In-game name: 'Mute'
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:110013341
Age: 19
For how long have you played on our servers?: 3 Years
What country are you from?: Thailand
Time Zone: BST
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this your first application for a Developer? If not, link previous ones: No
Have you received any bans?: 1 (Misuse of equipment)
How confident are you with Blender/Maya/3DSMax (or any other software that applies) (Rate yourself 1-10 using one rating guide): 7.5 (I use GMOD with Krita and that's it)
Do you have previous experience as an Artist for GMod?: About 2 Months
Why do you want to be an Artist? What can you help us with?: I've been doing Garry's Mod art lately and like to put my skills to use, add some nice touches to the server, and test my skills. I've been improving lately on my work and gained new skills over time. It's been a while after my recent application so I believe it's been a reasonable amount of time for me to reapply for another shot at getting into the art team.
Which server(s) on Civil Networks do you play on and which ones would you most prefer to map for? Have you made & edited any models before? If so attach some images showcasing your model or edit: MRP ( My work ) I haven't edited models before but I tend to add details in post-processing. If the right models can be found, I will make the artwork as identical as possible.
List any ideas for new models or edits for CN that you would like to work on: Mostly cinematic or regimental covers for banners or whatever. I typically go into singleplayer using gm_black so I would build the scenes myself. I make custom operator covers for people in the server if I feel like it to experiment with my work.
How confident are you with QC? (Rate yourself 1-10 using the rating guide): N/A
Do you have any experience with Crowbar?: N/A
How many hours can you commit to developing per week?: Depending on work irl, it varies but I can put in 5-9 hours roughly, I even make renders when I'm bored so maybe more
Why do you want to be a Developer? What can you help us with?: I'm not bothered by what I get overall, I just want to learn and experiment with my art with something and have my name posted on a page really, I don't need any benefits from being a developer. I just like having my work seen.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:110013341
Age: 19
For how long have you played on our servers?: 3 Years
What country are you from?: Thailand
Time Zone: BST
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this your first application for a Developer? If not, link previous ones: No
Have you received any bans?: 1 (Misuse of equipment)
How confident are you with Blender/Maya/3DSMax (or any other software that applies) (Rate yourself 1-10 using one rating guide): 7.5 (I use GMOD with Krita and that's it)
Do you have previous experience as an Artist for GMod?: About 2 Months
Why do you want to be an Artist? What can you help us with?: I've been doing Garry's Mod art lately and like to put my skills to use, add some nice touches to the server, and test my skills. I've been improving lately on my work and gained new skills over time. It's been a while after my recent application so I believe it's been a reasonable amount of time for me to reapply for another shot at getting into the art team.
Which server(s) on Civil Networks do you play on and which ones would you most prefer to map for? Have you made & edited any models before? If so attach some images showcasing your model or edit: MRP ( My work ) I haven't edited models before but I tend to add details in post-processing. If the right models can be found, I will make the artwork as identical as possible.
List any ideas for new models or edits for CN that you would like to work on: Mostly cinematic or regimental covers for banners or whatever. I typically go into singleplayer using gm_black so I would build the scenes myself. I make custom operator covers for people in the server if I feel like it to experiment with my work.
How confident are you with QC? (Rate yourself 1-10 using the rating guide): N/A
Do you have any experience with Crowbar?: N/A
How many hours can you commit to developing per week?: Depending on work irl, it varies but I can put in 5-9 hours roughly, I even make renders when I'm bored so maybe more
Why do you want to be a Developer? What can you help us with?: I'm not bothered by what I get overall, I just want to learn and experiment with my art with something and have my name posted on a page really, I don't need any benefits from being a developer. I just like having my work seen.