Bubba's Overseer Assistant Application [USA]

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Dec 24, 2020
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78883323
Discord name: Bubba
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since launch
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Bubba
Civilian name: Bubba
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: O5-1, A-1 COM, E-11 LTCOM, B-1 CSG, Executive researcher, Security captain, CI-Delcom
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?: With my past experience, I have a good understanding of how Overseer operations go. I have had O5 assistant, however seems to have been removed for some reason... At the moment, I am looking for any kind of cl4 position to help with although most of my experience involves A-1/O5.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?: Overseer Assistants respond directly to O5. As OSA, I should be escorting and assisting the O5 members until given other orders. OSA are also responible for passing on information and dealing with O5 issues within my clearance while O5 members are not available. If there are no orders or issues within O5, I will then patrol around the site and assist with what I can, and inform O5 of any concerns.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The year is 1939 and a world-scale war was raging on. There was one special forces regiment in the USSR code name "Alfa Group" which was led by Colonel █████ and Lieutenant Colonel "Bubba". Alfa Group more commonly known as AG was one of the top-performing regiments in the USSR at the time. AG found major success across Afghanistan, Siberia, Russia, Korea, and Syria during operation Free Dawn.

Lieutenant Colonel Bubba was mostly known for his amazing leadership and combat abilities on the battlefield. Bubba was the leader of the recon squad known as the "Head Hunters". These men were the most experienced snipers in the sector. The Head Hunters showed their outstanding abilities in Operation Sandstorm located in Afghanistan scoring a Major victory and securing a major NATO weapon manufacturing base. LTCOL Bubba earned his first medal the "Order of the Red Star" during this operation.

Over the next few years, AG and LTCOL Bubba found major success in the war. AG was being sent out on every major operation run by the USSR. Because of this success, LTCOL Bubba was rewarded with the "Hero of the Soviet Union" medal by Marshal ██████. Everything seemed to be going the best it could for Bubba until he intel about the next operation.

May 26th, 1943: All officers, regimental commanders, and High Command are called into a meeting held by Marshal ██████.

Marshal ██████: One of our spies has found the location of an abandoned base in a forest located in Syria. According to a spy plane we sent over to observe the area, there appears to be an entrance to an underground bunker. An airfield along with a large missile silo was also spotted.

LTCOL Bubba: What exactly do we want with this base?

Marshal ██████: The spy planes spotted a temporary NATO base located about 50 miles from the base. We need to make sure NATO does not find this base and attempt to get it operational again.

Commander General ██████: Do we know who use to occupy the base?

Marshal ██████: There are some logos spotted around the base however this logo isn't in our database.

COL ██████: Were there any defense systems spotted on the airfield? Any anti-air guns, ground defense systems, or even any armored vehicles? How do we know this isn't just some research facility?

Marshal ██████: Some small turrets are located near the bunker entrance however they seem to be nonoperational. There was however a small observatory located within the base however that is the only building other than hangers spotted on the surface. If we want to find out the purpose of this bunker, then we will need to send a squad inside. LTCOL Bubba You and your squad will join squad "Blue killers" led by COL ██████ and infiltrate this bunker. You will need to find the command room and locate a terminal. Try to gain access and extract all files for review. Once the bunker is secure get in contact with Major General ██████ and we will get a platoon over to set up camp at the base. You have 9 days to prepare.

June 4th, 1943: COL ██████: Alright listen up. We got two minutes until we arrive at the drop zone. LTCOL Bubba, I want you and your men to set up on a hill overlooking the base. I need you to scout the area for any potential threats. Blue Killers you will be with me. We will need to find a way into the bunker, try and find some command room on the surface to get the blast door open. Alright, looks like we're here.

LTCOL Bubba: Alright boys, like always, let's get this done with and get back home. That cliff right there seems to be our best bet, let's get moving.

COL ██████: Alright, this path should lead us down to the airstrip. Get comms wired up with the Head Hunters. Bubba, do you copy?

