Camilla "Hecate" Reznor Pac3 Approval and Lore

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PAC Requesting Approval

PAC Requested (Which job): Department of External Affairs Jobs (All), as well as Combat Medic
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:85768677

Photograph of PAC:



I am aware some will question this model, but it was used prior by several members of SL and was deemed as acceptable for the server, I was just asked to put up a forum post to use it myself. I have discussed privately with both Canoon and Ryota involving reasoning and other factors in this model as well.


Mission Report: DEA-113-8-23-22
Mission Status: Completed

Location: Site-23
Involved SCP Objects: SCP-113, SCP-2054

Mission Report filed by: External Affairs Special Agent "█████"

Mission Report:

DEA Unit 56 was requested to move via helicopter to Site-23 by request of ████████ ███████ due to a breach of SCP-2054. Upon arrival, DEA Unit 56 was tasked with snuffing out the SCP Instance and returning it to Containment. DEA unit 56 split up into 2 teams of 6, referring to themselves as Squad Alpha and Squad Beta. Squad Alpha was lead by Special Agent "Hecate", while Squad Beta was lead by Special Agent "█████".

Squad Beta checked the upper floors of Site-23 for any suspicious activity, while Squad Alpha checked the lower floors. Squad Beta communicated a potential match on SCP-2054's behavior from one of the Site Staff, and as such Squad Alpha sent 3 operatives to help with the investigation and interrogation. DEA Operative ██████ of Squad Alpha saw a suspicious figure in the distance, and told the Squad Lead. The figure appeared to be attempting to enter an SCP Containment Chamber. As Squad Alpha approached, the figure managed to pry the door open and gain access to SCP-113.

Squad Alpha trained their weapons on the individual, and in an act of self defense, the individual threw SCP-113 at the operatives, potentially presuming it to be an ordinary stone. Seeing as the figure was not effected by SCP-113, it was obvious that they were SCP-2054, and as such was returned to containment shortly after. Special Agent "Hecate" was hit by SCP-113 when it was thrown, and the anomaly began its 4-stage process.

Squad Alpha's remaining operatives called all DEA Unit 56 agents to the location as "Hecate" began to undergo genetic changes due to SCP-113. "Hecate" was described as "writhing on the floor in agony", "looking visibly sick", and "screaming in pain" by the operatives of DEA Unit 56. Upon completion of SCP-113's anomalous effect, the object detached from "Hecate", and was subsequently returned to containment. "Hecate" was rushed out of Site-23 and returned to Site-56 to see medical professionals. No treatment for SCP-113's effects is known at this time, outside of repeated exposure to SCP-113 which has its own risks.

-- Mission Log End --

-Begin Log-

.... Hello, User! Enter Login Information

Username: ██████████
Password: ███████████████

Ah, hello ██-█! What will we be doing today?

Obtain basic file of DEA Special Agent "Hecate"

Alright, here you are. Loading File:
Name: Timothy "Hecate" Reznor
Age: 23
Date of Birth: ██/██/████
Occupation: External Affairs Special Agent
Subdivision: BORTAC Division Chief
Current Location: Site-56

It's unlike you to access the basic file of a DEA Agent, can I inquire as to why?

There's been a change, alter their name to Camilla "Hecate" Reznor.

As you wish, sir. Is this due to their encounter with SCP-113?

They have chosen this, I will approve it. Log out.

Of course, have a good day, sir.

-End Log-
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