Denied Buildings on surface update

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Tylenol Smith

Well-known Member
Oct 10, 2024
Hello and welcome to my mega surface suggestion post. Be warned i will be yapping. Thank you for reading


Ok so yes I am a member of PAM and I know people hate PAM but I think these changes are beneficial for everyone on surface or Atleast for civilians. Also this was all typed on mobile apologies for grammar and formatting

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion has multiple options depending on what the servers performance can withstand, such as gambling tables or npcs. These could either be placed inside the pub but if the server can withstand it a small separate building would be nice just for everyone. I also request we have more houses or buildings in general as it would liven up the place. Some of the buildings could be used for gun shops, meetings, and more. I know all of this depends on performance issues.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge after doing a search

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Creates more socializing on surface and just in general always brings people together when we do have a casino but this one will be permanent

With more buildings / reused buildings that open area between CI and pinewood might be a lot more empty and realistic. If one of these buildings is used as a gun shop or meeting room that creates even more reason for people to come to surface and RP.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Only ones I can think of is performance issues but the suggestion is open ended and we have that one house that has claimed doors and the pub that can be reused

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think this should be suggested as usually when ever a building or a casino is placed on surface everyone comes up to see it and everyone has a really good time. I think it’s a great idea if we don’t have to rely on a GM with a dupe to do so. Again this is very open ended and you could do as little as adding gambling tables or a npc. On the other side you could add like 5 more buildings one for gun dealers, one for like a meeting area, one for casino, one for a new bar or an updated one, one for a mayor’s personal house. And more buildings like the claimable house by medbay could be added. All of these are just variations of the main idea in creating some life on surface using buildings

Thanks, Tylenol Smith
Last edited:
Aug 27, 2022

Hey @Dman109

Your suggestions are multiple reworks/suggestions in one thread. Ranging from surface SCPs to rangers to buildings etc.
Make sure you are suggesting 1 rework not a bunch of loose suggestions.

You aren't following the format that is provided here Format

Please update your thread within 48 Hours

Otherwise, This suggestion will be denied!

Best regards,
Holland Content team​

Aug 27, 2022
I will do the format but can I do the format for each suggestion or do I have to separate suggestions on different posts?

Hey, If you are suggesting a rework you can Put your suggestions for that rework in there

example: surface rework you can talk about the reworks of buildings and the surface system. But surface SCPs are a different category and you will need to make a new suggestion thread for it.

Having multiple reworks in 1 post is confusing and not stating the improvements and negatives clearly makes it a cluster of words. Therefore use the format Also, be aware that if you are requesting changes that have been denied multiple times you will need a super good reason for it to be accepted this time.​

Tylenol Smith

Well-known Member
Oct 10, 2024
Ok I will be reformatting this tommorow I think I will change this to buildings and then make other one about surface scps following day and so on. Thanks
Jan 27, 2022
I dont have an issue with any of the current surface houses other than there is only 1 that can be bought on UK at least and thats the house at the (east?) end of pinewood on the other side of the road of the pw medic house.

The only thing id like to see is more houses or make some of the houses like the pub able to be owned by civvie jobs

Tylenol Smith

Well-known Member
Oct 10, 2024
I dont have an issue with any of the current surface houses other than there is only 1 that can be bought on UK at least and thats the house at the (east?) end of pinewood on the other side of the road of the pw medic house.

The only thing id like to see is more houses or make some of the houses like the pub able to be owned by civvie jobs
Yes I would love that to but once again it may cause performance issues
Jul 30, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Dman109,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

With regards to just adding more building we don't believe that it would be beneficial for surface RP as a whole, the majority of the current buildings are already underutilized the majority of the time and adding more buildings would not improve the health of roleplay on surface.

Specifically with the casino, we believe that it would not be beneficial for roleplay and don't want to make surface similar to what is seen in Dark RP.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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