LTCOL Bubba: Hear you loud and clear. Looks like the base is clear of any hostiles. We may have also located the command room. Make your way to the observatory, about 300 feet to the east you will see what appears to be a small building halfway in the snow. Windows seems to be a bit dirty but there seem to be a few computers inside.

COL ██████: Lovely. Let's get moving boys. Bubba we're moving onto the airstrip, give us some cover fire in case anything goes wrong.

LTCOL Bubba: Roger that.

COL ██████: This seems to be the right building, Captain, get that door open, ██████ and ███ I want you two to stay out here and defend while we go inside.

Captain ██████: Sir, take a look at this.

(The door seems to be locked with a keypad that states: "Access required: Clearance Level 3")

LTCOL Bubba: What's going on down there?

COL ██████: We can't get into this building. There is a keypad asking for Clearance Level 3. ██████ tried to bypass the clearance but we have never seen this program before, we can't hack it. We can't bust this door down either. Seems like they really didn't want anything breaking this door.

LTCOL Bubba: Just smash one of the windows in or something.

COL ██████: No can do, this glass is 3 inches thick. We need to find another way into the bunker. Any ideas?

LTCOL Bubba: There seems to be some kind of tunnel on the far west side of the airstrip. The doors are open on it.

COL ██████: We're at the tunnel, seems to go a long way, but I see a light on at the end.

LTCOL Bubba: Alright, you men stay here, ima head down and go in with them. You keep in touch with me through the radio. ██████ you take charge while I'm gone.

(LTCOL Bubba and COL ██████ enter the tunnel and make their way to the light. Once they reached the light, they found a key that allows them to open the door inside.)

COL ██████: Look over here, its a terminal.

LTCOL Bubba: Let me take a look.

(Bubba gets the terminal to turn on. A logo appears with the words "Secure. Contain. Protect". Bubba searches the files on the computer.)

LTCOL Bubba: The hell is this? This isn't some ordinary research facility. SCP-035 "The Mask" testing archives?

COL ██████: The hell is an SCP?

LTCOL ██████: I don't know, but from the looks of it there seem to be hundreds, if not thousands of them. Captain, hook me up with the Marshal. Marshal, are you seeing this?

Marshal ██████: LTCOL, I need you to shut off that computer at once and take the hard drive. Do not access it anymore. Bring it to me ASAP. General, contact the overse...

LTCOL Bubba: Marshal? Marshal, do you read me? What the hell is going on?

COL ██████: I don't know but let's get the hell out of here.

(LTCOL Bubba quickly copies all the files on a hard drive before closing the terminal and taking out the hard drive. LTCOL Bubba and COL quickly make their way out of the bunker and to the rendezvous point.)

After getting back to base and giving the hard drive to the Marshal, Bubba goes to his personal quarters and inserts the flash drive into his laptop. After hours of decoding the files, he finds one in particular that interests him "The Overseer Council" He opens the file and a warning sign comes on "THIS FILE MAY ONLY BE ACCESSED BY CLEARANCE LEVEL 5 PERSONNEL, ALL UNAUTHORIZED ATTEMPTS WILL BE LOGGED" Bubba tries to access the file the same way he did for the others. Then, a message comes up "UNAUTHORIZED ATTEMPT DETECTED, TURNING CAMERA ON, FACE SCAN COMPLETE, YOU WILL BE CONTACTED SOON". After many failed attempts to access the file, Bubba gave up and returns to his usual duties.

June 22, 1943: Marshal ██████: LTCOL Bubba, please report to my office immediately.

(Bubba enters the office. The Marshal is sitting with a man in a black and white suit surrounded by multiple armed guards with the same logo form the bunker. They look like some sort of special forces regiment.)

Marshal ██████: LTCOL, sit down, please. This gentleman would like to speak with you.

██ - █: Hello Bubba, Do you know who I am?

