuggle in? are the smugglers actual event characters that need to be detained to stop the flow of weapons?

With Dblock uprising events, its important to keep in mind that they disrupt the core gameplay loop of the server, and thus need to be kept contained to avoid starving research of dclass, and gensec of escorts.

Something you could do, if you wished to reformat this into something less disruptive and more intrigue based, is that you could have the kingpin sell normal contraband like in real prisons, and to have mundane comforts like food and the such smuggled in by his Corrupt Gensec friends.

"Map Change"
While you are not alone in making this mistake, this is not a map change event, a map change event includes changing the map the server runs on away from the Site-65 map to a different one, E.G. gm_construct.

Aside from this, i think your submission is simply not "big" enough to fit as a map change, which would need to significantly involve all factions on the server for 1-3 hours.

"O-1" Please elaborate further on how this investigation would occur

"A-1" This idea is phrased very vaguely and seems overall a bit random and unbalanced.

"Nu-7" I think this event idea would very heavily impact CI and would need to be done carefully, with the Event Character using his powers in a very limited fashion.

"E-11" Please elaborate on which abilities the SCP would possess during the event, simply mentioning a number is not enough.

"CI" This seems somewhat unearned, "CI has a nuke and if you dont do what they want and you dont raid the unraidable base uhhh we blow it up", another issue would be that in case the UNGOC refuses to comply, you would need to effectively MRDM surface, which is simply not doable.

"UNGOC" The idea is rather generic and underdeveloped.
As an aside, though you have no way of knowing this, the FEL is largely an original creation of Houston Benton, and as such Events involving it are only ran with his permission, considering it is his. This is not something bad about your application or something that reflects negatively on you, but this is simply something to be aware of, that people´s creations are not used without asking them first.

Also, how would you want to practically do the "suppression field creation device" mechanically? The things we can practically do are significantly limited ingame and it is important to be aware of said limits.

"Foundation Staff" A Good idea which would lead to a lot of chaos and testing, though again this would be difficult to do mechanically, as the only method to meaningfully disguise is the disguise card, which would need to be given to the player, implying significant trust to not "break" the rules of the anomaly and 24/7 monitoring of the disguised individual.

Lastly, something I personally look for in GM applications is for the applicant to demonstrate a notable familiarity with the SCP Universe beyond the content obviously featured on the server.
This could take the shape of mentioning an Obscure GOI or Concept, while also demonstrating that you understand their function and place in the SCP universe, such a demonstration is absent from your application.

Juding exclusively on the quality of the Application, disregarding any issues one may have with trust and warnings (i leave those concerns to the people of Event Team) i find myself unable to confidently support your bid to join the GM Team.

Please make an effort to address the concerns i have mentioned and ideally try to create more unique and creative events, you are trying to put your best foot forward and show us why you would be a great addition to the team, please keep this in mind for any future revisions or applications you make.

I wish you the best nonetheless.
I had absolutely no idea that FLE was an actual thing in lore, i just heard it in the UNGOC TS and thought it sounded funny... lmao

Anyways i am gonna be making some changes to the application, thanks for your constructive criticism ❤️ About the map change, i could find some map that resembles the inside of a ship and teleport players there, i'm not sure how that might work i'm not big into gmod developing.
Though I will probably not leave a verdict on this GM applications, I would like to point out a few things to individuals viewing this applications.

Alot of individuals may see Gustav as a mingy players - though I must deny this, Gustav has shown a high level of professionality and RP skill since his return to the server (Mostly within the UNGOC, while this also can show while he is playing on Ranger)

I must say though, he could definitely make some very good surface events (as he does primarily play on Surface GOIs/Civilian)
Jan 29, 2023
-/+ Neutral

hello mr. Smith,

looking at the events, especially the short ones, you try to make sure that jobs which normally don't get attention or Rp get a chance to shine. This is an admirable effort yet it does bring some risks. Example of this is the “UH OH!” and the "Kingping" event you mentioned in your app.

Using the “UH OH!” event as an example planting bombs on researchers can depending on both the GMs and Players actions, quickly devolve into mingery and glorified mass RDM. On another note if the event is done well it can be thrilling and give underappreciated jobs a chance to shine [in this example Techexpert and Engineer].

Another Example of this is the Kingpin event, this one has the chance to give less experienced D-classes a chance to enjoy themselves without a researcher proving an interesting test. Yet can if not handled correctly turn into “GM gives D-class a 2 hours riot” or "Gensec RDM fest", it would be a delicate balancing act, but could be great if done right.

While most events can turn bad if handeled poorly, some event types are more prone to this than others.

Last but not least most of your events fall into the category “made for the broader Community”, events which do not require a great amount of Lore knowledge or access to specify groups ect. to enjoy. These events tend to do well and garner a lot of attention and have a lot of potential to entertain a large percentage of the player base yet tend to leave lore interested players a little bored. [There are visible attempts to counteract the effect by using lesser known GOIs and SCps which if done right can result in an event which can be enjoyed by nearly the whole server.]

So with all the good and bad I arrived at a neutral point, I may not have a particularly high opioning of you considering your very mingy past. I still see a lot of potential and have heard, especially from GOC, that you have changed and I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I do nonetheless wish you good luck with your application.

Sincerely The Salty CI Roster guy
Though I will probably not leave a verdict on this GM applications, I would like to point out a few things to individuals viewing this applications.

Alot of individuals may see Gustav as a mingy players - though I must deny this, Gustav has shown a high level of professionality and RP skill since his return to the server (Mostly within the UNGOC, while this also can show while he is playing on Ranger)

I must say though, he could definitely make some very good surface events (as he does primarily play on Surface GOIs/Civilian)
After having a long think, I will be supporting this application.
Bob Gustav has improved significantly since joining the UNGOC.
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