C.A.T's Site Advisor application [USA]

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Aug 20, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:425644991
Discord name: Ichphitz / C.A.T
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Over half a year now, and 492. 3 hours on the server at the time of writing this.1719619558167.png
Age: 18

In what country are you located?: Mexico

Time zone: CST

Character name(s): Hermann "C.A.T" Kant

Civilian name: Juan Pablo Guzman

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
-Yes, I do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF E-11 CPT [Holding]
-Ethics Committee Assistant [Holding]
-CI-Alpha [Held] (1 year+ ago)
-((Staff)) [Holding]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Yes, however they are over 1+ years ago, and have changed since and I even enforce them now as a Moderator
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
-I'm applying since i'm interested in the position in order ot make the site a better place for all of the regiments and departments that work ath the foundation. I also consider that my experience and relationships with people have taught me the main concerns we may have, I also feel that I can make a good job in this position.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
My main points are my past CL4 Sr and Jr experience as well as my time in the site, i'm also a person who has worked hard to make it where I am which shows my dedication and my responsability for doing things right, I've also have modified E-11 to the point of implementing a mentorship program called PF of which I am the COM and making multiple suggestions to the REGCOM for improving what is already good. I also possess knowledge in almost every manual or document including CoC, CoE, Server rules, Handbooks, AA and Authorization policies. I'm also a very friendly person and havent treated no one with disrespect as I think everyone deserves to be treated correctly.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- The main responsabilities for Site Administration as a whole are to manage general policies in the foundation
- Managing the departments within the foundation, including MTF E-11 and Nu-7
- Being the face of public relations with GOI's
- Organizing general defense tribunals
- Work along with EC and OC (SC)
- Repond during emergencies, and starting protocols.
- Responding to the concerns of the multiple departments

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Message recieved. Listing Contents:

{ > 1 Text File

Opening Text File...
EMAILFROM: █████@scp.focc:
subject: [REDACTED]'s Interview transcript

Interviewer: Site Director █████ [SA]
Subject: Hermann "C.A.T" Kant (subjects suffers from DID) [HK]

// Lights turn on and we can see a recently agrouped HK, both personalities have combined giving life to a new personality which possess both of the other personality's abilities, skills and intelligence //

SA- "You've become a really interesting person... I dont even know how to call you..."

HK- "You can call me Red, just Red."

SA- "Okay Red, lets start from the beggining shall we?"

SA- "You were in the ethics wing at the time of the accident, right?"

HK- "Yes, as far as I remember"

SA- "You collapsed and was took to the medical center over at Site- █ █ due to the nature of the events"

HK- "Yes, I remember to wake up at an unknown medical center"

SA- "We have the facts right. Now, I want to ask if you know what your situation implies."

HK- "I do, I've become an anomaly myself"

SA- "It's not like that, you were affected by an unknown anomaly which transformed you in a highly capable and intelligent individual"

HK- "And, that implies either two things, am I right?

SA- "Yes... You are..."

// SA nods to a MTF TAU unit //
// TAU unit proceeds to inject HK with █████ //

SA- "You will now be assigned as a Site Advisor at Site-65, you know what you have to do. I expect the best of you. Ignore that injection, its just a safety measure.

HK- "I see you've chosen the 3rd option"

SA- "Not the third, but the right one. I will see you soon... RED...

////////// [END OF TRANSCRIPT/////////
Last edited:
Aug 20, 2022
+/- I'd say im leaning negative, just due to the time that you've held your E-11 Roles, nothing bad but I'd say you just need a little more experience.
I perfectly understand where you are coming from, I haven't been in E-11 a lot of time, however it has been my compromise and hardwork among with my leadership abilities that put me in the position I currently am. I understand that sometimes time is a big play factor, and therefore I won't try to change it, however I must say experience doesnt always fall under time. Thanks for the feedback!
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @Unreal

Subject: Site Advisor Application Verdict

Greetings "C.A.T.,"

We thank you for showing interest into the Site Advisor position by taking your time to submit an application for the position. Unfortunately, I must relay to you that you have not been accepted as a Site Advisor.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at (Skyfire1355).

You may re-apply in two weeks should there be an opening position.

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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