Bobey's site advisor application

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Well-known Member
May 14, 2022
White = question
Orange = long answer
Blue = Short answer
Red = not important/don't have to read

Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I following of steam i have played 400-500 hours
Now i tried the server on the very oldest map.
But started playing around 2022. Took a long break for MRP server then rejoined again.
So my playtime is now
2 days
I am 13 years old
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
same time as most others.

Character name(s):
Civilian name:
David 'cool' friend
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
I am applying for the UK server
Do you have a mic?:
Yes, Two incase one breaks
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
E-11 LCPL (held)
Nu-7 PVT (held)
GENSEC Captain (Held)
CI-A (Held)
Internal agent (Holding)
Riot Sergeant (Holding)
E-11 PVT (Holding) - rejoined
External agent (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes i have received some a ban, warnings. But never a kick.

Ban reason: It was late at night and i did something stupid before i left to go to bed so i got banned for
Warnings reason: Must of the warnings i have gotten were RDMs and FailRP. Yes some were recent and must were months if not years old.
The recent ones were because i didn't know that it was a rule or thought it was not allowed. I have learned from my mistakes and wont be getting any more warnings for a long time if not never
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I believe i am responsible enough to hold a position like this.
I have had a clearance 4 job before and believe i am responsible enough to hold this position.
I know how to give respect to everyone else around me well still trying to keep it fun for everyone else.
I believe i have great leadership and management skills as i was a Captain and a MSGT in the MRP sever.

And am still holding the Riot sergeant role which is also a leadership role.
I know all of code of ethics and Code of conduct as i am a Internal agent and it is important to know these things.
I know how it also fells for other GENSEC, MTF, and IA roles. Which means i believe i am able to make a better experience for all of these regiments/departments.

In short i think i am a good pick for the advisor job. and if not now then in the future as i always learn from my mistakes and try my best.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I believe i am suitable for site administration as i have held many and many roles in these server.
I know how to make everyone around me experience better.
And i can learn from my mistakes. if i wont be picked now i believe i will be picked in the future as you will see how much better i am at everything.
I have had some roles that needed leadership the biggest of the all was being a Captain.
Now i believe i am matury and professional when the time needs to be.
But i can also be fun when the timing is also right.
I believe i can help and make the site not just more fun but make everyone's experience better.
And how do i know that. You might ask. Well i have been in many regiments/departments and seen many regiments/departments cons and pros.

in short i believe i am a good person that knows how to make everyone's experience better well being matury and professional.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
The site administration responsibilities are as followed.

Site administration are to make the site and departments run smoothly they get feedback and give orders on how to make things better.
Site administration are also to host or join interviews/meetings with Ci or UNGOC and deal with hostage situation and more related to that.
Site administration may give AA auth. And give authorization for MC&D to sell items like guns to MTF units or other personnel that are combative, when needed.
Site administration are the engine in a car without it you can't drive it, and it has no function, what i mean is Site administration is important to make everything go as planned and run smoothly. They are leaders not followers and should be ready for anything to happen.

In short they are leaders they have to give orders and make sure everything is going smoothly and is running as should be. If not then who knows what the scp's, UNGOC or CI would do.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
System: Booting up . . .
System: Hello, how can i help you too day.
Bobey: Tell me about Bobey's story.

Searching . . .
System: File found! do you want me to open it?
Bobey: Yes
System: Opening file . . .
System: Showing files contents.


Bobey was only 21 before joining the military. His contract was for 12 years and would end when he was 33 years old.
Bobey did his BCT and got extra training before going on his first overseas mission in Iraq.
Bobey left his two children and wife at home, given them a kiss and a fare well before leaving.
He was send out to fight with the military in Iraq. He was stationed as [REDACTED] near [REDACTED].
His first mission was to scoop out some terrorist which ended
successfully. After a few missions bobey was known in the base but almost everyone.
On his last mission he was tasked to visited a city and look around for any weapons etc. During the mission one of Bobey's squad member stepped on a landmine but Bobey luckily for Bobey he didn't lose any limbs but unlucky for him he was in a short coma that was around 2 minutes. When he woke up he checked on his squad most of them where fine but some didn't make it. All Bobey and the squad could do was go back to base and report what happened.
After Bobey was done with his first mission he was send home for a 3 months vacation with his family.
After some time Bobey as diagnosed with uncomplicated PTSD which is easily treated.
After Bobey's vacation was over he was send to Afghanistan for his last 5 years in the military.
Bobey was set at [REDACTED] base. which had a small airforce there.
Bobey's first mission was to take out a high commanding Taliban. In doing so he saved his squad many times which earned him a bronze star for his heroic acts.
After a long time he was finally able to kill the high commanding leader of the Taliban. And as a thanks for the military they let him go 4 years before he should.
They paid for his flight home. And when Bobey contact his family they where so happy and waited for him at the airport. Finally when Bobey came home he was with his familie again. He got a new job as a police officer to pay his bills and more.
Around 3 years after that agent [REDACTED] and agent [REDACTED] was tasked to get Bobey to sign a contract so he could join the foundation.
Bobey was driving home at the time from a long day at work. When he parked his car outside of the garage he saw two agents infront of his house waiting.
Bobey walk up too these two agents and asked what they were doing here. They told him "We love you're work we are looking for someone to work at our site as captain in our security" Bobey asked what would he need and what work he would do. They told him he only needed great leadership and management skills as well as. Control most of the security force in our site. They agents said "You will start with a 1 million dollar bonus if you start now. All you need to do is sign this contract" Bobey thought for a second. And decide to sign the contract. After that the agents told him to come with them and they were going to a airport. When Bobey and the agents got to the airport they got in a plane to Canada. Hours later they finally landed in Canada. Bobey had never been to Canada and was exited. But asked "What about my family" and the agents said "don't worry we got someone to protect them. And handle them" Bobey didn't understand. Buy let that slide.
When they finial got to the site they entered it and walked to the bunks...

System: I this was Bobey's story before he worked at the foundation
Bobey: Show me the file. about my story in the foundation.
System: Location file
System: . . .
System: Found File!
Bobey: Open it.
System: Opening contents of file.

When Bobey finial got to the site he was escorted to his personnel office. The agents said they would wait outside the door. And Bobey went in the office.
Bobey saw a gun locker. A locker with uniforms. A desk. A chair. And a screen. And many more things. The screen was black but on.
But after some time the screen showed a video of what Bobey was doing what he will be doing what will happen etc.
After Bobey saw the video he took on his uniform and took a clearance 4 keycard. And some guns.

Bobey was escorted to D-block where he would work at. The agents told him they would be watching and give feedback to Bobey for his first three months.
So Bobey knew what he had to do and started to lead the gensec with supervision of a chief and the agents. after a long time Bobey was one of the best captain the foundation had. But Bobey got tried of the work he was doing. And decide to go another direction. He wanted to join Internal affiers with his chief permission. And doing soo. He became a Internal agent. making sure everyone follows the rules. After a long time working Bobey was happy for his work.

System: Anymore information cannot be said unless with O5 permissions.
Bobey: Ok thank you system.
System: Thank you have a great day.
Bobey: You too...
System: Shuts off.
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Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @damme_danile

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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