LTCOL Bubba: I have no clue, sir. However, I was just on an operation when I saw that logo on that gentleman's shoulder over there

██ - █: Good eye you got there, No wonder I've heard of your sharp eye. Yes, I am with the SCP foundation. You seem to have stumbled upon one of our old sites. That was one of our best sites, sad to see how it is now after that day. Now tell me son, I heard you gained access to one of our terminals that day. What did you find on there?

LTCOL Bubba: Yes I did. I opened the files of the terminal and found folders about research tests, something called MTF units, and GOI. I only opened the research test and found one called "SCP-035 "The Mask". I wanted to look for more, however, we were ordered to pull out.

██ - █: Hmm, are you sure you didn't access anything else?

Knocking is then heard on the door. A KGB officer enters holding something in his hand. He hands it to the Marshal who then give it to the man in the suit.

██ - █:
What's this? A hard drive? Before we look at this drive, everyone in the room please leave. Including you Marshal, don't worry, I won't destroy your office. Now, let's plug this in.

Right as the flash drive is plugged in, the same message from before opened up. "THIS FILE MAY ONLY BE ACCESSED BY CLEARANCE LEVEL 5 PERSONNEL, ALL UNAUTHORIZED ATTEMPTS WILL BE LOGGED".

██ - █:
Ah, so you did see more?

One of the men leans over and whispers to the suited man.

██████: Sir, Want us to deal with this?

██ - █: No, I would like to keep this man.

██ - █: Say, let's see if I can access this file.

The suited man enters a code. Everyone in the room then turns away from the screen, except Bubba. A picture appears on the screen. Bubba looks at the photo until he passes out on the ground.

██ - █: Were done here. Load him into the helicopter. Marshal, sorry about your LTCOL. I hope you find a good replacement. Until then.

Bubba: Huh? Where the hell am I?

COM ██████: Hello there. How are you feeling?

Bubba: My head hurts like crazy. I don't remember anything. Hey, that uniform looks familiar.

COM ██████: Welcome to the SCP foundation. I'm your COM. You can call me "Bossman". You have been selected to join us. Welcome to Alpha-1.

After his interaction with the O5 Bubba was brought to the SCP foundation where he was recruited to Alpha-1 on behalf of the O5. Turns out the USSR had some ties with the foundation back then. The Marshal has told the O5 about Bubba stumbling up old SCP files. He also knew that he had been hiding away in his bunks to dig deeper into the files he had copied over.

Bubba spent the next 6 years with the foundation working alongside the O5 in Alpha-1. Of course, with his experience in leadership and his combat abilities, he quickly ran up the ranks. He then achieved the rank of A-1 COM. A few months later, he's ordered to attend a personal meeting with the O5 council.

██ - █: Hello Bubba.

COM Bubba: Hello Sir. What is it you want to speak of now?

██ - █: I have a proposal for you. We've been low on men recently and the O5 has been overwhelmed with issues rising withing the foundation. We need someone who know how this site, as well as our council runs, to assist us in operating this foundation. Bubba, You have truly shown the skills I have heard about. I feel you may be our best option for this position. What do you have to say?

COM Bubba: Sir, I thank you for your compliments. I will gladly accept your offer and thrive to keep the foundation stable and continue to train these great men. I will always be loyal to the foundation.

O5 - 1: I expect the best from you, Bubba. Congrats on becoming an Overseer Assistant.

COM Bubba: Thank you sir, I wont let you down.
Last edited:
Apr 1, 2022
Been around since the dawn of time and has had major experience during that time. Even though he may have came back very recently Bubba has hung around with me since coming back and in several rp scenarios varying different roles around site he still does equally as well as he did back then.
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A message from the office of: O5-2 "████████"


Greetings, Bubba.

In regards to your application for OVERSEER ASSISTANT, after Council Vote; your application has been Unfortunately Denied.

Please contact O5-2 at his email address for any questions you may have. (thorn#6299)

You may reapply in 2 weeks.​
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