Denied Buff E-11 !

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Buffs E-11, either through a Speed Boost, Loadout change, or Health Boost(preferably all of the above!)

The reason SCP Breaches are so damaging and last for so long is because theres no E-11 to focus on SCPs; Nu7 often times get called to do the work of E-11. Most of Nu7 is complaining about this issue, and so is most of the server(though they blame SCP breaches). E-11 have to run from HCZ every life, which can take minutes even in the best scenarios, only to be 2-3 shot and repeat.

Thats why E-11 hasnt had activity for a long time, not through the fault of it's COs or NCOs, but because the MTF itself is poorly balanced and not fun to play(in my opinion), and genuinely is becoming a negative for other MTF.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
My suggestion differs in the fact the Typhoon-12 was nerfed for a job that no longer exists, and it takes E-11 ages just to get a Mk8 or M249, when a DEA Senior Agent gets that AND a different loadout with sticky grenades on spawn.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
E-11 becomes more playable
SCP Breaches become less damaging or long-lasting
Less stress placed on Nu-7, A-1, and O-1

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Development time maybe
CI or GOC might complain that E-11 is too strong
E-11 might take over the server

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
E-11 really needs a buff of some kind, through either a speed buff or health buff, or a loadout update or change that buffs or swaps some of the weapons out from E-11. Theres no reason the Typhoon-12 needs to be nerfed still even though it was nerfed for a role that no longer exists(fuck containment specialist fr).
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Horribly thought out suggestion. I think E-11 do need a LCZ spawn and maybe the loadouts could use some tweaking (I personally have always thought the Containment Specialist job should get a grenade kit to make it more than "Operative + Beam"), but giving them the abilities of a Scout while being combative MTF units is not it. E-11 are not really underpowered, and honestly 3/6 of the Epsilon-11 jobs are the best-in-class for the entire Foundation.

Breacher is by far the most overequipped "Shield LMG" job, and both Officer and Commander have more equipment and firepower than they can physically use.

Operative is a standard operative job, and Biohazard has its use cases that should be obvious why it isn't strong like the Breacher or Officer classes.

Containment Specialist is the only real underpowered job for Epsilon-11, in my opinion. And honestly I think that could be remedied by giving it a Grenade Kit (Flash/Frag/Smoke) and a better gun than the Karma-45 (maybe the FHR-40 or the F90 MBR?)

Epsilon-11 has fine kits, the biggest issue with them is that they fight SCPs, so they are gonna die quick anyways comparative to a regiment like Nu-7.

Edit: I will agree with 1 point, un-nerf the Typhoon-12 now that it isn't on a non-WL CL3 job. It'd definately help breacher out, but the job is not dead because of it. The M249 para shreds anything it touches.

they need something to improve roleplay and make it more fun, E-11 gameplay at the moment is sitting at checkpoint afk until a breach, and whenever the breach reaches lcz you gotta walk all the way back up from HCZ and because of this usually
NU-7 does most of the work. I think E-11 should have a second spawn in SS in the specialized combat unit bunks.

Derek White

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Oct 12, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Kito ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We have denied this due to the fact that this would make E11 a tad bit more powerful all around and not really the way that you would want them to be. We are actively looking at way to help E11 as we have heard there is an issue on both sides.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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