Caboose Out


The last couple months I have been around SCP-RPs departments/regiments quite a bit. I went from being a NU-7 CO to then working as a dept. manager inside external affairs, to then becoming a site admin and finally joining the wonderful regiment omega-1. oh and ci but nobody likes them anyways...

I'm so grateful for the impact you all made and the good times created. It's just that time, I need to step away from the server. I'm not sure if I will ever return in the future. (probably. this server is like a brain wormhole. 😭)

I will try my best to mention the people I despise the most (jk)

@Thato - Of course the first on my list for giving me such a hard time. (meaning reacting every message with a fish) 🐟

@Estere 'Orca' - Wonderful external affairs director. Glad to have spent time working with you. goodluck handling the stinky dea agents.

@Johnathan Doe - Another wonderful dea director. Also glad to have spent time with you. congrats on super

@OniIgnasha - i can't find any of the other nu-7s @s but found yours. was fun working with you in nu-7, even though you kept us all ethical 😥 gl on nu-7 COM

@Easton Maker - i don't know. just some Easton guy. 🤷‍♂️

@Tyrone - Was good site director during my time in site admin. Got things done. gl with o5.

@Pawzz - unethical (which is good quality)

@SHAMLAN - Although you are gone now, it was fun hanging out with you on the server during the time you were here.

@Ottoman - loyal nu-7 or smth :eek:

I think that's most. If I missed you, just know I'm thankful for the experiences made with you. (or you could just bug me in replys idk)

(i will come back when site 9 releases which is...never)
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