Caeden's Overseer Assistant Application.

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 21, 2021
Caeden's Overseer Assistant Application.

Steam ID:
Discord name:
Caeden#0001 (will change if nitro expires before app gets looked at)
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
25 days since I came back from a several month break, (I first joined in December)
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Dr. Caeden (Research) // Caeden "SRR" Bowen (Combative Personel) // Rhion Pennant (CI) // Caeden Bowen (If I get accepted for Overseer assistant)
Civilian name:
John Jackson The 3rd
What server are you applying for?
Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I do have a mic.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I currently have:
Nu-7 PVT
Executive Researcher

I previously had:
CI-A (around december/january)
O-1 LCPL (around december/january)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have had both failrp, one when I came back to the server before I had a chance to read the rules and one for entering the site as a civillian without realising I need SA permission.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
I believe that I am a good candidate for Overseer Assistant as I am quite well known and liked in the community, currently have and have held whitelisted roles, such as executive which show that I am trustworthy as I have held these roles where you have to act professionally, I also believe I am a good pick as I am good at roleplaying and am quite active on the site.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
The responsibilities of an Overseer Assistant is to act as a sort of henchmen to the Overseer, to relay their orders down the chain of command and ensure that everybody on site does not go against the overseer council's orders. They also can enforce the Overseer Council's orders instead of just relaying them.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Caeden Bowen was an Executive Researcher at Site-78 from 18/03/2000 to the 14/04/2015.

In the 4 months before his leave from Site-78 Caeden was the Lead Researcher in charge of SCP-1007 nicknamed "Mr Life and Mr Death".
One night Caeden was writing up a research study that had been performed several hours earlier on SCP-1007 when he had received an email stating that he was needed in SCP-1007's chamber as it had begun to rapidly age, then restart its cycle by its self, it seemed as if it had been possessed. SCP-1007 was somehow aging at a speed 5x as fast as it had previously aged and then when it had died the cog on it's back would just turn by its self and he would de-age back to childhood.

To the then Dr. Caeden it had seemed as if SCP-1007 was somehow undergoing through a seemingly endless loop, Dr. Caeden immediately after being informed on the entire situation had ran back to his office as fast as he could to type up an email to the Site Director to request for a member of D-Class personnel so that he could attempt to take a sample of the SCP for further tests in a foundation lab, for 15 minutes Dr. Caeden stared at his computer intensively waiting for either an update on SCP-1007 or for his request to be granted, after those 15 minutes of waiting Dr. Caeden had received a reply from the Site Director Jack Smith reading.

"Dear Dr. Caeden

After reading your message and going to see what had happened with SCP-1007 I have decided to grant your request for a member of D-Class personnel, if you need absolutely anything else regarding this situation please come to my office so we can find a conclusion to this mess as soon as we can.

Thank you
Jack Smith."

After Dr. Caeden had read the reply to his email he immediately went to Site 78's D-Block to gather a D-Class, the D-Class chosen for this experiment was D-4573 and escorting the experiment was GENSEC Sergeant John Blake. After being checked for any weapons or contraband D-4573 was placed into handcuffs and the 3 of them ran to SCP-1007's containment chamber, where 3 members of the research team on SCP-1007 were waiting nervously.

D-4573 was given a scientific syringe and was sent into SCP-1007's containment with the instructions of waiting until the creature dropped down dead and while the cog on it's back would turn its self he would run over to the body and fill the syringe up. D-4573 reluctantly went in to the containment chamber and waited for the baby to turn to an old man in front of his eyes, and then drop dead. He went over to the body and while trying his best not to touch the body out of fear of touching a dead man he filled the syringe to the rim. Then ran back to the door of the Containment Chamber while continuously asking if they could take the syringe and let him wash his hands.

Dr. Caeden took the syringe off of D-4573, washed it with a paper towel which he threw in the bin, and then took D-4573 to the nearby toilets so that he could was his hands. Once D-4573's hands were clean he was taken back to the site's D-Block by Sergeant John Blake.

Dr. Caeden rushed to the research hall where he placed the syringe into an examination tube. He stared at the machine's screen for 2 minutes and 18 seconds before the screen pinged green for about 1 second with text saying "Sample Tested"
Dr. Caeden tested the sample against regular samples previously taken from SCP-1007, it seemed that it somehow had way more red blood cells than it usually had, it was producing way too much blood for his body, and it was somehow putting him into this loop.

Caeden went back to his office, results from the test in hand, and begun to think how to fix this. After about 5 minutes a reaction of pure joy pinged on to his face, he ran to SCP-1007's chamber and whispered something to D-4573, who was taken back from D-Block, the D-Class went into the chamber with a syringe in hand, and injected something into SCP-1007's flesh. After around 2 more rotations of the SCP's life it had stopped. A sigh of relief went over the faces of everyone in the room's faces, they had done it.

After this long experiment Caeden Bowen was exhausted, he went back to his Site bunks and lay down.

Around 6 and a half hours after falling asleep he was woken by a hoard of internal security entering his room, when they put handcuffs and a blindfold on him. He was taken to a room in the site he had never been to before. Infront of him stood 7 men clad in black suits, with the internal security standing behind him.

"Hello Dr. Caeden" one of them says.
"Hello, where am I" he replies
"You are in our office, we are the overseers." A different man replies.
"You have been selected for the role of being our assistant, should you accept this job you will be promoted to the rank, otherwise you will be amnesticated and will not remember this experience." The man on the far right replied.
"What do you say?" The same man from the start says.
"Well..., I have heard rumours of the council and I am extremely content with my job here at Site-78, but I would love to take this opportunity and gain more responsibility in the foundation." Caeden replied.
"That is great to hear, now go rest up. You will need it" the second man from the right says.


Side note: I decided to go with more of a story based on my lore instead of doing what most other people do and saying where they have been and what they want to do, I hope you enjoyed reading it.


Well-known Member
Mar 31, 2022

+ Great guy
+ Really active
+ Mature
+ Great lore
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Well-known Member
Jan 8, 2022

+Was a great E-11 member
+Application looks great
+Had a lot of great interactions with him
+Is active ingame
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Cory J

Active member
May 1, 2022
+Good Interactions
+Is Executive researcher which shows he can be trusted with this role
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