Denied Buff heli's there weak now

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Feb 22, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add weak missiles to helis

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Make heli's a bit stronger
Make heli's more usefull

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
People dont want heli's to have missiles

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This makes heli's better and gives CAS more use making air regiments a bit stronger
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Filip McSpazz

Well-known Member
Feb 19, 2023
The fact that this even was updated taking MISSLES FROM A HELICOPTER is just stupid. The only reason the vote passed is because everyone will always vote yes on a nerf to something that isnt theirs, if you for example made a vote to nerf AXR's everyone would vote yes but Delta would flip their ship. This update is terrible

Hahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha pilots mad they can’t one shot infantry now whilst also coping about kwks hahahahahahahahaha get in the bin mate have a day off
Best part is they can still one shot infantry with their cannons, just requires aim...

Helicopters are still plenty useful with pilot missiles and cannons, people need to just gain some skills and learn to use their equipment.

Filip McSpazz

Well-known Member
Feb 19, 2023
Best part is they can still one shot infantry with their cannons, just requires aim...

Helicopters are still plenty useful with pilot missiles and cannons, people need to just gain some skills and learn to use their equipment.
To this same idea logic, remove snipers people just need to get better at aiming and guns still do alot of DMG so cmon just learn better
To this same idea logic, remove snipers people just need to get better at aiming and guns still do alot of DMG so cmon just learn better
It’s easy to counterplay a sniper when your guns can kill the person sniping. It’s easy to spot a sniper and tactically work your way around it.

If you get killed over and over again by a helicopter, there’s very little you can do to prevent it, if you get killed repeatedly by a sniper then you’re just a moron
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