Accepted Bunks keypad hacking restrictions

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add a player limit restriction to hack a keypad to bunks & make it unbreakable by SCPs.

There's absolutely no reason for any bunks to be hacked or broken into. It's just a spawn point and there's never been any good roleplay reason to break into someone else's bunks.

The real reason I'm making this suggestion is to that people can't break into our bunks at 9am, when there's like 50 people on and 40 disguised D-Class, who can just steal
chemicals from the chemical storage with ease.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Bunks as a spawn point would always be secure.
- No stealing.
- Hostiles cannot enter bunks for absolutely no reason.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- it might make bunks a bit too overpowered during raids or breaches (Floor 3)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe this suggestion should be accepted due to reasons I stated before;

It would prevent from people accessing bunks, when there's barely anyone on during early hours.

  • Opens unholy amounts of potential for failRP sits where somebody will 'accidentally' run into a spawn, as an SCP it is extremely risky to have to wait for a sit to respond and even more difficult to get any HP refunded.

  • It also makes keycard places like CI base and Floor 3 to destroy cards or chems a lot more annoying.

  • Logs are kept for days on chemicals that are taken out of fridges (iirc) and it's easy to trace who stole what if that's the problem you want to combat. CI have used this to trace and reclaim chems that a D-class stole in early hours in the past.
  • Haha
Reactions: Chad and Naffen


Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 8, 2023
?? | Netherlands, Achterhoek.

+ Support

  • Bunks is a place where a regiment can spawn, chill out, do trainings etc. This should not be disturbed.
  • Usually people store stuff in their bunks OOC for others from their regiment to grab, this should not be able to get stolen.
  • Should be in the basic rules, people are not allowed to kill(farm) people in bunks, so why should they be able to hack/break the doors?
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