Accepted Bring over MRP regimental keycard levels

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Sep 16, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
On MRP, vkeycards supports keycard scanners having two clearance levels attached: a regimental one, and an override level. To my knowledge this would work (using SCP regiments) where a door would allow through e.g. CL3 E-11 or CL4 for any other regiment/role - people with CL3 of any other regiment or role would not be able to open the door. I believe this can also support multiple regiments on a single scanner. I am not sure if the version of vkeycards the SCP servers use don't currently support the feature, or if it simply isn't used on the SCP servers.

This could be useful and make sense in a few specific areas and circumstances. Namely, it would be useful for areas where certain regiments have jurisdiction or specific reason to be there, but where others of the same clearance level do not. A specific example would be 682's containment being changed from being simply CL4 to being E-11 CL3 with override CL4 - this specifically would make sense, as currently E-11 cannot actually monitor this area for intruders or breaches without a CO+ being present, despite that not making sense.

Doing it this way might also mean it would make sense to change things to have e.g. CL2 MTF roles, as it would allow more flexibility with area access, but that's a separate decision. Along with this, it might allow ISD to have CL3 levels rather than the strange CL3.5 position they seem to be in now, as they would be able to be simply added to regimental access to areas they need access to.

There are a few other areas of the site that I think it could make sense to change this, and levels that make sense to me using this system, but it'd be up to whoever within staff decides these things in the end, for balancing and what makes the most sense.

Some ideas I had about what areas could be changed using this feature, but these are just ideas and the actual suggestion itself here is just adding/using the feature at all:
  • Outer or control room of 008 being E-11 CL3, override CL4/5
  • 682 containment being E-11 CL3, override CL4
  • E-11 bunks being SA/A-1/O-1/E-11 CL3, override CL4
  • Front gate being Nu-7 CLX, override CLX+1 (with X being whatever it currently is)

This could also be expanded on to either work for specific departments too (e.g. IA, DEA), or for those departments to be made regiments and allow multi-regiment players. This is also just an optional extra idea, as it would then allow for e.g. interro to be CL3 IA + ISD, override CL4.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I could find. I found suggestions for other changes to keycards, but couldn't find this specific change.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Makes access to some areas make a more sense both in RP and in gameplay, e.g. E-11 should definitely have access to 682 and 079 containment chambers but currently don't, while not allowing every CL3 to access those areas.
  • Is hopefully an existing or easily portable feature of vkeycards, so is hopefully not too much work to implement
  • Allows more flexibility in clearance levels for regiments that is not currently possible (e.g. there could be a CL2 MTF member)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Possibly takes dev work to port from MRP, if the feature isn't already present for both
  • Decisions would need to be made by staff on how the TE-5 should interact with this, and (hopefully minor) changes would need to be made to allow it to work with this if it can't already
  • People would likely want this to also apply to things like IA, tech experts, DEA, etc. and I don't believe that is currently supported with a simple feature port

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I am hoping this isn't too hard to port (or is already possible and simply not currently used), and it would improve the clearance level system and door access without making it particularly complicated. There are various areas where this change would make a lot of sense and improve things quite a lot (e.g. E-11 being able to open 079 doors would make that room a bit less impossible to take back when CI are holding it, and it just makes sense).
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Cheese Cooper

Well-known Member
Sep 5, 2022
I don't think being in multiple regiments at a time is possible. While it would certainly be in some ways a boon for IA or DEA to be regiments, the nature of those departments as almost "sub departments" of the actual regiments we have (dea, nu-7 and ia, o-1) might not mesh well. I would support a regiment for senior CL4s to be in, though. Would make tracking activity of the various department leaders easier.

That being said if they could make the access attached to the job rather then the regiment then there wouldn't be any issues except where 914 shenanigans might be involved since 914 does fucky things like giving d-class comms when used and whatnot
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Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Sep 16, 2023
I also would like the checks to be tied to the job, ideally, as that would open the route for things like specifying door access to e.g. DEA, IA, tech experts, etc., but I felt that the initial porting of just the regimental access might be more likely to be accepted.

Sam Montgomery

Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 3, 2021
- support

Don't really see any reason why level 3 E-11s should have any access to 008 or 682, they know they exist and what they are sure, but that doesn't mean they get complete access. Makes more sense that only E-11 CO+ would be able to access the chambers.

Also the wikis pretty clear that you either have clearance or don't, there's no in-betweens and no exceptions unless being guided by someone who does have the required clearance.

