Captain Obvious' Moderator Application

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Captain Obvious

DarkRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 5, 2022
United Kingdom
Original steam login name (your first name ever):
Captain Obvious.

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):
On this iteration? Around 20 hours. I’ve had hundreds of hours of the old DarkRP server though, and other Civil Network servers such as my main server, Civil City.


In what country are you located?:
United Kingdom.

Time Zone:

Current ingame name and previous names:
Captain Obvious. I've been known as Kyle Beauchamp too.

Steam ID:

Do you have a mic?:

Is this your first application for our server?:
For the DarkRP server, yes.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings, if yes, then why?:

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
This is a question which I feel I can provide a fair bit of substance to. Over the years I've been part of all kinds of teams, within various communities. Some at management level I've worked my way up to, and some as the lower lad going about his honest day's work. I started right back on the first iteration of Civil City in 2015, rising to the rank of Head Admin. More recently upon returning to the community last year, I became a Moderator and over the next couple of months I rose to the rank of Head Moderator, before resigning.

Garry's Mod isn't the only area I've garnered experience in though. I've managed at all levels from bottom rank to senior management on serious text-based games such as Mount & Blade: Warband (a medieval RPG). I've spent a few years in this scene, and at one point was even grateful enough to have the opportunity to run my own iteration of my own Warband server, which was a great learning curve. So I'd say I've got a fair amount of experience in the field.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Much so, both on GMOD and Red Dead RP as voice servers, and Warband for more text based.

How many hours a day can you be on everyday?:
It ranges by the day, could be a couple of hours, could be six or seven. Depends on work of course.

What makes you want to become moderator for our server?:
My answer is two-fold really. First of all, it is clear the server is in need of staff. I don't think any of us saw the sheer volume of people playing, never mind even trying to connect to be so high and consistently so. There is currently a modest staff team, but sits are stacking, and I believe a vast amount of new staff is required to simply keep up with the demand.

Secondly I want to help leave a positive impact on the server and ensure my contributions leave a good impression on those who interact with staff. I want to ensure the server will run as smoothly as it is possible and that the rules are upheld to allow a fair playing field with all our players to minimise roleplay being interrupted. Other than that, I simply enjoy the thrill of being part of a team, and the friendships that are created along the way.

What do you think you can help us with on our server? Why are you special over the other guys?:
I believe the level of experience I have both as a staff member and within the Civil Networks community of servers will not only allow me to more smoothly integrate into the server's staff team, but my maturity could be a good leaning post for other less confident staff members with tricky situations in-game, be it how to handle a punishment correctly, or with providing sufficient feedback to relevant parties with mechanics or the wider team. I have a pretty good idea have a staff team should properly function, and my experience is a reinforcement of that point.

Much of the ruleset is the same compared to my more accustomed Civil City, and with a little rust still around the corners I haven't had as much trouble becoming acclimatised to the new rule set I need to work with, though I stand by with my firm stance I take with offending players. I feel my experience has allowed me to identify and distinguish the genuinely troublemakers and those who have made an honest mistake. I'm willing to be patience, giving both sides the time to ensure they can sufficiently explain their side of the story before making a judgement, and I'm not afraid to seek a second opinion from my superiors where required.

In addition, I take great pride with how I dedicate myself to any staff team and server that I join, taking my time in constantly trying to find ways to improve the experience for the player. On that note, I will finish by saying I hope I can bring a new perspective to the team and be another happy face to grace the group and give my all, with the hope to put my own little stamp on things.
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