PAC Request Captain Steven [Alef-6 Commander]

Tagging threads containing character bios which request approval for in-game PAC designs relating to the description of the character.
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Steven [A-6 Commander}

Active member
Sep 12, 2023
In the serene heartland of America, a man named Steven called the countryside home. Born into a resilient farming community nestled amid the calm fields of Nebraska, his upbringing imprinted him with the values of hard work, an enduring connection to the land, and an unwavering attachment to his close-knit community. The sole son in his family, Steven's formative years were spent shoulder to shoulder with his parents, cultivating crops and tending to livestock. These early experiences cultivated in him the seeds of responsibility and resourcefulness, traits that would later shape his exceptional journey.

Yet, life took an unforeseen twist. During his teenage years, tragedy struck when his parents, visiting friends in New York City on that fateful September 11, 2001, met a devastating end. Driven by an unquenchable thirst for justice, Steven answered the call to enlist in the United States Navy. With unyielding determination, he embarked on the grueling path toward becoming a Navy SEAL. The crucible of SEAL training stretched his physical and mental boundaries to their limits, forging him into an elite, disciplined operator. His time as a SEAL introduced him to covert missions, high-stress combat scenarios, and a bond with his comrades that was unlike any other. His unwavering commitment and valor earned him a reputation as a dependable and effective warrior.

After multiple tours of duty, Steven stood at a crossroads. The years of service had exacted their toll, and he resolved to transition into civilian life. Little did he anticipate the twist of fate that lay in wait. Steven was approached by a recruiter from the SCP Foundation, a shadowy organization dedicated to the containment and scrutiny of anomalous artifacts, creatures, and phenomena. Recognizing the rare amalgamation of skills he possessed, the Foundation extended an offer for a role in their general security division at Site-65.

Stepping into the cryptic world where the extraordinary was the everyday norm, Steven brought his military pedigree to the fore in his newfound role. His SEAL training, discipline, and resourcefulness seamlessly wove into the tapestry of the Foundation's work. He emerged as the bulwark against the unknown, ensuring the containment and safeguarding of the cryptic anomalies housed within Site-65. Over time, he evolved into an indomitable pillar of the Site-65 security team, earning the trust of his peers and the admiration of the researchers who counted on him to impose order amidst the inscrutable.

As the years rolled by, Steven ascended through the ranks, ultimately achieving the distinguished title of Captain within the General Security Department. His dedication and unwavering commitment led him to command a sub-regiment known as Alef-6. In this capacity, he spent his shifts fending off intruders, overseeing Gensec operations, providing unwavering support to the researchers, and standing as the stalwart guardian of D-block. When unforeseen challenges surfaced, he remained poised to respond to surface-level crises, offering his invaluable expertise when extra assistance was required.

Incident report#17-452-G23X:
Date: October 7th [Redacted],

A grave security breach occurred as a hostile UNGOC squad infiltrated the Facility, launching a deadly assault against Foundation personnel. Particularly alarming was the presence of an UNGOC operative clad in a highly advanced suit of armor, which initially appeared impervious to penetration.

Amidst the chaos and with Gensec forces diligently combatting the intruders, Captain Steven exhibited extraordinary skill and resolve. Through his remarkable actions, he successfully disabled the seemingly impenetrable armor, terminated the hostile intruder, and safely extracted the advanced suit from the deceased intruder.

The situation was subsequently brought under control, and the incident remains under active investigation. The captured armor, now securely contained, is of significant interest for in-depth analysis. Captain Steven's quick thinking and courageous actions were pivotal in thwarting a critical security breach, ensuring the safety of our facility and personnel. Further comprehensive debriefing and analysis are forthcoming as we continue to uphold the highest standards of security.

Security Enhancement Protocol for Captain Steven

Authorized by: Site Administration


In response to the ongoing threats posed by intruders, including the recent incident with the UNGOC operative in advanced armor, and with the consent of Site Administration, it has been decided to equip Captain Steven with an enhanced set of armor. This initiative aims to bolster Captain Steven's safety while striking a formidable presence that may deter potential infiltrators.

Armor Modifications:

Advanced Protective Layers: The new armor incorporates cutting-edge protective layers, designed to resist various forms of damage, including ballistic, energy, and anomalous threats. This enhancement ensures Captain Steven's resilience during confrontations.

Improved Mobility: While enhancing protection, the suit maintains flexibility and agility. Captain Steven's mobility is preserved, allowing him to navigate the facility and respond rapidly to security breaches.

Paint Application: Armor has been repainted to resemble Gensec colors, as well as a Alef-6 tag on the left part of the chest piece.

Height Augmentation:

To further bolster Captain Steven's commanding presence, a height augmentation has been achieved through ethically responsible means. This adjustment will not only grant Captain Steven a more imposing stature but will also help in establishing an authoritative and deterrent aura.

It's important to note that all modifications and augmentations have been conducted with Captain Steven's informed consent and are meant to optimize his performance in safeguarding the facility. We remain committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards while ensuring the safety and security of Site-65 and its personnel.

Security Protocol Document.
Security Enhancement Height Augmentation Procedure Report:
Short Clip of Procedure:


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stee ven

Well-known Member
Aug 12, 2022
Character Denied

Hello @G00FY

Your Character Bio has been denied on the 10/17/2023 for the following reasons: This is just a recolored Orange Suit model, with no real identifiers of being security, or SCP Foundation at all aside from the A-6 text.

Reviewed by Stee Ven, Artemis, Transient, Rackarain

You may amend your lore and request a review again by contacting a Server Leadership Member.

Kind regards,
Stee Ven​
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