Nonetheless its a good idea, just seems like a bit of an over complication and unnecessary.
Jul 15, 2023
Don't really see any reason why level 3 E-11s should have any access to 008 or 682, they know they exist and what they are sure, but that doesn't mean they get complete access. Makes more sense that only E-11 CO+ would be able to access the chambers.
Nonetheless its a good idea, just seems like a bit of an over complication and unnecessary.
...i'm sorry, but these are statements clearly made by someone who has zero understanding of the relevant IC policy on the matter. i'd advise you to come join an E-11 tryout and learn more about how this is currently handled internally (and why this change would be extremely useful to us), but i'm afraid based on this post, that you might not pass site knowledge.

Also the wikis pretty clear that you either have clearance or don't, there's no in-betweens and no exceptions unless being guided by someone who does have the required clearance.
first, the wiki is really only a base guideline - it's literally one of the core principles of SCP that there is no single canon . secondly, this isn't even correct; there are instances where clearance is doled out for specific SCPs that allow for personnel with lower general clearance to access that SCP documentation.
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Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Sep 16, 2023
When it relates to what E-11 does/doesn't know, and what they should/shouldn't be allowed to access, E-11 knows everything about every SCP on site and it is our primary responsibility to keep them all safely contained, including internal security for LCZ and HCZ. If we cannot access any part of those areas, we cannot properly provide internal security there. Right now, it would be very easy for CI/others to simply hide inside e.g. 682's chamber and they wouldn't be found until eventually a CO sweeps there. We also can't properly push into e.g. 079 when it's being held by CI, because we spend half our time waiting for a CL4 only to get fucked by the doors anyway. Only COs can currently actually sweep any CL4 SCPs, which is especially a problem when none are online.

Sam Montgomery

Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 3, 2021
...i'm sorry, but these are statements clearly made by someone who has zero understanding of the relevant IC policy on the matter. I'd advise you to come join an E-11 try-out and learn more about how this is currently handled internally (and why this change would be extremely useful to us), but I'm afraid based on this post, that you might not pass site knowledge.
That's fair, I've been playing on and off since the server launched but fair enough, I haven't been in E-11 mainly due to not really having much interest in playing MTF.
first, the wiki is really only a base guideline - it's literally one of the core principles of SCP that there is no single canon . secondly, this isn't even correct; there are instances where clearance is doled out for specific SCPs that allow for personnel with lower general clearance to access that SCP documentation.
That's also fair, I just feel skewing away from the source material will only make the server feel less authentic to the whole theme of SCP. Also yes there are cases where people are given access to documentation above their clearance, but that's quite different to entrusting newly recruited E-11 with unrestricted access to potentially world ending SCPs.

Also in terms of the issue with E-11 struggling to get clearance to return SCPs to their chamber and such, that sounds like an issue that should be dealt with internally rather than making fundamental changes to the server to solve it, make your COs do their part and don't let them just delegate everything. (That or if still that big of an issue, make a change that means CC doors are held open while their respective SCPs are breached.)

Hell, what do I know though, maybe I'm just talking shit, but that's my opinion on it anyway.
682 and its abilities are classified, of course people know what it looks like and all when it breaches, but its CL4 knowledge
there is no proof of your statement, and also, there is no single canon, so some may have most info (like its document) be level 2 or 3, whilst other may have it be 4 or even 5, in rare and complicated cases, in the case of site-65, the existence and basic info of 682 is declassified, tests are restricted
there is no proof of your statement, and also, there is no single canon, so some may have most info (like its document) be level 2 or 3, whilst other may have it be 4 or even 5, in rare and complicated cases, in the case of site-65, the existence and basic info of 682 is declassified, tests are restricted
Try describing 682 in CL3 Comms and see where it gets you.
in the case of site-65, the existence and basic info of 682 is declassified, tests are restricted
there is no proof of your statement
there is no single canon, so some may have most info (like its document) be level 2 or 3, whilst other may have it be 4 or even 5
this isnt based on canon, this is based on the server and documentation about 682 being CL4 classified


Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Sep 16, 2023
I will personally come and find you if you do that, details on 682 are CL4 knowledge unless you are told in-character about it. All CL3 by default know is where its cell is, that it's sentient and violent, and that it's CL4 to access.

Either way, can people stop arguing about clearance levels in the thread about making keypads better unless it's directly related to the suggestion.
I will personally come and find you if you do that, details on 682 are CL4 knowledge unless you are told in-character about it. All CL3 by default know is where its cell is, that it's sentient and violent, and that it's CL4 to access.

Either way, can people stop arguing about clearance levels in the thread about making keypads better unless it's directly related to the suggestion.
oh i forgot to +Support
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Jul 15, 2023
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