Content Suggestion Buff E-11

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[Give E-11 weapons that do higher damage to SCPs or a natural dmg reduction, or literally anything]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[Probably, other than US server being a breach every 30~ minutes followed by a raid and another breach for months now, nothing.]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[E-11 gains something to make the lemming rush of SCPs less of a horrid experience
Maybe lower the amount of nuke breaches
Actually make E-11 something to fear as a SCP rather than just another gun spraying you down
If it's just a overall buff then it will make E-11 able to actually hold CI off in a area made to let CI breach SCPs easier]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[SCPs (and maybe CI) have to work harder to escape HCZ]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[Right now if you just get 8837 or TG out with 076 or 682, you can pretty much guarantee the breach is getting into LCZ or causing a nuke if anymore SCP are out, the SCPs are insanely easy to play, and while fun for the SCP, for anyone else it's a RP stall for 20-30 minutes, or a lemming rush of running from spawn to the scp to get maybe a mag off and be killed.

E-11 is the biggest victim of this lemming rush and it honestly kills the encouragement to play the class or even server. We have seen E-11 go from a regiment able to solidly hold SCPs in HCZ alone, to every breach just being every MTF and Combat Regiment having to go help stop even a 2 SCP breach. Basically defeating the point of E-11.

Giving them literally anything, be it a increase in DMG done per shot with some guns only they get, or a natural DMG reduction from incoming SCP hits (or overall both if not easy or possible in GMOD/LUA) will help in recovering the point of even existing and being the frontline of defense against SCPs, rather than just another body to the SCP K/D.]
E-11 is the biggest victim of this lemming rush and it honestly kills the encouragement to play the class or even server. We have seen E-11 go from a regiment able to solidly hold SCPs in HCZ alone, to every breach just being every MTF and Combat Regiment having to go help stop even a 2 SCP breach. Basically defeating the point of E-11.
you just suck lol
Aug 27, 2022

So in the past year, A lot of loadout balancing has happened for each department to make it as fair as possible. E-11 was part of it as well.
I don't believe weapons on roles are to weak.

Dealing with most SCPs using a combination of chemicals and strategy is relatively easy. Going in alone will always result in death unless you are faster, or you are not confronting a reality bender.

Make the most of what you have at your disposal.

When youre up against a fast SCP, use beams or chemicalas to keep your distance—some of them are just too quick to handle directly.

for those with a big health pool, team up in squads. This way, you can chip away at least 10% of their health with each attempt.

And if you’re dealing with a reality bender, be strategic and use anchors wisely to stay safe!

SCP`s reaching LCZ isn't an issue the issue is that the combative personnel isn't using any strategy you run alone you die when you only did 40 damage.

The NL and dev team are actively working on a rework for the SCP breach system and looking to balance it more.
But RN I don't believe any department needs "Better weapons/stats"


SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Jan 13, 2023

E-11 is one of the regiments that has very strong weapons/loadout. All Weapons have high magazine capacities/damage to deal with SCPs as well as Code 1s.

The FHR, QBZ, KBAR, M249 are all great weapons.
Problem: Breaches and Raids are too frequent and are damaging opportunities for Roleplay on the server

The solution to this problem should not to be buff E-11, at-least in this way. If we kept buffing playergroups on the server if there were problems, everyone would be OP. There are many different solutions to this issue, far better than this.
Problem: Breaches and Raids are too frequent and are damaging opportunities for Roleplay on the server

The solution to this problem should not to be buff E-11, at-least in this way. If we kept buffing playergroups on the server if there were problems, everyone would be OP. There are many different solutions to this issue, far better than this.
I agree. We already do a lot of damage when theres a lot of combatives/e-11 with us. So: -Support


Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 19, 2023
I am so sorry to say this but -Support,

While I think E-11 needs something , it isn’t a better gun , you yourself even tell us where the problem is , that you Lemming rush , which I tell every E-11 and there grandmother, not to do Becuse it is just ineffect , you do much more damage in a group , with the damage stacking higher the bigger the group is.

The only SCP who falls out of that Sceme is that spaceman with his black hole ability.
E-11 is just NU-7 with containment beams. SCPs are supposed be fun but not at the expense of the entire server.

I would say not a flat damage resistance or damage increase buff but a timer put on E-11 that increases these things overtime. If E-11 can handle it immediately, great. As time goes on E-11 gains slight buffs based on the number of breaches or types of breaches. They could also unlock other jobs based on what is needed. I think the entire system should change to divert from a constant need of ERT and nukes to enhanced gameplay from E-11 and GSD combating breaches, as its lore accurate.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Kevin Ki ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reason: We believe that the gun changes is not needed as they already have strong enough guns as it is.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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